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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / How is this happening

How is this happening tradutor Francês

102 parallel translation
How is this happening?
Comment ça se fait?
How is this happening?
Comment est-ce possible?
How is this happening to me?
Comment est-ce possible?
- How is this happening?
Comment ça se fait que ça m'arrive?
How is this happening?
Comment est-ce que ça arrive?
How is this happening?
Comment est-ce arrivé?
How is this happening so far from the ocean?
Comment c'est possible si loin de l'océan?
I don't understand. How is this happening?
Je ne comprends pas comment c'est possible.
How is this happening? Where's my daughter?
Comment cela peut-il arriver?
And how is this happening to me today?
Il faut que ce soit aujourd'hui?
How is this happening?
Comment cela a-t-il pu arriver?
How is this happening?
Comment ça se passe?
How is this happening?
- Comment ça se peut?
Wait. How is this happening? Can we talk about this for a minute?
Vous ne croyez pas qu'on devrait parler de ce qui se passe?
How is this happening, Doc?
Comment c'est arrivé, doc?
- Sorry, are you- - - how is this happening?
- Désolé... - Comment ça marche?
How is this happening?
Comment c'est arrivé?
I do need to learn how to control whatever this thing that's happening to me is.
Je dois apprendre à contrôler cette chose qui m'arrive.
How can all this be happening... and nobody is doing anything about it?
Comment cela pouvait-il arriver... sans que personne n'intervienne?
I don't believe how this stuff is always happening to me.
Je n'ai jamais de chance dans la vie.
This is not how I imagined this conversation happening.
C'est nul. C'est pas comme ça que j'envisageais cette conversation.
I don't believe how this stuff is always happening to me. Yeah, sit there feeling sorry for yourself.
- Peut-être que... ce flic a tenté d'obtenir de l'argent... de me faire chanter.
We're not suggesting otherwise. We're only trying to find out how this is happening.
Nous essayons juste de comprendre comment cela peut arriver.
How is it that you know everything that's happening in this place?
Comment tu sais tout ce qui se passe ici?
This is how I see it all happening, Michael.
Voilà comment ça va se passer.
I don't know how this is happening, but it's me, Little Chief.
J'ignore comment c'est arrivé, mais je suis le petit chef.
How is everything going for you with all this social change happening down here?
Comment vont les choses pour toi avec tout les changements qui surviennent?
I don't know how this is happening again.
Je ne sais pas comment tout cela peut recommencer
How come this kinda thing is always happening'to us?
Pourquoi ça tombe toujours sur nous?
And this is how we do when it's happening
Et c'est ce que nous faisions quand ça s'est passé
So listen, I was thinking about everything and how great this is, but it's all happening so fast, and I was afraid that maybe you thought it was happening too fast.
Écoute, je pensais à toute cette histoire et à combien c'est génial, mais tout arrive si vite, et j'ai peur que tu penses que c'est trop vite.
The purpose of this meeting is not to assign blame, but to arrive at a better understanding of how this happened and conversely to avoid something like this ever happening again.
Le but de cette réunion n'est pas d'attribuer de faute, mais de parvenir à une meilleure compréhension de ce qui s'est passé et ainsi d'empêcher une telle chose de se reproduire.
I don't understand how this is happening to me.
je ne comprends pas comment ça m'arrive.
If this is happening all over town, how come we haven't heard it sooner?
Si ça se produit dans toute la ville, pourquoi on n'a pas entendu ça avant?
How is all this happening?
Comment est-ce possible?
I mean, how long is this gonna keep happening?
Combien de temps vais-je le subir?
How is this happening?
- Comment est-ce arrivé?
I don't understand how this is happening.
Je n'y comprends rien.
How is this... all happening again?
Comment ça peut se produire une nouvelle fois?
We've got to figure out how this is happening again so we can stop it.
Pourquoi ça recommence?
- How soon is this happening?
- Ça se fera quand?
This is not how this is happening! You never should've invited him to stay here.
T'aurais pas dû lui dire de rester.
How is this happening?
Comment c'est possible?
How great is this place, after 10 years you can still cruise it and know something's happening here?
Comment cet endroit est génial, après 10 ans, vous continuez à l'utiliser et vous savez ce qui s'est passé ici?
How is this even happening right now?
- Comment ça peut arriver maintenant?
I examined her. As far as I can tell, she's not in immediate jeopardy. But we need to find out how this is happening.
Je l'ai examinée aussi loin que je peux le dire, elle n'est pas en danger immédiat mais nous avons besoin de découvrir comment cela est arrivé.
I don't understand how this is happening.
Je ne comprends pas comment c'est arrivé.
If this concept of shared losses is what's connecting the unsub and the victims. How and where is it happening?
Si ce concept de pertes partagées relie le suspect et les victimes, comment et où se rencontrent-ils?
I don't know how this is happening, but...
Je ne sais pas comment ceci est arrivé mais...
How did I reach this point where I no longer see what is happening around me?
Comment en suis-je arrivé à ne plus voir ce qui m'entoure?
I can't believe how often this is happening.
J'en reviens pas que ce soit si fréquent.

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