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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ E ] / Enough about me

Enough about me tradutor Francês

686 parallel translation
You know enough about me to know that I can't stand losing.
Tu sais que je déteste perdre.
She knows enough about me already. Too much, in fact.
Elle en sait assez sur moi.
Now you know enough about me to have me arrested and tortured and hanged, thrown in the lion pit.
- Maintenant, vous en savez assez pour me faire arrêter, torturer, pendre et jeter aux lions.
- Well, enough about me.
Mais assez parlé de moi.
But, sirs haven't we spoken enough about me?
Mais, messieurs n'avons-nous pas assez parlé de moi?
Enough about me.
Assez parlé de moi.
The only thing I know is that after tonight she ain't gonna be able to think enough about me.
Après ce soir, en tout cas, elle pensera beaucoup à moi.
Hey, the case is muddy enough without me worrying about the old woman's hallucinations
- L'affaire est assez embrouillée comme ça sans qu'en plus, je m'occupe des hallucinations de la vieille.
I'm nervous enough about Sue.
Je me fais assez de souci pour Sue.
I could have made good here. If there'd been one soul in this whole... If there'd been one soul in this town that was big enough to say a decent word about me.
J'aurais pu réussir, ici, s'il y avait eu un seul être... s'il y avait eu un seul être assez bon pour dire un mot gentil sur moi.
Say, there ain't enough dough in all Asia to make me change the way I feel about one guy.
Tout le fric de l'Asie me fera pas changer mes sentiments.
Well, I don't know what it's all about, but if that's the way you feel, it's good enough for me.
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi, mais si c'est ce que tu veux, ça me va.
Enough about that creep.
Tais-toi. Ça me dégoûte. C'est un dégueulasse.
Just about enough room for me and a flint gun.
Il y a juste assez de place pour moi et ma malle.
Don't worry about me. I'm old enough to be your father. They're not what they used to be.
N'ayez pas peur de moi, je pourrais être votre père...
Oh, just enough to get about.
- Je me débrouille.
One of these days I'm gonna have enough dough to... Forget it. I know how you guys feel about me.
Un jour, j'aurai l'oseille pour... je sais, vous me méprisez.
Papa told me something about it before we came. But I see he didn't say half enough.
Papa m'en avait parlé Mais il ne m'a pas tout dit
Look here, you've made trouble enough around here without getting insulting about it!
Écoutez, vieille crécelle, vous avez causé assez d'ennuis ici... - Ne me menacez pas!
If you've heard some little things about me, I guess you're a woman of the world enough to overlook them.
Si tu as entendu de petites choses sur moi... je suppose que tu as assez d'expérience pour les ignorer.
This thing's gone just about far enough, and ten feet further.
II me semble que cette affaire est aIIèe dèjà trop loin.
I want to know everything about you two, know what's left for me. If there's enough to live on.
Je veux tout savoir de vous deux, savoir ce qui me reste et si vous me laissez de quoi vivre.
I have enough to think about without trying to figure out where you are and what you're doing?
Je suis bien assez occupé sans devoir me demander où tu es et ce que tu fais!
I found out enough about your Captain to make me want to find out a little more.
J'en ai découvert assez sur votre capitaine pour me donner l'envie d'en savoir plus.
I don't know much about infants... but little Robert boy here looks clean enough for me.
Je n'y connais pas grand-chose. Il a l'air propre... On aurait dû demander à sa mère.
You see, he thinks he's gonna blacklist me too, but I know enough about Mr. Janoth to make him change his mind about both of us.
Il croit que moi aussi, il va me mettre à l'index. Mais j'en sais assez sur M. Janoth... pour le faire changer d'avis sur nous deux.
You sold me about the wrong side of the tracks and me not being good enough. You remember?
S'agit-il de la comtesse ou des petits chiens?
- Enough about my mother.
Qu'on ne me parle pas de ma mère!
What I saw there was enough to crack my head open, but I stopped thinking about it.
Je me serais tiré une balle si je n'avais pas laissé ca de côté.
It tells me that though you might do a stupid or thoughtless thing, you could never be mean enough to snitch about as important a thing as my secret weapon, if you first crossed your heart and took a Boy Scout's oath not to.
Vous pourriez faire une chose idiote ou irréfléchie, mais n'auriez pas la méchanceté de parler de mon arme secréte, si vous m'aviez juré de ne pas le faire.
If you talk about it enough, you do forget, so they tell me.
Plus tu en parles, plus tu oublies, paraît-il.
What I've heard about El Libre is good enough for me.
On a entendu parler d "'El Libre ".
Enough speaking about me.
Ca suffit de parler de moi.
You know me well enough now to tell me about your scars?
Me direz-vous enfin l'histoire de vos cicatrices?
Joe Wilson, my able assistant, knows enough about a certain experiment to carry on without me for awhile.
Joe Wilson, mon assistant, en connaît assez pour continuer sans moi quelques temps.
But don't worry about it. Just having the two of you is enough for me.
Ne t'inquiète pas, vous avoir ici me suffit.
I've had enough. let me go, master what are you talking about?
J'ai assez bu! Laissez-moi, maître. De quoi tu parles?
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
I was wondering if you'd be good enough to read and give me any ideas you have about it.
Pourriez-vous le lire et me donner votre opinion?
And if it's something I don't like you'll know about it soon enough.
Si ça me déplaît, vous le saurez vite.
Mother feels bad enough about us as it is.
Déjà maman qu'était en larmes pour me bénir. Ce n'est pas bien.
I'm sorry, I forgot about him! This gentleman Was kind enough to bring me here from the station...
Ce monsieur a eu la gentillesse de m'accompagner de la gare jusqu'ici.
You've heard me talk about him enough.
Tu m'as souvent entendu parler de lui.
You didn't care about me, but you were happy enough to take her money and buy the protection of Martinez...
Malgré tes scrupules, les sous, tu les as eus. Tu as acheté Martinez! Le secrétaire qui te passe la main dans le dos!
Mais je connaissais l'étendue de mon imagination.
Luckily enough the young lady came out to ask me about Hamlet.
Heureusement, la jeune femme est entrée pour me questionner sur Hamlet.
But enough talk about me, it's depressing.
Mais ne parlons plus de moi. C'est un sujet qui me déprime.
Don't worry about it. Just reckon I'm crazy enough to get a kick out of it.
Vous en faites pas, ça me changera un peu.
- It seems harmless enough to me. Something about somebody not meeting him.
Un rendez-vous annulé.
She was just about to say something when her father appeared between us and made it very clear that I wasn't good enough for her.
Son père me fait comprendre que je ne suis pas assez bien pour elle.
He loved me too much to leave the country without me... and he couldn't be sure enough of me to tell me about his plan.
Il m'aimait trop pour partir seul, et, pas assez sûr de moi, il n'a pas osé me confier son projet.

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