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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ H ] / How is this possible

How is this possible tradutor Francês

398 parallel translation
How is this possible?
Comment est-ce possible?
If you stay here, how is this possible?
Si vous restez ici, comment sera-ce possible?
The only question then was, "How is this possible?"
La seule question est : comment est-ce possible?
How is this possible?
Comment est-ce possible, messieurs?
- How is this possible?
- Comment est-ce possible!
How is this possible when I had your word Charlie Watts was on Lunar One?
Comment est-ce possible? Vous m'aviez assuré que Watts était sur Lunar One?
But how is this possible?
Mais comment est-ce possible?
Well, how is this possible?
Comment est-ce possible?
How is this possible?
Non, ce n'est pas possible...
So, how is this possible, unless somehow we go back in time?
Alors, c'est impossible... Sauf si on retourne dans le passé.
How is this possible, Doctor?
Comment est-ce possible, Docteur?
How is this possible?
But how is this possible?
Mais comment c'est possible?
But... How is this possible?
Comment ont-ils pu faire?
- How is this possible?
- Comment est-ce possible?
How is this possible? What should I do, Doctor?
Que dois-je faire, docteur?
What's going on here? How is this possible?
Comment est-ce possible?
- How is this possible?
- Comment cela est-il possible?
Then how is this possible?
Alors comment est-ce possible?
How is this possible?
C'est impossible.
How is it possible that this force X, is it is, that has pioneered through kilometers and kilometers of solid rock, will not cross this simple case of cement?
Comment cette force X, ou quoi que ce soit, qui a pu se frayer un chemin, a travers des kilomètres et des kilomètres de roches solides, ne passera pas aussi simplement que cela a travers une couche de ciment?
Hello, how are you? I must tell you that nothing of this is pleasing me,
Aussi bien que possible, mais il y a quelque chose que j'ai du mal à avaler, je me suis laissé berner parce que je croyais que vous étiez un type bien, mais les types bien ne finissent pas ici!
How is it possible for this thing to be impossible to un-trigger?
Comment est-ce possible qu'il soit impossible de la désamorcer?
Please, not a word of this, but I needn't tell you, Mrs. Millett how important it is for me to be near my king at the earliest possible moment.
Vous savez à quel point il est important que je sois auprès de mon roi au plus vite.
Master, how can I know if this is possible for me?
Maître, comment puis-je savoir si je suis capable de le faire?
I still feel strongly about this, and I keep asking myself... How is it possible, that while we live with (? ) our freedom we are conditioned beings?
J'en suis encore marquée, et je me demande... comment c'est possible, qu'on soit toujours... en vie... on est conditionnés, non?
How is it possible that this Charlie Watts is an exact lookalike?
Comment se peut-il que ce Charlie Watts soit mon parfait sosie?
Ok, is it possible that this way that don't know.. How many of us there are until we talk with them?
Bien, il est possible qu'ils ne sachent pas... combien nous sommes, jusqu'à ce que nous puissions parler avec eux
There's something about this that is so black, it's, like, how much more black could this be?
Il y a quelque chose de si noir là-dedans. Comment est-ce possible de faire plus noir?
How is it possible that you keep swallowing all this humiliation?
Comment c'est possible que tu n'as pas honte de cette humiliation?
How is it possible... that two of mine... do something as dishonorable as this?
Comment est-ce possible... que deux des miens... aient pu faire une chose aussi honteuse?
I know this is not the best moment possible, but you see that's how it is with business
Je sais, ce n'est peut-être pas le moment, mais les affaires...
Francesco Sanna, him again? How's possible that in this class there is two guys into politics and this idiot putting trash into your minds.
Francesco Sanna, dans ce cours vous êtes deux "politiques", c'est cet idiot qui doit vous intoxiquer.
It is not possible. How will you know about this site?
Impossible, ils ne sont pas au courant.
How is that possible if this proto-universe was just formed?
Dans un proto-univers en formation?
I always felt different, even before you told me I was adopted but how is it possible to do this?
Je me savais différent même avant de savoir que j'étais adopté. Mais comment ai-je pu faire ça?
I don't know how this is possible, but... it appears that his entire biochemistry is changing.
J'ignore comment, mais sa structure biochimique est en train de changer.
This is what her boyfriend looks like. How is that possible?
Comment est-ce possible?
Uh, wait a minute. I still don't understand how this is possible.
Je n'arrive toujours pas à comprendre comment c'est possible.
- If you and Joey can get across this romantic checkmate thing you've been in for GOD knows how many years... anything is possible!
Si toi et Joey avez dépassé... l'impasse romantique qui a plané si longtemps... - tout est possible.
I'm doing this because my marriage is in trouble... with a capital "T" which rhymes with pool, and I don't know how that could be.
Je fais ça parce que mon mariage a des problèmes... avec un P majuscule rimant avec tennis, et je sais pas comment c'est possible.
How is it possible that I did not know about this?
Pourquoi je n'en ai jamais rien su?
How is it that you didn't know that this fat fuck Gelman got eaten by an escalator?
Comment c'est possible que ce gros porc de Gelman Daddy se fasse bouffer par un escalator?
How is this even possible? These people just met.
- Dire qu'ils viennent de se rencontrer!
So how is it possible he could still be around after all this time?
Alors comment est-il possible qu'il soit toujours dans les environs après tout ce temps?
H - how is this possible?
Ce n'est pas possible?
But, how is this possible?
Mais comment m'arranger?
How can this be possible! - This is tyranny!
- C'est impossible!
This is about how do you make it as difficult as possible for the defendants... to get them to roll over or cop a plea.
Il s'agit de savoir rendre la chose si difficile pour les accusés... qu'ils seront vaincus ou négocieront une entente.
What is this thing growing inside of me, and how is it possible?
Quelle est cette chose qui pousse en moi, et comment est-ce possible?
How is it possible that this was kept a secret?
Comment est-ce resté top secret?

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