If we were tradutor Francês
6,343 parallel translation
If we were in a physical relationship, you just lost sex tonight.
Si nous étions dans une relation physique, le sexe viendrait de te passer sous le nez, ce soir.
If we were their property, they'd look after us.
Si on était leur propriété, ils prendraient soin de nous.
This would be a great honor if we were Sumerian.
Ce serait un grand honneur si nous étions sumériens.
What if we were to run the NeedWant together?
Et si on dirigeait la Maison Rose ensemble?
It wouldn't have mattered if we were willing to cut him a deal.
Ça n'aurait pas été un problème si nous avions voulu faire affaire avec lui.
And I do believe that if we were to take that step, that it will be incredible and special.
Et je pense clairement que si l'on avait à franchir le pas, ça serait incroyable et spécial.
Maybe... us being friends would go better if we were the kinds of friends that didn't constantly try and prove how great our new relationships are.
Peut être... que notre amitié marcherait mieux si on était le genre d'amis qui n'essayent pas de prouver constamment a quel point leurs nouvelles relations sont géniales.
What if we were more than friends?
Et si on était plus que des amis?
If we were smart, we would invest in a dry-cleaning business.
Si nous étions intelligents, Nous investirions dans un pressing.
Well... You know, just off the top of my head, what if we were to turn the dining room at Fancie's into the romantic backdrop of A.B.'s dreams?
Disons, comme ça, si on faisait du Fancie's le décor romantique des rêve d'AB?
Mr. Kade, what do you think would happen to your little service if we were to,
Mr. Kade, que croyez vous qu'il arriverait à votre petit commerce si par exemple nous faisions savoir à la presse que votre fond de bourses est lié à un meurtre, hein?
But if we were far away...
Mais si nous étions loin...
If we were in a alley and you came at me with a piece of paper and I had a rock, I would beat your ass!
Si on était dans une ruelle et que tu venais me voir avec une feuille et que j'avais une pierre, je te botterais le cul!
I asked you back then if anything had started before we were separated.
Je t'avais demandé si ça avait commencé avant notre séparation.
And when we come back, I would appreciate it if you were no longer living at my house.
Quand nous rentrerons, j'apprécierai que vous ne soyez plus chez moi.
If he were committed, we would get power of attorney.
S'il etait interne, nous obtiendrions la mise sous tutelle.
He told me once... w-we were fighting, and he told me that when we woke him to ask him if he wanted to live, he only said yes because he was looking at me...
Il me l'a dit une fois... On se disputait, et il m'a dit que quand on l'a réveillé pour lui demander si il voulait vivre, il a dit oui seulement parce qu'il me regardait...
Sir, I think it would help If we knew why we were doing these drills.
Tu devrais être effondrée, sale garce sans coeur.
If there were braces for your penis, we would not be in this situation.
Si les bagues étaient pour ton pénis, on serait pas dans cette situation.
Well, we were just wondering if you'd be interested in going on a picnic with us.
On se demandait si tu serais intéressé de faire un pique-nique avec nous.
And if you were fun, we'd be dead.
Et si vous étiez marrants, on serait mort.
If you guys were fun, we'd be dead.
Si vous étiez marrants, on serait mort.
And I don't think that she would like us here if she knew we were a couple.
Et je ne pense pas qu'elle voudrait de nous ici Si elle savait qu'on était en couple.
We were just seeing if this old thing still worked.
On était juste en train de regarder si ce vieux truc marchait encore.
Jude Law and the network apologized... saying, "We never would've aired the film if we thought there were people stupid enough to fall for it."
Tu connais cette femme? C'est mon mari Jimmy. Jimmy, voici Miss Eleanor.
When we get back, if we're interviewed by MI6 and they say, "What was it like in the Shan?" We'll have to go, "I don't know, we were racing lorries."
Quand on rentrera, si on est interrogés par le MI6 et qu'ils nous demandent, "C'était comment le Shan?", on devra leur dire, "Je ne sais pas, on faisait des courses de camions".
If something else were going on, if they thought we were at risk, they'd tell us.
S'il se passait autre chose, s'ils pensaient qu'on est en danger, ils nous le diraient.
If you were drunk, you could bang the Landlord and we wouldn't be homeless.
Si t'avais été soûle, t'aurais pu te taper Le proprio et on ne serait pas des SDF.
We were wondering if they'll be a match for yours.
On se demandait si jamais ils correspondraient aux vôtres.
So, if they were attacked at close range, what are we looking at here?
Bien, si ils ont été attaqué a une petite distance, qu'est ce que nous cherchons?
We were worried about losing clients, so I met with Bishop to see if he was happy.
Nous craignions de perdre des clients, donc j'ai rencontré Bishop pour voir s'il était satisfait.
You know, if someone read a transcript of this date, it'd sound like we were having hot sex.
Tu sais, si quelqu'un écoutait une bande de ce rencard, Ca ressemble à de chauds ébats.
If Betsy was fooled by the doll like we all were and her original intent was to steal a child, I could still prosecute her for kidnapping.
Si comme nous, Betsy a été trompée par cette poupée, et qu'elle avait bien l'intention de voler un enfant, je peux toujours la poursuivre pour enlèvement.
We were wondering if you're still cleaning our mother's flat.
On se demandait si vous faisiez encore le menage chez notre mere.
That's why we were wondering if you could stay for nights as well.
C'est pour ca qu'on se demandait si vous seriez d'accord... pour rester aussi la nuit.
She said you were a stupid racist and if we don't pay, she'll send her boyfriend over to hurt you.
Elle a dit que t'etais une conne raciste et que si on la payait pas, son copain te casserait la gueule.
What if we protected the plaster cast, and were careful?
Et si on la trempait en protegeant son platre? On fera attention.
You talked about him as if he were still a radical, and you gave us the address to a place where you knew we would find Joe Bey.
Vous nous en avez parlé comme s'il était toujours extrémiste, et donné une adresse où vous saviez qu'on trouverait Joe Bey.
Which leads me to this belief that if a few things were different, we'd be a great match.
Ce qui m'amène à penser que si certaines choses étaient différents, on formerait un beau couple.
Well. We're not romantically involved, if you were wondering.
On n'a pas de liaison au cas où tu te demandes.
I looked at each one of them, and I knew they were capable of almost anything, but if we could all work together, you'd get the kind of score you only dream about.
J'ai observé chacun d'entre eux, et je savais qu'ils étaient capables de presque tout, mais si nous pouvons travailler ensemble, tu obtiendras des choses dont tu n'as jamais pu que rêver.
And he... reached up. He could still move his hand, and he grabbed mine. I asked him if he was all right, and he just kept holding my hand, kept squeezing it, while we were waiting for the paramedics to arrive.
Et... il a... bougé la main. de toutes ses forces... par terre.
If it were me or Danny or Jamie, we might've done the same thing.
Si c'était moi, Danny ou Jamie nous aurions agis pareil.
because if we actually felt how wonderful and amazing and loved we really were, then we would know what you knew all along, which is that you are a rotten and awful person who only finds joy in people's misery.
parce que si on ressentait à quel point nous étions merveilleux et géniaux et aimés, alors on aurait su ce que tu savais depuis le début que tu es une personne pourrie et horrible qui trouve de la joie seulement dans le misère des autres.
If we could agree that there was an avalanche and that we were frightened, but that everything went fine.
Si on est d'accord sur le fait qu'il y avait une avalanche et que nous avons eu peur, mais que tout s'est bien terminé.
But someone has to expose these people for who they truly were and what they truly did because if we can no longer separate the innocent from the guilty, everything that happened to us, all of our suffering,
Il faut dénoncer ces individus pour ce qu'ils étaient et ce qu'ils ont fait. Car si on ne peut plus séparer les innocents des coupables, tout ce qui nous est arrivé, toute notre souffrance ne signifie rien.
- Well, uh, we were gonna go to dinner and wanted to know if you wanted to join us.
- Nous allions diner et voulions savoir si tu voulais te joindre à nous.
I think what we're all wondering Is if there were more in the papers, Wouldn't it jog people's memories?
Je pense qu'on se demande tous si en parler davantage ne permettrait pas de raviver la mémoire des gens?
In the Madoff case, we were looking at missing funds in excess of $ 65 billion, so excuse me if two million didn't raise a red flag.
Dans l'affaire Madoff, on recherchait des fonds manquants de plus de 65 milliards de dollars, donc excusez-moi si deux millions ne soulèvent pas un drapeau rouge.
If the killer's hands were inside his mouth, we could get some of the son of a bitch's epithelial cells from on or in-between his teeth.
- Si les mains du tueur étaient à l'intérieur de sa bouche, on pourrait avoir un peu des cellules épithéliales de ce fils de chien du dessus ou entre ses dents.
I thought that if things went wrong, we were supposed to throw all our resources to her.
Si les choses tournaient mal, on était censé mettre toutes nos ressources sur elle.
if we don't do something 25
if we don't 129
if we don't do this 26
if we 74
if we get caught 42
if we can 50
if we die 31
if we hurry 53
if we did 47
if we lose 33
if we don't 129
if we don't do this 26
if we 74
if we get caught 42
if we can 50
if we die 31
if we hurry 53
if we did 47
if we lose 33