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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ J ] / Just one drink

Just one drink tradutor Francês

230 parallel translation
- We'll have just one drink and then we'll go.
- Un verre, et je vous ramène.
- Jack, I'm going to give you just one drink, then I'll put you to bed and then I'll take Sadie home.
- Un seul verre pour toi, Jack, et au lit. Je ramènerai Sadie chez elle.
- Just one drink.
- Un coup.
- Just one drink.
- Juste un verre.
Just one drink, then.
Alors trinquons.
Won't you have just one drink?
- Vous voulez un petit verre?
You didn't get that crocked on just one drink.
C'est l'effet que t'a fait un seul verre?
How about breaking open a bottle, just one drink?
Si on sortait une bouteille?
I'm getting a chill. Just one drink.
Rien qu'un verre pour se réchauffer.
No, I know my ears. They never ring after just one drink.
Non, non, je sais que mes oreilles ne bourdonnent jamais après un seul verre.
C'mon, just one drink! Pour me some!
Sers-moi, rien qu'une fois!
- I started off... with just one drink.
We'll go there for just one drink, man.
On ira y boire un pot, d'accord?
Just one drink.
Juste un verre.
- Just one drink and I'll go.
- Juste un verre et je pars.
Now, you remember your heart, Just one drink and one cigar,
Ménagez votre coeur. Pas plus d'un verre et d'un cigare.
- Just one drink.
Rien qu'un verre.
Since I had a drink, I'll just say one thing as a man.
je ne vais dire qu'une chose en tant qu'homme.
Just one little drink, and then we're ready to shoo.
Juste un petit verre et nous filerons.
I take one, too, just so he don't drink alone.
J'en prends un, moi aussi, juste pour qu'il ne boive pas seul.
You just take one drink, and I hurt you!
Bois une bière et je t'en colle une!
Come on, Jigger. Let's have a drink, just a little one.
Viens prendre un verre, jigger.
Then let's just say that we were foolish and next time we'll drink to one another's health.
Mieux vaut oublier tout ceci. Je boirai un verre à votre santé.
So, finally, he said if I'd just take one drink with him, he'd beat it.
Il voulait un dernier verre.
I had to have a drink first, just one, only the one didn't do anything to me.
J'ai dû d'abord prendre un verre, juste un, mais il ne m'a rien fait.
No, no, thank you. I never drink more than one brandy, and even this is sometimes too much. I'll just finish my coffee.
Non, merci, je ne bois jamais plus d'un cognac, et c'est même parfois trop.
Have a drink it with us. Just one second.
- Vous venez trinquer avec nous?
He don't want the help drinking their dinners. Just eats, one drink apiece.
Tu as le droit de manger un peu et boire un verre.
Just give me one more drink. Please.
Mais donnez-moi encore un verre.
- Stay and have just one more drink.
- Prends un dernier verre.
Uh, just the one drink, son.
Juste un verre, garçon.
We could have had just one drink.
On aurait pu boire un coup.
I don't really want one, but accepting a drink means that I'm now your guest, and not just an intruder, then, by all means.
En fait, je n'ai pas tellement envie, mais euh... si le fait d'accepter signifie que je suis votre invité et non plus un envahisseur, alors, volontiers.
Accordez-moi 5 minutes, le temps d'un verre.
Just one more drink...
Allons, encore un verre.
How about a drink maybe? Just a short one?
Buvez au moins quelque chose.
- We didn't have a drink yet. Just one- -
- On n'a même pas pris un verre.
Could we have just one more drink before we go?
Pourrions-nous prendre un dernier verre avant de partir?
Come on, General, just one more drink.
Allez, général. Encore un verre.
Just one of those things you grin at and drink to.
C'est une de ces choses dont il vaut mieux rire.
I'll just have one drink at a time.
Mais je ne prendrai qu'un verre à la fois.
Just one more drink, and I'll sleep.
Encore un verre et je dormirai, promis.
Don't you think we could have just one more little drink?
Pourrait-on boire un dernier verre?
Just have one drink with her at the club.
Prends un verre avec elle.
I'll just have one more drink and that's it.
Je bois encore un verre, c'est tout.
Come on, just one drink.
Allez, bois un petit verre.
- Just one drink.
Juste un verre.
You used to like a drink. Just a little one.
Tu aimais ça, autrefois.
Like the one you just swallowed in that drink.
Comme celle que vous venez d'avaler dans ce verre.
- I tell you what, one drink. Just one.
Alors, juste un verre.
I've just had a bit of a windfall and since you're looking so bloody beautiful I thought I might buy you gals a drink especially the one standing here in his fucking party dress.
J'ai eu une petite aubaine et... vous êtes si mignonnes, je vous offrirais bien un verre. Surtout à celle qui est déguisée.

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