That is amazing tradutor Francês
886 parallel translation
Oh, that is amazing!
Putain, c'est dingue.
That is amazing!
C'est fantastique.
That is amazing!
C'est merveilleux.
[kate] we're going with you. that is amazing.
C'est lourd, c'est poilu et ça parle.
Yes, that is amazing.
Oui, c'est incroyable.
- That is amazing.
- C'est incroyable.
That is amazing.
C'est incroyable. - Quoi?
- That is amazing. I can't believe he's 55. - Really?
J'arrive pas y croire...
That is amazing.
C'est ahurissant!
- That is amazing.
- C'est incroyable!
Hyun Min Oppa is so amazing in that one!
Hyun Min Oppa est incroyable dedans!
Isn't it amazing, Henry, that lying here within this cowl is an artificially developed human brain?
N'est-il pas incroyable que dans ce crâne repose un cerveau humain créé artificiellement?
Peg Gainsborough is the most amazing hostess. - It was only two years before that I met...
Peg Gainsborough est vraiment une hôtesse charmante...
If you think that brushing Davey's teeth every morning and combing his hair and washing his face and seeing he gets an education is gonna make a sissy out of him, I pity you for your amazing ignorance.
Si vous pensez que s'il se brosse Ies dents tous Ies matins, se coiffe, se lave Ie visage et suit des leçons fera de Iui une fille, c'est que vous êtes d'une ignorance sans borne.
That woman is amazing.
Cette femme est fantastique.
I'd say that two men liking borscht with an egg in it, is amazing.
Deux hommes qui aiment le borsch à l'oeuf, incroyable!
What's amazing is that you go on playing your role when there's no one around! But whenever anyone is around, you don't pull anything but gaffs!
Ce qui est extraordinaire, c'est que tu joues si bien ton rôle quand il n'y a personne, mais dès qu'il y a quelqu'un que tu ne saches plus faire que des gaffes.
That opinion is not shared by an amazing number of equally worthy ecclesiastics.
Cet avis est loin d'être partagé par nombre d'ecclésiastiques.
The most amazing, heroic thing so far... is that this man, Charles Dunnigan, is a traffic cop - just one of New York's average, hard-working traffic cops.
Le plus stupéfiant dans cette affaire... est que cet homme, Charles Dunnigan, est un agent de la circulation. Un de ces policiers ordinaires de New York, qui travaille dur chaque jour.
It's amazing. Look, what is that?
Qu'est-ce que c'est?
But the amazing thing is that her organs, skin and musculature are those of someone 20 years old.
Mais ce qui est incroyable, c'est que ses organes, sa peau, ses muscles... sont ceux d'une personne de 20 ans.
Your skill with that sword is really amazing, sir.
Tu es très fort.
But you know... that blind swordplay of yours is really amazing stuff.
Mais vous savez, votre habilité au sabre est extraordinaire.
Is that amazing? Did you hear that, Matson? It's exactly what I was going to recommend.
ça c'est amusant, c'est ce que j'allais suggérer...
If you consider that we can thus healthily influence the dreams of millions of people - this will be possible soon - that is, to influence in the socio-political sense. Yes, it is amazing! Simply amazing!
En effet, si nous sommes capables de modifier de façon positive les rêves de millions de gens, nous pourrons sous peu influencer également leur comportement sociopolitique, et je trouve ça formidable, tout à fait admirable!
How amazing it is that European eyes are usually coloured!
Mais quel miracle que les yeux européens sont colorés quelquefois.
That is absolutely amazing. I've never seen anything like this.
C'est incroyable!
Folks, this remarkable young man is going to perform for you some spectacular and amazing feats of daring in water that is over 6 feet deep. is going to perform for you some spectacular and amazing feats of daring in water that is over 6 feet deep
Ce prodigieux jeune homme va accomplir un exploit stupéfiant d'audace par des fonds de deux mètres!
Humans do have an amazing capacity for believing what they choose and excluding that which is painful.
Les humains ont la faculté de ne croire que ce qu'ils veulent et d'occulter ce qui est douloureux.
He knew so much, so very, very much, that it is amazing
Il savait tant de choses, un nombre si incroyable de choses, qu'il est vraiment très étonnant
This is true, you know. What's amazing is that he went with her.
Le plus étonnant est qu'il l'ait suivie!
It's amazing that when the window is dirty, everything behind it seems dirty, too.
C'est drôle, quand la fenêtre est sale, tout semble sale au dehors.
Sleep is an amazing miracle of nature that rejuvenates man's energy.
Le sommeil, ce grand mystère de la nature fait pour régénérer nos forces.
Why is that so amazing?
Ça te surprend?
Well, it's... it's amazing how subjective all that stuff is.
C'est stupéfiant comme tout ça est finalement subjectif.
The amazing stuff about this is that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon take it home and just get stoned at night on this stuff.
Ce qui est fou, c'est qu'on peut jouer 36 trous là-dessus, en ramener chez soi et planer toute la nuit avec.
All I know is that I think you're an amazing girl.
Tout ce que je sais, c'est que je te trouve super.
Have you been able to find anything that... I'm sorry, I thought I... What's more amazing is she... she seemed to know me.
Ce qui est encore plus étonnant... c'est qu'elle semblait me prêter attention.
That man is amazing.
Ce type est incroyable.
Why is that amazing?
Pourquoi incroyable?
That's amazing. So is mine.
Incroyable, moi aussi!
Is that an amazing coincidence or what?
Quelle co i'ncidence!
That Is The Most Amazing Thing I Ever Saw.
C'est la chose la plus étonnante que j'aie jamais vue.
That is amazing.
C'est incroyable.
The amazing thing is that we still get women, don't we?
Et pourtant, des femmes, nous en trouvons.
For times, mon ami, I find that you one is amazing with great easiness.
Je vous trouve un peu trop facile à séduire.
That's what's amazing, you know, is what we count as lucky today.
C'est fou ce qu'on appelle avoir du pot aujourd'hui.
The amazing thing is, we're fugitives from the law, we're up to our elbows in cash and there's nobody that even knows about it.
C'est dingue : on est des fugitifs... on nage dans l'argent, et personne n'est au courant.
To me, what's really amazing, that for every job that there is in the world there's someone willing to do it.
Ce qui m'étonne, c'est que tous les métiers trouvent un amateur.
Do you know what an amazing gift that is?
C'est un prodigieux cadeau.
That juggling thing is amazing.
C'est un jongleur incroyable!
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is weird 91
that is not the point 62
that is not true 434
that is good 189
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is enough 189
that is right 117
that is all 319
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is not the case 19
that is a lie 69
that is an order 68
that is ridiculous 146
that is enough 189
that is right 117
that is all 319
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is not the case 19
that is a lie 69