He wasn't home tradutor Francês
279 parallel translation
Well, it ain't my place to say it, Miss Jerry, but if I had a boss that was so hard-boiled he wasn't satisfied with my working all day at the office without slaving home at night, I'd tell him to go to...
Ce n'est pas à moi de le dire, MIle Jerry, mais si mon patron était si dur qu'en plus de mon travail au bureau toute la journée il me mettait au chagrin le soir, je lui dirais d'aller...
He wasn't home.
Il n'était pas là.
What? Ayear after your mother married, he came back from australia. Honoré wasn't home.
Pour quoi? Un an après le mariage de ta mère, il est revenu d'Australie.
Say, yesterday I went to Mr. Furusawa's place to bid in the auction, but I was told he wasn't at home.
Au fait, hier... je suis allé au club des Arts pour la vente Furusawa, mais on m'a dit que notre ami avait disparu...
Well, he wasn't home when I left, sir.
Eh bien, il n'était pas là quand je suis parti, monsieur.
- Wasn't he home?
- Il n'était pas là?
It wasn't fun knowing it but I got by because he always came home.
Ce n'était pas drôle de le savoir... mais je m'en accommodais car il rentrait toujours.
He wasn't home but past 3 : 00 this morning. I heard him creeping up the stairs.
Il n'est pas rentré avant 3 h. Je l'ai entendu monter sur la pointe des pieds.
Of course, he wasn't at home when we paid him a visit.
Il n'était pas chez lui quand on lui a rendu visite.
One morning... certain he wasn't at home... on the pretext of housekeeping, I went up to his room.
Un matin, sûre qu'il n'était pas là, avec le prétexte du ménage, je montai dans sa chambre.
Alright, he wasn't at home..
D'accord, il n'était pas chez lui.
Then father strayed and left home But he came back lt wasn't because of me
Mon père a eu une aventure, il a quitté la maison.
Why wasn't he sent home?
Pourquoi le garder ici?
Why would he, if I wasn't home? What did he visit you for?
Mais pourquoi venait-il dans l'immeuble, sachant que je n'y étais pas?
When he wasn't in Washington, this was sort of his home.
Quand il n'était pas à Washington, cet endroit était son foyer.
Darrin made arrangements with the neighbours to drive me to the hospital in case he wasn't home.
Jean-Pierre a demandé aux voisins de me conduire à l'hôpital au cas où il ne soit pas là.
He wasn't even home last night.
Il n'est pas rentré cette nuit.
He wasn't at home or at rehearsal at the theater.
Il n'était ni á la maison ni á la répétition au théâtre.
After a few minutes he came to his senses, realized shrewdly that he wasn't dead after all, and after only a few too many brandies lurched off home.
Il est revenu à lui en quelques minutes, a réalisé qu'après tout, il n'était pas mort, et après quelques cognac, est rentré chez lui en titubant.
- He wasn't home.
- ll était absent.
He wasn't at home anywhere.
Cet homme, il ne se trouvait bien nulle part.
If he wasn't at home, where would he put up?
S'il n'était pas chez lui, il serait où?
He was walkin'home from school and he wasn't bothering'nobody.
Il rentrait de l'école, il emmerdait personne.
No, he wasn't at home when the mail arrived.
II n'était pas là quand c'est arrivé.
Like, "Mr. Daley wasn't at home last night. " He wasn't there this morning.
Comme : " M. Daley n'était pas chez lui hier soir ni ce matin.
He'll understand why his auntie wasn't at the wedding. He went home all alone, like a dog...
Il comprendra que sa tatie, le jour de son mariage, elle est partie, elle est rentrée à la maison toute seule, comme un chien...
Well, he was walking you home, Wasn't he?
Il vous racompagné à la maison, n'est-ce pas?
Then I went over to my brother's house to swim...'cause he lives nearby in the country and he has a pool. And he wasn't home.
Et je suis allé me baigner chez mon frère à la campagne.
When he came home,... well, I could see he wasn't the same.
Quand il est rentré, j'ai vu qu'il n'était pas le même.
He wasn't home this morning, hasn't reported to the office.
Il était absent au travail, ce matin.
HE Wasn't home.
Il n'était pas chez lui.
He wasn't feeling too well, so he had to go home.
Il ne se sentait pas bien, il est rentré.
This time when he came home late at night, She wasn't worried about him, or jealous. She was just enraged.
Quand il rentrait tard, le soir, elle n'était pas inquiète, ni jalouse, elle était enragée.
He wasn't home.
Il n'était pas chez lui.
He wasn't at home.
II etait absent.
He wasn't at the barbershop, so we picked him up at his home.
On a dû passer le prendre chez lui.
He said he wasn't coming home.
Il a dit qu'il ne rentrerait pas.
No, it was not the dick-face kid. He wasn't home.
Le morveux n'était pas chez lui.
He wasn't even home.
Il n'était même pas à la maison.
They talked originally of him working at home... which he wasn't happy with.
À l'origine, on lui avait proposé de travailler chez lui. Mais l'idée ne l'emballait pas.
It wasn't any good when he came home... and it wouldn't be any good now.
Ce n'était pas bon lorsqu'il est revenu à la maison... et ce ne serait pas bon maintenant.
But it wasn't the Trans Am. See, he took me home in a Trans Am.
Mais ce n'ètait pas la Trans Am avec laquelle il m'a ramenée à la maison.
I came from Santa Barbara, and my friend wasn't home... ... and he owes me money...
J'arrive de Santa Barbara, mon copain n'est pas chez lui... et il me doit de l'argent.
- Well, he wasn't sitting at home.
- Il était pas chez lui.
Roger Podacter went out after work, had a few drinks, then came home. He wasn't alone. Someone else was with him.
Podacter a bu un verre avant de rentrer... mais quelqu'un l'a accompagné dans l'appartement.
- What did he say? He said nothing. He wasn't home.
Rien, j'ai eu sa boîte vocale.
Now, Jack didn't admit anything but he did say the Home Guard wasn't behind President Santiago's assassination.
Jack n'a rien admis du tout... sauf que le Home Guard n'était pas derrière le meurtre de Santiago. Et si c'était le Corps Psi?
First Rudy drove us to this guy that Sal wanted to borrow money from. He wasn't home. Then Rudy drove home and I drove.
Au départ, Rudy nous a conduit chez un pote à Sal... mais il était absent.
He wasn't at home, but they think maybe they got her.
Il était absent, mais ils croient l'avoir eue.
Harvard wasn't good enough for him, so he came home to make his fortune as a...
Harvard ne lui a pas convenu, aussi est-il revenu chercher fortune...
Doug told me that he wasn't home when you fell.
Doug m'a dit qu'il n'était pas chez lui quand vous êtes tombé.
he wasn't 318
he wasn't there 132
he wasn't lying 30
he wasn't here 18
he wasn't alone 17
home 1821
homer 1748
homes 211
homeland 50
homework 149
he wasn't there 132
he wasn't lying 30
he wasn't here 18
he wasn't alone 17
home 1821
homer 1748
homes 211
homeland 50
homework 149
homey 175
homecoming 21
homemade 43
homeless 99
homesick 24
homeboy 89
homer simpson 114
home sweet home 121
home invasion 31
home mom 34
homecoming 21
homemade 43
homeless 99
homesick 24
homeboy 89
homer simpson 114
home sweet home 121
home invasion 31
home mom 34