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It was yesterday tradutor Francês

1,319 parallel translation
I remember as though it was yesterday.
Je m'en souviens comme si c'était hier.
Well, it may be today where you are. Here, it was yesterday.
Pour vous c'est peut-être aujourd'hui, mais pour moi c'était hier.
But when the party was over, we realized none of it was changing, will never change, the world is what it is now, what it was yesterday and will be tomorrow.
Mais quand la fête fut finie on a réalisé que rien n'avait changé, Rien ne change, le monde reste ce qu'il est aujourd'hui, ce qu'il était hier et ce qu'il sera demain.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Je me rappelle comme si c'était hier.
I remember like it was yesterday.
Je me rappelle comme si c'était hier...
Dougal, it was yesterday.
Dougal, c'était hier.
Right, because it WAS yesterday.
Oui, parce c'ETAIT hier.
I remember all of you like it was yesterday.
Je me souviens de vous tous comme si c'était hier.
If that stethoscope is as freezing cold as it was yesterday... I'm gonna shove it right up your ass!
Si ce stéthoscope est aussi glacé qu'hier... je vous le fourre dans le cul!
It was yesterday I said three and a half, and now it's today if I'm not mistaken.
C'est hier que j'ai dit 3,5 et on est aujourd'hui si je ne me trompe pas.
It was only yesterday.
Lt c'était hier.
It wasn't off yesterday when he was trying to get Miss Abandando... ... who you said was more likely to go out with Martina Navratilova anyways?
Donc Medavoy portait son alliance hier... lorsqu'il tentait soi-disant de draguer Mlle Abandando, qui... selon toi, serait plus portée sur Martina Navratilova, hein?
It was here yesterday.
Il était là hier.
And this was recorded yesterday. I'll play it for you.
Je vous le passe.
- Sub... Yesterday it was an airplane!
Hier, c'était un avion.
They're always late... 2 or 4 or even 6 hours late yesterday it was 12 hours late!
Ils sont toujours en retard... de 2 ou 4 ou même 6 heures hier il avait 12 heures de retard!
It was repaired yesterday and now it leaks!
Il a été réparé hier et maintenant il fuit!
The way she looked at me yesterday... what a look it was!
La manière dont elle m'a regardé hier... quel regard c'était!
It was all uphill yesterday.
Chers amis, hier nous avons grimpé toute la journée.
The way he spoke yesterday, I was beginning to believe it.
La façon dont il parlait, je commençais à y croire.
Don't know why. I noticed it yesterday when he was coming up.
Je m'en suis aperçu hier.
It was in the paper yesterday. - Yeah, armed robbery.
C'était dans les journaux hier.
It was here yesterday. - It's in the first drawer.
Dans le premier tiroir.
- It was in here yesterday.
Il était là, hier.
Whatever it was that you had yesterday afternoon, I don't want you to have it again.
On est allées boire un milk-shake après.
It seems like just yesterday I was a kid in high school.
Les années de lycée, c'était hier.
Don't worry. It was in the Times yesterday.
- C'était dans le Times hier.
- Well i gave an elderly couple a lift we drove for a while talking the way one does lucky thing it rained yesterday then she said it doesn't depend on us she was a typical old woman the lord decides these things
Eh bien... J'ai pris un couple de vieux en stop. On a discuté un moment, des banalités du genre :
I was so close yesterday, but it wasn't enough.
J'y étais presque hier, mais c'était pas assez.
It's possible when a person was taking a walk yesterday... ... he found a car near the park with the keys in it.
Il est possible... qu'une personne se promenant hier... ait trouvé une voiture près du parc, la clé dans le contact.
Yesterday, it was a Band-Aid!
Et hier j'ai trouvé un sparadrap!
It was like... "You moved from L.A. Probably yesterday."
"Vous, vous êtes arrivés de L.A., hier."
Well, I just, um... wanted to ring up and say... how nice it was to meet you yesterday. That's all. Thank you.
Je t'appelais juste pour te dire... combien j'ai été contente de te rencontrer.
I was supposed to do some wall work for her yesterday, but I didn't get there... so I stayed up all night so I could make it this morning.
Je devais faire du plâtre chez elle, hier. Je n'y suis pas allé... J'ai pas dormi, pour y aller ce matin.
It seems... just yesterday he was five years old... clinging to me, because he'd just scraped his knee and I was the only one in the world who could make it better.
Je m'en souviens comme si c'était hier. Il avait cinq ans... et il s'accrochait à moi, car il s'était écorché le genou et j'étais le seul à pouvoir le consoler.
Well, I noticed it yesterday when I was helping her out of the bathtub so she's had it at least a day.
J'ai remarqué ça hier en l'aidant à sortir de la baignoire.
Ensign GoIwat tried some yesterday and she thought it was delicious.
L'enseigne Golwat a trouvé ça délicieux.
Yesterday, it was the pelican crossing beeping.
Hier, c'était le signal piétons qui faisait bip.
From the date on it, it was probably bought yesterday.
D'après la date, il a été acheté hier.
- That was yesterday. Go ahead, open it.
Allez, ouvre.
Since yesterday evening... it was lying by the pool.
Depuis hier soir, tu l'avais laissé sur le bord de la piscine.
I mean, it happened several years ago, but I can remember it like it was just yesterday.
C'était il y a des années, mais je m'en souviens comme si c'était hier.
Yesterday it was my "dick" who needed it, today I need it.
Hier, c'était ma bite qui en avait besoin, aujourd'hui, c'est moi.
It's interesting hearing this so many years later... and it's still fresh, it still feels that... it was done yesterday.
Intéressant d'entendre ceci après tant d'années. C'est toujour actuel, on dirait qu'on l'a joué hier.
And it was in the band room that I lost Miss Invisible yesterday.
Et c'est dans la salle de l'orchestre que je l'avais perdue.
But landscaping was yesterday, so law enforcement it is.
Mais le paysagiste, c'était hier, donc va pour l'ordre public.
Your last day was yesterday, wasn't it?
C'était hier, ton dernier jour, hein?
Until yesterday, I thought it was impossible.
Jusqu'... hier, je croyais que c'était impossible.
The champagne tastes like it was made yesterday.
Ce champagne est un peu vert.
It was confirmed to me yesterday.
Ça m'a été confirmé hier.
But you said yesterday it was a good marriage.
Mais hier, vous disiez avoir eu un bon mariage.

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