The way you talk tradutor Francês
818 parallel translation
The way you talk, one would think we were living in my grandmother's day.
À t'entendre parler, on croirait qu'on vit à l'époque de ma grand-mère.
So, this is the way you talk to a man who wears Kaplan and McGuire union suits?
Attention, je porte des combinaisons Kaplan McGuire tout de même.
The way you talk, after one glass of wine...
Il suffit que tu boives un seul verre de vin et tu dis n'importe quoi.
The way you talk, you'd think Jim whipped that bunch of Indians by himself.
À t'entendre, on dirait que Jim a battu tous Ies Indiens tout seul.
It's the way you talk, it's the way you stand.
Ça tient à ton discours, à ta posture.
I don't like the way you talk and I don't like your friends.
Ni vos façons, ni vos amis.
The way you talk up for these superstitious mountain people, you'd think that every third'shiner is your nephew.
Comme vous défendez ces gens superstitieux de la montagne... on dirait qu'un trafiquant sur trois est votre neveu.
The way you talk about that money, you'd think it was really yours.
À t'écouter parler de cet argent, on croirait que c'était le tien.
The way you talk, you'd think she was a born princess or something.
Tu parles comme si c'était une princesse.
That is the way you talk about a city.
On dit comme ça pour les villes.
Dad, sometimes the way you talk to me... you make me feel like I ´ m an adopted daughter or something.
Papa, parfois, avec la façon dont tu me parles, j "ai l" impression que j " ai été adoptée.
The way you talk, the way you walk... the way you look, the way you hold your head.
À votre façon de parler, de marcher, à votre regard, à votre port de tête.
Why, Miss Hunt, the way you talk. You'd think I was in love with you.
À vous entendre, on dirait que je suis amoureux de vous.
But the way you talk :
Et comme vous êtes ému, vous direz encore des banalités.
I like the way you talk.
J'aime ta façon de parler.
Oh, Manuela, the way you talk.
Oh, Manuela, comme tu parles.
The way you talk.
Comme tu parles.
The way you talk, I don't see much difference between politics and a carnival pitch.
Il y a peu de différences entre un discours politique et des boniments.
But from the way you talk, you haven't been around here long.
Mais vu votre accent, ça ne doit pas être votre cas.
Oh, by the way, did you ever get your poker back, miss- - oh, I can't bear to talk about it, especially with poor miss Baring being where she is.
Vous avez récupéré votre tisonnier? Je ne peux pas en parler. Vu l'endroit où est Mlle Baring.
You'd think, from the way they talk downtown, that the whole country was going to be put up for sale, cheap, in six months.
De la façon dont on parle au centre-ville, on dirait que le monde sera en vente à rabais dans six mois.
By the way, I want to talk to you.
Au fait, j'aimerais te parler.
No, I feel I've known you long enough to have the right to talk to you this way.
Non. Il faut que je vous dise. Je vous connais assez bien pour être franche.
Why do you talk to me in that tone of voice? It's the way I talk to scoundrels.
Pourquoi vous me parlez sur ce ton? C'est le ton qui convient aux crapules comme vous.
You can't talk that-a-way about the gal I love.
Tu ne peux pas dire ça de la fille que j'aime.
The color of your eyes, and the way you walk, and your talk and stuff like that.
De Ia couleur de vos yeux, de votre démarche, de votre façon de parler, ce genre de choses.
You won't get to the front office to talk your way out of it.
Vous ne pourrez pas en discuter avec la direction.
I love the delicate way you talk to your employees and still indicate that you're not quite pleased with them.
J'aime votre délicatesse envers vos employés, malgré le fait que vous n'êtes pas satisfaits d'eux.
If that's the way you want it, I give you leave now - all of you - to talk it over again.
Si c'est ce que vous voulez, vous pouvez en parler maintenant.
Now, is that a nice way to talk to the man whose name you bear?
Est-ce une façon de parler à celui dont vous portez le nom?
By the way, Doctor, I haven't forgotten that you and I are to have that talk on blood composition.
Á propos, docteur, nous devons toujours nous entretenir de la composition sanguine.
You shouldn't talk that way to the man.
- Quoi? Tu ne devrais pas parler comme ça au monsieur.
Your walk, your talk... the way you wave your little pinky.
Ta démarche, ton parler, la façon de bouger ton petit doigt.
By the way, Mr. Felipe I've been meaning to talk to you.
Écoutez, M. Felipe j'aimerai bien avoir deux mots avec vous.
And after the way I've heard people talk about you... ever since I was in short pants.
Quand je pense que j'entendais déjà parler de toi... quand j'étais haut comme trois pommes.
Mr. Bradford, I came all the way from New York to talk to you.
M. Bradford, je suis venue de New York pour vous parler.
That's not the way to get Dinah. If you wanna get Dinah you don't talk to Dinah Shore.
Si tu veux avoir Dinah, il ne faut pas lui parler.
That's no way to talk to your loved one... when he comes home to you from the brink of the grave.
Ce n'est pas une façon de parler à un ressuscité!
That's the way I like to hear you talk, John.
C'est comme ça que je t'aime, John.
You can't talk to men here the way you would at home. They don't understand it.
Tu ne peux parler aux hommes ici, comme chez nous. lls ne comprennent pas.
For making you the way you are, the way you walk, talk... and the way you make me churn inside.
- De vous avoir faite comme vous êtes, la façon dont vous marchez, et la façon dont vous parlez, et la façon dont vous me barattez à l'intérieur.
Well, what did you talk about all the way down on the train?
De quoi avez-vous parlé dans le train?
We'll talk about the way to live and then there'll be a fine reward for you.
Nous parlerons de la vie. Vous aurez alors une belle récompense.
You'd be amazed the way people talk about you.
Les gens parlent souvent de toi.
You should hear the way the men talk about him.
Tu devrais entendre les hommes parler de lui.
You're awful silly to call me all the way from London, just to have your dog talk to me.
C'est idiot de m'appeler de Londres pour me passer votre chien.
From the way you look and talk, and from things George wrote me.
Votre regard, vos paroles... et les lettres de Georges.
The way you look and act and talk...
La façon dont tu te conduis, dont tu parles, tu...
I don't like for people to talk to me like the way you're doing, bub.
Je n'aime pas qu'on me parle sur ce ton, mon gars.
You should've seen the way that Mexican jumped down the other fellow's throat... when he started to talk.
Tu aurais dû voir comment le Mexicain a fait taire ce type quand il a commencé à parler.
As you see, I came this way while hunting... so let us say that for the moment I am not your king... so we talk as between two men.
Comme vous le voyez, j'ai interrompu ma chasse. Alors disons que pour l'instant, je ne suis pas votre roi. Nous pouvons parler comme deux hommes.
the way i see it 340
the way of the future 27
the way i look at it 29
the way i figure it 33
the way things are going 26
the way things are 19
the way i heard it 23
the way 34
you talking to me 61
you talk too much 145
the way of the future 27
the way i look at it 29
the way i figure it 33
the way things are going 26
the way things are 19
the way i heard it 23
the way 34
you talking to me 61
you talk too much 145
you talkin' to me 23
you talked me into it 17
you talk to me 50
you talked to her 34
you talked to him 43
you talk a lot 24
you talk 107
you talk to him 77
you talk to her 48
you talked 29
you talked me into it 17
you talk to me 50
you talked to her 34
you talked to him 43
you talk a lot 24
you talk 107
you talk to him 77
you talk to her 48
you talked 29
the world is yours 18
the walking dead 44
the who 68
the world is changing 33
the whole thing 282
the walls 37
the wall street journal 16
the world has changed 35
the wall 69
the waitress 23
the walking dead 44
the who 68
the world is changing 33
the whole thing 282
the walls 37
the wall street journal 16
the world has changed 35
the wall 69
the waitress 23
the whole nine yards 33
the war is over 139
the witch 63
the wedding 120
the words 90
the whole world 65
the warehouse 20
the window 97
the whole truth 141
the witness 70
the war is over 139
the witch 63
the wedding 120
the words 90
the whole world 65
the warehouse 20
the window 97
the whole truth 141
the witness 70