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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ L ] / Let him through

Let him through tradutor Francês

347 parallel translation
Let him through!
Hold him! Don't let him through.
Let him through.
- Laissez-le passer.
- Let him through.
- Poussez-vous.
They let him through the city gates without question.
Il a franchi les portes de la ville sans aucun problème.
Let him through. - Giddap, Dolly.
- Allez, hue, Dolly.
One minute, please. That's all right, let him through.
Laissez-le passer.
Let him through, boys.
Laissez-le passer.
Let him through.
Laissez-le entrer.
- This moment will stand out as the proudest... - All right, all right. Let him through.
Allez, laissez-le passer!
Let him through.
Laissez-le passer.
- They let him through.
- Ils le laissent passer.
He has to let him through!
Il doit le laisser passer.
Let him through!
Faites-le entrer!
Let him through!
Laissez passer!
Let him through, he's crazy.
Laisse-le passer. Il est fou.
Let him through! Let him through!
Laissez-le passer!
Let him through.
Laissez passer!
Stand back, let him through.
- Reculez, laissez passer.
Don't let him through.
Ne le laisser pas passer.
All right, let him through.
Laissez passer.
We can't let him through, no matter what.
Il ne faut pas le laisser passer. Coûte que coûte.
# Open the gate and let him through #
Ouvre la barrière et laisse-le entrer
let him through.
Laisse-lui de la place.
OK, let him through.
Passez-le moi.
Since you were going through a lot of trouble because of the repayment of the investment... so our Hyun Min is thinking about 1 billion... Since he's in lots of trouble, let him just get buried in trouble!
Comme vous avez été confronté à pas mal de problèmes en raison du remboursement de l'investissement... donc notre Hyun Min a pensé à 1 milliard... laissons-le s'enliser dans le pétrin!
We can't let him get away in the crowd! If he slips through now...
Il ne doit pas sortir en même temps que tout le monde.
And the minute he comes through that door, let him have it, boys!
Quand il passera la porte, ne le ratez pas, les gars!
Well, let him go on through, starting today.
Mais qu'il y passe! Il a le droit dès aujourd'hui.
Issie, let's get back to that new book of yours. The fellow comes into the room, locks it, and starts to strum on the piano... then somebody shoots him through the locked door? That the idea?
Dans votre livre, un homme entre dans une pièce, s'enferme à clé, joue du piano et il est tué par le trou de la serrure.
Raven got those, and then you let him slip through your fat fingers.
Raven a récupéré ça et vous l'avez laissé glisser entre vos doigts.
If you've got to go through with this comedy, let him alone.
Si cette mascarade continue, laissez-le tranquille!
Rather proclaim it through my host... that he which hath no stomach to this feast, let him depart!
Proclame plutôt dans mes troupes que celui qui n'a pas d'estomac pour se battre, doit partir.
Simply let him come through.
Laissez-le venir.
and let him have some plaster or some loam or some rough-cast about him to signify wall ; and let him hold his fingers thus and through that cranny shall Pyramus and Thisby whisper.
"il faudra qu'il ait sur lui du plâtre ou de l'argile, " ou de la chaux pour figurer le mur " et puis qu'il tienne ses doigts comme ça,
Then let's give him a surprise. Let's send our tanks and blow a hole through that infantry.
Envoyons d'abord les chars et perçons un trou dans leur infanterie.
You bet I did. I'd have it on my conscience if I knew that stuff and let him get caught! - Is Mitch through with her?
Parfaitement, sinon je l'aurais eu sur la conscience!
Let him get through the barrier?
Que je le laisse s'enfuir?
Out the back with him now. Let's get through with it.
Il faut qu'on s'en débarrasse.
Whether I would have been able to let you go through with hanging him.
Si j'aurais pu vous laisser le pendre.
I, like an idiot, jumped in the middle and got his spear clean through my leg. But I let him have it with my ship's knife, right through his crocodile belly.
J'ai couru, j'ai pris sa lance dans la jambe, et je lui ai transpercé le bide avec mon couteau.
Once he comes through this door, don't let him turn around.
Quand il sera entré, ne le laissez pas se retourner.
Then let's see this through, to remain true to him.
- Alors allons jusqu'au bout. Soyons fidèles.
Since you left, Sgt. Watai has been pestering me to let him read through your letters.
Depuis ton départ, l'officier vient chez nous pour réclamer tes lettres.
Then, let the murderer be borne through sands... and rocks and wilds... till thirst and hunger, and scorching suns... kill him piecemeal!
Puis, que le meurtrier soit porté par les sables, les rochers et les vastes étendues, jusqu'à ce que la soif, la faim et le soleil brûlant aient raison de lui!
You told him to let nobody through.
Tu lui as dit de ne laisser passer personne.
Let him through, Eddie.
Laisse-le passer!
Let him cross my path. I'II run him through.
Qu'il croise mon chemin et je le tue.
Let him get through, everybody!
Laissez-le passer, tout le monde!
Anyone who feels the rhythm moving through him... knows it's gonna do him good to let the music burst out... when you feel it, show it, let the people know it... let your laughter loose till your scream becomes a a love shout...
N'importe qui sentant le rythme en lui Sait que ça lui fera du bien de laisser la musique éclater Quand tu te sens sûr de toi, fais-le savoir aux gens
Why don't we just, uh... let him on through, don't ya know?
Si on lui donnait... le passage?

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