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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / He'll come

He'll come tradutor Francês

2,902 parallel translation
I know you and Eguchi are tight I know he'll come tonight
Je sais que tu as de bonnes relations avec Eguchi et qu'il va venir ce soir.
He said, he'll come back as a ghost to haunt you
Il a dit qu'il viendrait te chercher en prison.
He'll come to Idaho, he'll come to Illinois, he'll come to even North Dakota.
Il se produit dans l'Idaho, l'Illinois, même le Dakota du Nord.
- He'll come to Idaho.
- Il viendrait dans l'Idaho?
He told us to come. He'll be here soon.
Il nous a dit de venir.
He'll guarantee it didn't come from the white house, Or from me.
Il peut garantir que ça ne vient pas de la Maison Blanche ou de moi.
I have faith he'll come through.
J'ai confiance qu'il s'en sortira.
I have faith he'll come through.
Je suis persuadée qu'il va réussir.
He'll come around.
Ça viendra.
You hit the blue button, you can reach him. - He'll come back to you.
Appuyez sur le bouton bleu pour le contacter, il vous répondra.
Soon he'll come for you.
Tu seras le prochain.
But he'll come get you In about an hour or so for your fight.
Il viendra te chercher dans 1 heure pour ton combat.
Yeah, well, I'll tell you one thing. When I go over there next time, he better get up off his ass and come over and shake my hand.
Ouais, mais la prochaine fois, il lèvera son cul pour me serrer la main.
We don't know if he was escaping, whether he will effect a rescue plan... and as the so-called free press says... whether or not he'll come back and declare war on us.
On ignore s'il s'est juste échappé, s'il procèdera à un plan de sauvetage, ou s'il reviendra nous déclarer la guerre, comme l'affirme la presse indépendante.
Can he come with me? - I'll be fine.
- Il peut venir avec moi?
When I've passed the test, he'll come for me and he'll present me to Italy as his lawful wife.
Quand j'aurai surmonté cette épreuve, il m'appellera et il me présentera à l'Italie comme son épouse légitime.
Do you think he'll ever come back?
Vous croyez qu'il reviendra?
He'll come.
Il va venir.
He'll come.
Il viendra.
He'll come back.
Il reviendra.
He'll come back, won't he?
Il reviendra, hein?
I mean, your grandpa knows we're out here. He'll come looking sooner or later.
Je veux dire, ton grand-père sait que nous somme dans le coin, il viendra voir, tôt ou tard.
Okay, you know, i'll tell you what. I'll call the chef, see if he can come by here, Prepare dinner for us in this kitchen.
Bon, alors, j'appelle le chef et je vois s'il peut venir nous faire à dîner dans cette cuisine.
- What? He said he'll come.
Il dit qu'il viendra
If he is going to come, then we'll have to make a lot of arrangements.
Si il vient, nous devons organiser tout un tas de choses
Give him the phone. He'll come. I got it.
J'appellerais la police, j'ai ton numéro
He'll come later with the new prisoner.
Il viendra plus tard avec le nouveau prisonnier.
Come on, man. If he knows any better, he'll drink it, dude. Come on.
Il est pas con, il va le boire.
Knock fuck out of him, he'll come up smiling just to spite you.
Même si tu l'emmerdes, il te regardera en souriant.
Maybe if they don't get a divorce, he'll come live with us.
Peut-être que s'ils ne divorcent pas, il viendra vivre avec nous.
Oh, yeah, he'll... let me buy him some sneakers or take him to see the Knicks, but he won't come to me when he has problems.
Bien sûr, il... me laissera lui acheter des baskets, ou l'amener voir les Knicks, mais il ne viendra pas me voir en cas de problème.
He'll come open your door.
Il viendra ouvrir ta porte.
Maybe he'll come back around.
Il va peut-être y retourner.
I guess he's afraid it'll make the end come sooner.
Je suppose qu'il a peur que ça fasse venir la fin plus tôt.
If he loves you, he'll come back.
S'il t'aime, il reviendra.
I'm sure he'll come back eventually.
Je suis sûr qu'il va finir par revenir.
He's a fiscal conservative so, he'll come off as being pro-corporate.
C'est un conservateur, alors il passera pour un corporatiste.
He'll come back... Eventually.
Il finira par revenir.
He and Hood are together now, and with all that stuff locked up in your courtyard, just waiting to be stolen, how long do you think it'll take before they come in the same way I did?
Lui and Hood sont ensemble maintenant, et avec toutes ces choses enfermés dans ta cour, qui attendent juste à être volés, combien de temps pense tu que se sera volé avant qu'ils viennent par le chemin que j'ai pris.
He'll come back.
- Fais-toi-z-en pas, il va revenir...
But when he needs them, he knows they'll come running and that makes him feel safe.
Mais quand il en aura besoin, ils seront là.
He'll have to come through eventually.
Il va falloir passer par suite.
Come back and he'll be free,
Rentre et il est libre.
then he'll give it up one day and come back..
.. un jour, il abandonnerait et reviendrait.
He'll definitely come to rescue you.
- Il viendra à votre secours.
He'll come to you.
- Il viendra vers vous.
Think he'll come?
Il va venir?
I figure this is where he'll show when he decides to come back... if he decides to.
Je pense que c'est là qu'il viendra, Quand il décidera de revenir... S'il le décide.
And tonight he'll probably come back again from death.
Une créature de la nuit, et ce soir, il va sans doute revenir d'entre les morts.
He'll come around.
Il reviendra.
He'll come around.
Il ne changera pas d'avis.

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