Or his tradutor Francês
13,255 parallel translation
We make sure he doesn't make a mess of this lab or his life.
On maintient l'ordre dans le labo et sa vie.
Beg for his forgiveness or face his terrible wrath.
Implore son pardon ou subit sa terrible colère.
Well, it just must be the name for his, like, backstage group or whatever.
Ce doit être le nom de son équipe technique ou je ne sais quoi.
Good news is, at a minimum, I'll be able to run a tox screen and check for his last meal,'cause the stomach is... more or less intact.
La bonne nouvelle, c'est qu'au moins je vais pouvoir faire une analyse toxicologique et vérifier son dernier repas, car l'estomac est... plus ou moins intact
Uh, it better be commensurate with my talents, or Scrumptious here, my accountant, is gonna have to get irregular on his ass.
Il a intérêt à être proportionnel à mes talents, ou Scrumptious ici, ma comptable, devra être impartiale avec son cul.
Or maybe just his commissioner.
Ou peut-être de son commissaire.
Why he did any of this and what relation it has, if any, to his murder or that of Mr. Wagner's remains to be seen.
Pourquoi il a fait ça et quel lien avec son meurtre et celui de M. Wagner restent à déterminer.
But Tim or someone who looked like Tim withdrew a $ 100,000 cashier's check from his bank account last week.
Mais Tim ou quelqu'un lui ressemblant a retiré 100 000 $ de son compte la semaine dernière.
Or he just appreciates his dinner date going the extra mile.
Ou il apprécie votre effort vestimentaire pour son dîner.
Or he just wanted to keep his work stress separate from his home stress.
Ou il voulait juste garder son boulot stressant séparé de sa maison stressante.
Or at least his phone.
Ou son portable.
Any calls or texts to his ATF handler?
Des appels ou des messages vers l'ATF?
How many passengers or deliveries did Belridge make since he lost his job two months ago?
Combien de passagers ou livraisons ne Belridge font depuis qu'il a perdu son emploi il y a deux mois?
You are the only person in the world who controlled whether or not Paul Wilkerman's will was changed to reflect his new thoughts on inherited wealth.
Vous êtes la seule personne au monde qui pouvait contrôler si les volontés de Paul Wilkerman avaient été changées pour correspondre à sa volonté testamentaire.
Or-or-or like when Koothrappali's weird girlfriend admits where she buried his body.
Ou comme quand la copine bizarre de Koothrappali avouera où elle a caché son corps.
You have until the end of the day, or I'm gonna tell Rafael that you stole his sperm.
Tu as jusqu'à ce soir, ou je vais dire à Rafael que tu as volé son sperme.
What is interesting is the fact that his C.O. says he's been divorced three times, has no friends or family that still talks to him.
Ce qui est intéressant, c'est que son chef nous dit qu'il a été divorcé trois fois, qu'il n'a pas d'amis ou de famille qui lui parle encore.
Though, I-I read his file, and he could be suffering from one or more personality disorders.
J'ai lu son dossier, il semblerait souffrir d'un ou plusieurs troubles de la personnalité.
I think the guy was off his meds or something.
Je pense qu'il était sous médicaments.
Did he check his watch or take any calls?
A-t-il vérifié sa montre ou prit des appels?
And just the thought of seeing that son of a bitch strutting around up here... or me being tasked to help him out with his stupid JuviStat program!
Et juste la pensée de voir ce salopard pavaner dans le coin ou moi étant chargé de l'aider pour son stupide programme JuviStat!
Get his blood gas and get him to the OR.
Récupérez ses gaz du sang et emmenez-le au bloc.
What he does in his personal life is not my business or more importantly, the mayor's.
Ce qu'il fait dans sa vie privée ne me regarde pas et encore moins le maire.
Or officer Julian here can give you a ride home, and his favorite meal is sausages and chocolate milk.
Ou alors l'officier Julian ici peut vous ramener chez vous, et son plat préféré est saucisses avec du chocolat au lait.
So, you understand that with or without his testimony, you were going down.
Donc, vous comprenez qu'avec ou sans son témoignage, vous allez tomber.
He'd spend a week or two with his family on Maui and then say he had business out of town.
Il passait une semaine ou deux avec sa famille à Maui et ensuite disait qu'il était en affaire en dehors de la ville.
Or at the very least, he's using them as surrogates for the true target of his anger.
Ou au minimum, il les utilise comme substituts de la vraie cible de sa rage.
Reddington said halmi had information he needed. My guess is he used his thumbs to get it - - To get past some kind of a biometric lock or a safe.
Je pense qu'il a utilisé ses pouces pour les obtenir, pour passer une sorte d'identification biométrique ou un coffre fort.
He was that kid, you know, had his parents throw his birthday party at the go-kart track or the paintball park,'cause he was afraid if it was just his party, no one would come.
C'était un gosse dont les parents organisaient l'anniversaire sur un circuit de kart ou au parc de paintball, car il craignait qu'avec une simple fête, personne ne vienne.
Marius is flying me out to Austria to hang out his castle or whatever that week.
Marius m'emmène en Autriche cette semaine pour trainer dans son château ou je ne sais quoi.
No cell or credit card activity for the last three days, but records show him disconnecting from the cellular network for a period of time during all of his leaves.
Pas d'activité sur le téléphone ou la carte de crédit ces 3 derniers jours, mais les enregistrements montrent qu'il s'est déconnecté du réseau cellulaire pendant une période de temps durant tous ses congés.
If anything happens to his equipment or if Dash gets killed...
Si quoi que ce soit arrive à son équipement ou si Dash est tué...
Every few years some DA gets it in his or her head to make a run at me, so I swing by to talk about how things can go.
Toutes les quelques années, certains DA reçoit dans sa tête pour faire une course à moi, donc je balancer par parler de la façon dont les choses peuvent aller.
Yeah. Yeah, either the detective needs to change his diet or, uh - -
Soit l'officier doit changer son régime alimentaire, soit...
His way or the highway.
Sa voie ou rien.
Or do you think he's happier now that he knows his insane, shell-of-a-human father is out of the picture again?
Ou tu penses qu'il est plus heureux maintenant qu'il connait sa folie, Ne parlez pas de ma famille.
His postmortem work on his victims requires both patience and diligence, suggesting he's in his mid-thirties or older.
Son travail posmortem sur les victimes requiert patience et assiduité, suggérant qu'il a la trentaine ou plus.
Maybe god has more on his mind than judging whether you get a divorce or not.
Sans doute que Dieu a d'autres choses en tête que juger si tu dois divorcer ou pas.
"Chaotic"? The commish says either someone has to take over his team or we have to divvy up his players to the rest of us.
"Chaotique?" Le commissaire dit que soit quelqu'un doit reprendre son équipe ou nous devons nous partager ses joueurs.
It's going to be essential for Ronaldo to do well in this World Cup if he's to retain his Ballon d'Or.
Cette Coupe du Monde est essentielle pour Ronaldo s'il veut conserver son Ballon d'Or.
Or "eggs 911" finally showed his face.
Ou alors "eggs 911" s'est enfin montré.
And his or her perspiration fell onto our victim's body.
Et sa sueur s'est retrouvée sur le corps de notre victime.
He said I was next if I didn't come clean as to who took his money, you or Alvin.
Il a dit que je étais à côté si je ne viens pas propre à qui a pris son argent, vous ou Alvin.
He had a gold grill on his bottom teeth.
Il avait un grillage en or sur les dents du bas.
He might appear charming and trustworthy, which allows him to abduct his victims with little or no difficulty.
Il pourrait sembler charmante et digne de confiance, ce qui lui permet d'enlever ses victimes avec peu ou pas de difficulté.
He's always got an angle or something up his sleeve.
Il cherche toujours à extorquer, et il a plus d'un tour dans son sac.
Just that his name is Bob. Or Calvin.
Juste que son nom est Bob ou Calvin.
Maybe he didn't wipe his drive well enough or maybe it was stolen.
Peut-être qu'il n'a pas essuyer son entraînement assez bien ou peut-être qu'il a été volé.
But there's nothing in his behavior or demeanor that indicate to me the he's fabricating his story.
Mais il n'y a rien dans son comportement ou le comportement qui indiquent à moi il fabrique qu'il a son histoire.
You can shoot me, or you can let us go take him to the hospital so we can save his life.
Vous pouvez me tuer, ou vous pouvez nous laisser emmener à l'hôpital afin que nous puissions sauver sa vie.
You don't know his pass code, anyway. Or maybe this is a sign.
Tu ne connais même pas son mot de passe ou peut-être que c'est un signe.
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his brother 146
his mother 223
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his brother 146
his mother 223
his wife 438
his family 108
his best friend 29
his name is dr 18
his son 135
his friend 45
his sister 102
his soul 16
historically 99
his head 38
his family 108
his best friend 29
his name is dr 18
his son 135
his friend 45
his sister 102
his soul 16
historically 99
his head 38
his birthday 23
his house 47
his watch 21
his shoes 20
his name is 110
his ex 116
his place 22
his daughter 107
his name is ethan 17
his hands 34
his house 47
his watch 21
his shoes 20
his name is 110
his ex 116
his place 22
his daughter 107
his name is ethan 17
his hands 34