Say tradutor Francês
431,914 parallel translation
She didn't say much of anything.
Pas grand chose.
Now... we asked the patients how they feel, and I gotta say, based on these emojis, our orange pills really worked, because these people are smiling and not as many people over here are smiling.
Vous vous dites : "Pas besoin de me faire vacciner." Mais si un grand méchant petit microbe s'attaquait à vous?
Every organ and every cell has a specific vibration that it prefers to vibrate at. So, you might say, "Oh, I'm feeling fear."
Quand vous étiez petit, vos parents s'inquiétaient-ils que vous attrapiez la polio?
- Yeah, it helps get rid of symptoms. - We can't say it cures anything, but- - - Right.
C'est le deuxième pays le plus peuplé au monde.
Is this just a placebo effect, if there's any effect at all? Is placebo any different than what we think of as alternative medicine? I would say absolutely, especially with pernicious types of alternative medicine.
Quand j'étais enceinte de la première, c'est là que... j'ai décidé de me pencher sur la question.
Unfortunately, with alt medicine, people often say,
- Tristement connu.
There's one in my neighborhood that say they can press your feet - and affect your gallbladder.
À connotation religieuse.
All of our computers are based off of crystals. Like, to say that crystals have no effect whatsoever. - Like--
Je ne suis pas religieuse et je refuse de mentir.
Is Wes Anderson about to shoot a movie there? Sound therapy has nothing to do with Buddhism or Hinduism. This happens a lot, so I'm just gonna come out and say it.
À l'Académie Américaine de Pédiatrie, on dit souvent qu'on prive presque d'un droit ceux qui seraient protégés par les autres, si ceux-ci étaient vaccinés.
Look, I get it, white people. It's hard selling incense without weed. So, you say it's magic, and that it cures gout, and you throw in a Ganesh statue just to give it this ancient, wisdom-y feel.
Notre rôle en tant que société, pour moi, est de les protéger en nous faisant vacciner.
Which is why I wanna say something to my fellow Asians.
On t'oblige à la mettre.
I won't say the name, but it's, um...
- Je reviens dans uno minuto.
Now, to get the same amount as a- - I would say I need two of these. One.
Heureusement, suffisamment de gens autour de moi sont vaccinés.
Here's what I say to people.
Voilà ce que je dis aux gens.
When you say, for instance, it's a pseudoscience, right?
Quand on dit par exemple que c'est une pseudo-science.
Gotta say... as a, uh... scientifically literate guy, or I try to be... when you realize what's really happening in the universe, what's really happening in the cosmos, it's far more inspiring.
Je dois dire, qu'étant familiarisé avec la science quand on comprend ce qui se passe réellement dans l'univers, ce qui se passe dans le cosmos, c'est beaucoup plus intéressant.
- I'd say about four-and-a-half seconds- - - Four-and-a-half seconds, yeah, yeah.
- Je dirais quatre secondes et demie.
Be skeptical out there and question things, and together, we can, dare I say it... save the world.
Soyez sceptiques, posez-vous des questions, et ensemble, nous pourrons, oserai-je le dire, sauver le monde.
I got to say, I've-i've never felt better.
- Je me suis jamais sentie mieux.
So tonight, we say to the.
Ce soir, nous disons à la pie à bec jaune :
Say good-bye to the Schmidt Charitable Trust.
Dis au revoir à la Fondation Schmidt.
What did you say?
Que viens-tu de dire?
Hey, say, wake up.
Disons, réveille-toi.
- I said what I needed to say.
- J'ai dit ce que je devais dire.
Don't say anything.
Ne dis rien.
What'd you say to her?
Qu'est-ce que tu lui as dit? Rien.
Nothing. I-I didn't say anything.
Je n'ai rien dit.
What'd you say about my name?
Qu'est-ce que tu as dit à propos de mon nom? Arrêtez..
Hey, I think she's trying to say something.
Je pense qu'elle essaye de dire quelque chose.
You see, I-i'm rubber, and you're glue, And whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you.
Tu vois, je suis en caoutchouc, et tu es de la colle, et tout ce que tu dis rebondis sur moi et se colle à toi.
Now, see, I didn't really go to the age thing, But now that you say it, there it is.
Je ne pensais pas à mon âge, mais comme tu l'as dit, maintenant oui.
Okay, say "limburger."
On dit "limburger".
Human, you say?
Humain, dis-tu?
What sort of stupid thing is that to say?
Quelle remarque idiote.
They say the village is saved.
Ils disent que le village est sauvé.
They say the Builders and the Safeguard will do what the humans say.
Ils disent que les Bâtisseurs et la Sauvegarde obéiront aux humains.
Well, no, but it's pretty obvious what's going on here. We don't say anything to Frank until there's something to say.
On ne dit rien à Frank avant d'en savoir plus.
And what'd they say? "Call us back when there's a homicide".
- "Appelez-nous en cas de meurtre".
What'd they say? "Call us back when it's a homicide".
La même chose que les flics.
And I don't have anything to say to you.
Je n'ai rien à vous dire. Oh, que si.
You already know not a blade of grass grows around here unless I say so.
Pas un brin d'herbe ne pousse ici sans que je l'autorise.
I still say we call the AG.
Je persiste à dire que nous devrions appeler le procureur. Nous?
Say yes, say no, say hell no.
Oui, non, foutre non.
Good morning? That's all you have to say?
C'est tout ce que vous avez à dire?
Got nothing to say.
Je n'ai rien à dire.
It's quite a remarkable turnaround, wouldn't you say?
C'est un revirement extraordinaire, non?
I'd say that I need to get back to work.
Je dois retourner travailler.
- My client has nothing to say.
- Mon client n'a rien à dire. - Votre client?
So, the athletes, they're going faster, their physiology is the same, but they say afterwards, " Yeah, I felt that.
Lorsque je cherchais un pédiatre...
Thank you all very much. Together we can- - Dare I say it?
Écoutez bien, quand vous êtes vaccinés, vous ne protégez pas que vous, vous protégez les plus vulnérables.
What did he say?
Qu'a-t-il dit?
sayonara 114
saying 381
say hello to my little friend 37
says 221
say my name 79
sayid 267
sayuri 58
say it louder 17
say hi 185
say cheese 102
saying 381
say hello to my little friend 37
says 221
say my name 79
sayid 267
sayuri 58
say it louder 17
say hi 185
say cheese 102
say what now 22
say it like you mean it 26
say it again 435
say something 1124
say your prayers 56
say it ain't so 28
say it out loud 26
say something nice 28
say what 525
says who 419
say it like you mean it 26
say it again 435
say something 1124
say your prayers 56
say it ain't so 28
say it out loud 26
say something nice 28
say what 525
says who 419