On his tradutor Francês
89,080 parallel translation
Director Green is on his way to you.
Green est en route.
General Brockhart is on his way over to the suite.
Le général Brockhart arrive.
Turin may not want you on his team, but... I need you.
Turin ne te veut pas dans son équipe, mais j'ai besoin de toi.
It can only be terminated on his command.
Il ne peut s'arrêter que sur son ordre.
The head of security was practically on his payroll.
Le chef de la sécurité était quasiment son employé.
We did, but your boss has fallen behind on his payments.
En effet, mais ton patron a cessé ses paiements.
He carried me on his back.
Il m'a porté sur son dos.
'Cause a few hours earlier, this man, Chris Stackhouse, a member of a south side street gang known as the Drexel Posse, found an Instagram message on his phone from a rival gang.
Car, quelques heures plus tôt cet homme, Chris Stackhouse, membre d'un gang du South Side, les Drexel Posse, a trouvé un message Instagram sur son téléphone d'un gang rival.
He's suspected of being cliqued up with a Drexel Posse crew on his block.
Il est soupçonné d'appartenir à un groupe des Drexel Posse dans son quartier.
He's saying it on his Snapchat story.
Il le dit dans sa story Snapchat.
Bobby's on his way to look at those gorgeous sconces I am very unhappy with.
Bobby va venir pour regarder ces magnifiques appliques murales dont je suis très insatisfaite.
All I know is that it's serious, and they called me'cause I'm the emergency contact on his phone.
Tout ce que je sais c'est que c'est sérieux, et qu'ils m'ont appelée car je suis le contact d'urgence sur son téléphone.
- Hmm. - We apologize on his behalf.
Nous nous excusons pour lui.
He put whatever crusade he was on ahead of his family, and look how that worked out.
Il a fait passer sa croisade avant sa famille. Regardez le résultat.
Looks like we have a newcomer... who's lost his shorts!
On a un retardataire... qui a oublié son short!
Or maybe it was just some primo Fillorian shit that went up his nose, and he's on the bad end of a trip because he's him.
Ou peut-être que c'était juste la première merde fillorienne qui lui est montée au nez, et qu'il est sur le fil du rasoir parce que c'est lui.
First thing they found was his prison hat on the surface of the bog.
Ils n'ont d'abord retrouvé que sa calotte de prisonnier à la surface du bourbier.
We will see that he is locked up for his crimes.
On le fera enfermer pour ses crimes.
That's up to his secretary of state, and she's on our side.
Ça dépend de la secrétaire d'Etat. Elle est avec nous.
Hey. When we get back, we are calling my slack-ass brother and ordering his ass home.
Quand on rentrera, on appellera mon crétin de frère et on lui ordonnera de rentrer à la maison.
When he was dying, he must have used his weird connection with D'Avin one last time to carry it on.
Quand il était en train de mourir, il a dû utiliser sa connexion bizarre avec D'Avin une dernière fois Pour le porter.
We took it from his lab while he was out so... not much.
On l'a pris dans son labo en son absence donc... peu de choses.
The fact that G.A. was already tracking them means there's more to this than Victor and his robot buddies are letting on.
Le fait que l'A.G. les suivait déjà, révèle qu'il y a plus que ce que Victor et son copain robot nous disent.
We know that he's trying to replicate the technology for his fleet.
On sait qu'il essaie de copier la technologie pour sa flotte.
We sent a neural feedback pulse through the connection that effectively fried his cerebellum.
On a envoyé un rétrocontrôle dans la connexion, qui a refroidi son cervelet.
We may never see him again, but in the meantime, I'm running his clients.
On pourrait ne jamais le revoir, mais en attendant, je récupère ses clients.
Tabor liked to back up his files and store them in a secure facility on Taliphus 8.
Tabor aimait sauvegarder ses fichiers dans un entrepôt sécurisé sur Taliphus 8.
I question a ruler who would deny his subjects their freedom on the basis of unfounded suspicion and fear!
Je remet en cause un dirigeant qui dément la liberté de ses sujets sur des suspicions et des peurs infondées!
We have questioned many of his people, but none could provide any information about the attempt on your life.
Nous avons interrogé beaucoup de ces gens, mais aucun n'a pu nous donner d'informations à propos de la tentative d'atteinte à votre vie.
He did make it clear that his new duties on the outer colonies would command a great deal of his attention and that he wouldn't be as available to you as he was in the past.
Il a été clair sur le fait que ses nouveaux devoirs avec les colonies extérieurs lui prendraient beaucoup de son temps et qu'il serait moins disponible pour toi que par le passé
He puts his hands on your head, and then he looks you in the eye and he shows you a memory.
Il pose ses mains sur ta tête, et ensuite il te regarde dans les yeux et il te montre un souvenir.
He's a ruler who must often rely on others to see to his best interests.
C'est un dirigeant qui doit souvent compter sur les autres au mieux de ses intérêts supérieurs.
My father caught an ax with his leg and we can't stop the bleeding.
Mon père a reçu une hache dans la jambe et on ne peut pas arrêter le saignement.
They put Lincoln on his knees, too.
Ils avaient mis Lincoln à genoux.
We did overhear your father talk about his work.
On a entendu ton père parler de son travail.
As cruel as it sounds, if his son survives, there's no foretelling the damage it would cause.
Aussi cruel que ce soit, si son fils survit, on ne peut pas prévoir quels dommages cela peut causer.
This is Henry Ayers on the same day he supposedly died when his convoy was attacked outside the city.
C'est Henry Ayers le jour même où il est supposé mourir quand son convoi a été attaqué hors de la ville.
McCarthy and his unit went out 36 hours ago, and we ain't heard nothing back.
McCarthy est parti là-bas il y a 36 h. On est sans nouvelles.
His whole family's reeling under the financial pressure we've put on them, and I think his eldest daughter, Clarissa, is ready to crack.
Toute sa famille commence à se fragmenter sous la pression financière qu'on leur a imposée, et je pense que sa fille aînée, Clarissa, va bientôt craquer.
If he's not here to pay for his crimes, they're going to take it out on me.
S'il n'est pas là pour payer pour ses crimes, ils me mettront tout sur le dos.
The defendant then grabbed a 9 millimeter handgun, pulled a hoodie over his head, and rode his bike to the corner of 68th Street and Marshfield Avenue, where he opened fire on a group of rival gang members
L'accusé a saisi une arme de 9 mm, mis un sweat sur sa tête et est parti en vélo au coin de 68th Street et Marshfield Avenue, où il a ouvert le feu sur un groupe de membres rivaux
Voight and his crew can jump on the drive-by.
Voight et son équipe peuvent s'occuper de cette fusillade
His visit to your apartment the other day, and the blood on the gun you turned in are key pieces of evidence.
Sa visite dans votre appartement, l'autre jour, et le sang sur l'arme que vous avez déposée sont des éléments de preuves.
There's a lot for respect for the animal that gave his life for what we're doing.
On a beaucoup de respect pour l'animal sacrifié pour nous.
Looks like you want to polish his brass.
On dirait que tu veux polir son cuivre.
What he wanted were his balls gargled.
Il voulait qu'on lui lèche les couilles.
You pick the right man, and then you get him the fuck out of his own way so people can actually see him.
On choisit la bonne personne, puis on le bouscule pour que les gens le voit réellement.
You know, they say that a boy never really becomes a man until he's buried his father.
On dit qu'un garçon ne devient vraiment un homme qu'une fois son père enterré.
So it always warms my heart when I see a boy who still has his father's shoulder to lean on, his father's contacts to deploy, his father's balls clanking around in place of his own, which haven't quite dropped yet.
Donc ça me réchauffe le cœur quand je vois un garçon avec encore son père sur lequel se reposer, déployer ses contacts, ses couilles œuvrant à sa place, et qui n'a pas encore abandonné la partie.
We'd have to let the pilot and his family in the Arque. Yeah.
On devra laisser venir le pilote et sa famille dans l'Arque.
Even if they trace his burner or get into his air-gapped laptop, like I did, nothing will come back to you, unless somebody talked.
Même si on espionne son graveur ou son wifi, comme moi, rien ne remontera à vous, sauf si quelqu'un parle.
on his own 45
on his way 27
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
on his way 27
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
his brother 146
his wife 438
his family 108
his name is dr 18
his best friend 29
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his brother 146
his wife 438
his family 108
his name is dr 18
his best friend 29
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
historically 99
his house 47
his birthday 23
his name is 110
his watch 21
his ex 116
his name is ethan 17
his shoes 20
his daughter 107
historically 99
his house 47
his birthday 23
his name is 110
his watch 21
his ex 116
his name is ethan 17
his shoes 20
his daughter 107