He's got me tradutor Francês
2,379 parallel translation
He's got some business venture he wants to talk to me about.
Il veut me parler d'une entreprise.
That's why he's got me.
C'est pour ça que je suis là.
Well, you think he's got some special interest in me?
Eh bien, vous pensez qu'il a un intérêt spécial pour moi?
He got mad, he took a couple of swings at me.
Il s'est énervé et m'a collé deux pains.
But Justin just got moved next to me in Mrs.Haddock's class, and he's my friend.
Mais Justin vient de se mettre près de moi dans la classe de Mme Haddock, et c'est mon ami.
Espinoza has got my back on the Landsman bill, and he's bringing Johnson and Lyle and Marshall.
Espinoza peut me bloquer sur la loi Landsman et il doit venir avec Johnson, Lyle et Marshall.
He's got so much energy, he wears me out sometimes.
Il a tellement d'énergie, il m'épuise parfois.
And it's not me, and it's not him,'cause he just got here.
Et ce n'est pas moi et ni lui, il vient d'arriver.
Look, just listen, I've got no ID, so I need you to vouch for me, he's only on minor charges so I can stand bail.
J'ai pas mes papiers, il faudrait que tu te portes garant. Les charges ne sont pas lourdes, je peux le faire sortir si tu les appelles et leur faxes un WC242A.
He's the director. Come on. Let me see what you got.
- Voici Jack Lindsey, le réalisateur.
Although cooking would come in handy. The pizza delivery guy is starting to make comments, like he's got a life.
Quoique ça me serait utile, le livreur de pizza commence à se moquer, comme s'il avait une vie, lui!
He can now hear me because he's got little ears.
maintenant, il peut m'entendre, vu qu'il a de petites oreilles.
Private! And he got right in my face, and he's screaming at me with a camera.
Il m'a collé avec son caméscope en me criant dessus.
But, anyway, it got to where we weren't even hardly talking, and he asked me out on a date.
On ne s'adressait presque plus la parole. Il m'a invitée à dîner en tête-à-tête.
Brian, Kirk Cameron is the one who converted me but unfortunately he's not available. So, I got his younger brother from "Growing Pains"
Kirk Cameron est celui qui m'a convertie, mais malheureusement, il n'est pas disponible, donc j'ai eu son jeune frère de "Quoi de neuf, docteur?".
He's all I got,'cause I'm a young street tough, And my parents ain't so good to me.
Il est tout ce que j'ai, car je vis dans la rue, mes parents sont pas cool avec moi.
I got more decorations than any of my brothers and this was the point like where I said, "Yeah, he's gonna notice me now", but he still didn't give a shit.
J'ai plus de décorations que mes frères et c'est à ce moment que je me suis dit : "Oui, il va me remarquer maintenant", mais il s'en foutait toujours.
- Yes! And she's got roommates and they're artists. And he wants me to come over there and meet them.
Elle a des colocataires, des artistes, et il voudrait que je les rencontre.
I just got an earful from suck-me-off in there and he's threatening to get a lawyer.
Je viens de me prendre une soufflante du suceur et il menace d'engager un avocat.
Then he's got the nerve to tell me he and I are two sides of the same coin?
Et il a le culot de me dire que lui et moi, on est les 2 revers de la même médaille?
Apart from the fact that Richard has spent a vast amount of money which we haven't got and refuses to tell me what he's spent it on.
Mis à part le fait que Richard a dépensé une grosse somme d'argent qu'on n'avait pas et qu'il refuse de me dire à quoi il l'a dépensé.
You know, the thing is, before he got lost, it's like a small part of me was wishing i had never gotten him, but then when he was gone, all i could think about was, please be okay. Oh.
Le truc, c'est qu'avant de le perdre, je souhaitais ne jamais l'avoir eu, mais quand il a disparu, je pensais "S'il te plaît, soit en vie."
So i sent a pound of sumatra dark and a note and got a note back from captain Randy Holt saying thank you, and so i, just to be polite, e-Mailed back, "you're welcome," and then he e-Mailed me back, "what's up?"
J'ai reçu un "Merci" du Capitaine Randy Holt, et donc, pour être polie, je lui ai répondu "de rien", et il m'a répondu "quoi de neuf?"
Listen to me. Ted hit on the secret shopper and he got fired.
Ted a dragué la cliente mystère et il s'est fait virer.
And he got up and came over to me and asked me if I was a student.
Et il s'est levé et s'est approché de moi et il m'a demandé si j'étais étudiante.
He said that he was waiting for my uncle's arrival, and that I was going to be held for ransom until he got the information that he needed from my uncle.
Il a dit qu'il attendait l'arrivée de mon oncle, et qu'ils allaient me mettre à rançon, jusqu'à ce qu'ils obtiennent l'info qu'il voulait de mon oncle.
He got off my body leaving me cold and in a shiver.
Il s'est relevé, je grelottais de froid.
But he couldn't see me, and now he's got someone else.
Mais il ne pouvait pas me voir, et maintenant il a quelqu'un d'autre.
His office called. I guess he's, you know, he's got a proposition for me.
Je suppose qu'il a une offre à me faire.
I think he got his first inkling when I fell asleep in his waiting room this morning.
Il s'est dit ça quand je me suis endormi dans la salle d'attente.
Ah, just strikes me he's got a bit of an investment in keeping you like this.
Je me dis qu'il passe beaucoup de temps
It's clear Mike Turner was harassing tenants, but you've got to show me proof he's responsible for Sean's death.
Il est clair que Mike Turner harcelait les locataires pour les faire partir,
I can't stand the guy. He's always got some crazy nickname for me, like boysen-Gary-pie or the Garinator.
Il me donne toujours des surnoms idiots comme Garsenic ou Garinator.
If this man can help prove your innocence, you've got to tell me where he is.
S'il peut prouver ton innocence, tu dois me dire où il est.
You r mom tells me you got into a fight last week. And the kid you fought with, Jerry Flood, he made fun of you in front of your friends, so you threw a rock at him.
Ta mère m'a dit que tu t'étais battu la semaine dernière et que le garçon avec qui tu t'es battu, Jerry Flood, s'est moqué de toi devant tes amis, alors tu lui as lancé une roche.
Yeah, he got drunk and asked me to sell him on the black market.
Oui, il s'est bourré et m'as demandé de le vendre au marché noir
Well, he took offense, got pissy, wouldn't talk to me for a good hour, but he loosened up on the hayride.
Il s'est vexé, s'est foutu en rogne et m'a boudé pendant une heure, mais il s'est décoincé pendant le tour de calèche.
- But he's got nothing on me. Hmm. - Huh?
Je n'ai rien à lui envier.
Now, get me my lawyer,'cause that chucker-loving punk with a badge assaulted me, and he's got to pay.
Trouvez-moi un avocat, car ce baiseur de singe avec un badge qui m'a agressé va devoir payer.
He's got to give me notice.
Il doit me donner un préavis.
He's got to help me.
Il doit m'aider.
Yeah, it's just - it's been nagging at me, but, um, did, um, did rick say how he got into our apartment?
- C'est juste que ça me turlupine... Est-ce que... Rick a dit comment il est entré?
Now that you mention it, it was in some myth somewhere. There was a hero, who got too close to the sun, and his wings, made of hardened wax, were torn off, and he was thrust down to earth.
Ça me rappelle cette légende à propos d'un héros qui s'approcha trop du soleil et qui s'écrasa car ses ailes de cire avaient fondu.
I mean, he's sweet, bit weird. He's got a thing about me.
Il est gentil, un peu étrange.
Jury is out on together, but he's got my back.
Je ne sais pas trop si on est ensemble, mais il me protège.
Figure if he wins, I got a new car.
Je me suis dit s'il gagne, je m'achète une voiture.
He calls me up out of the blue. Haven't talked to him in years. - He's got something important to talk about.
{ \ pos ( 192,235 ) } Il m'appelle après toutes ces années et il a un truc important à me dire.
So he handed me a knifeoff the cutting table, and he got all up in my faceand he dared me to do it.
Alors il m'a tendu un couteau, et il s'est planté devant moi en me défiant de le faire.
Perhaps you could advise me on the correct way to ask a husband if he is offering his wife in exchange for patronage or if I have got the wrong end of the stick.
Peut-être pourrais-tu me conseiller sur la meilleure façon de demander à un mari s'il offre sa femme en échange de son mécénat ou si je me suis mépris. Johnny, Ruskin ne veut pas que tu le reconnaisses ouvertement.
I think he got too close, and I think it got him killed and me shot.
Il a dû s'approcher de trop près et on nous a tiré dessus.
What's really got me intrigued is the notion that he's returned to Miami.
Ce qui m'intrigue le plus c'est l'idée qu'il soit revenu à Miami.
he's got a gun 260
he's got a point 133
he's got 182
he's got a girlfriend 23
he's got the money 17
he's got a knife 47
he's got cancer 17
he's got a job 17
he's got a pulse 20
he's got to go 28
he's got a point 133
he's got 182
he's got a girlfriend 23
he's got the money 17
he's got a knife 47
he's got cancer 17
he's got a job 17
he's got a pulse 20
he's got to go 28