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There was a fire tradutor Francês

552 parallel translation
Doctor? When was the last time there was a fire in here?
Quand a-t-on fait du feu... pour la dernière fois dans cet âtre?
There was a fire.
Non. Il y a le feu.
There was a fire in the radio shack four days ago.
Il y a eu le feu dans la salle des radios il y a 4 jours.
There was a fire in the radio shack.
Il y a eu un feu dans la salle des radios.
Suppose there was a fire and Miss Blanche was locked in her room?
S'il y avait eu un incendie?
- There was a fire, Steve.
- Un incendie, Steve. - Un incendie?
There was a fire here a year ago, and a man was burnt.
Il y a eu un incendie ici il y a un an, un homme a été brûlé.
- Well, no. - And there was a fire in a barn?
ma foi, non.
There was a fire in the grate, and it was warm.
Le feu brûle dans la cheminée. Il fait bon.
There was a fire at the power plant. That's why, the morning Mattei arrived, police were everywhere.
C'est pourquoi le matin de l'arrivée de Mattei, les forces de police étaient partout..
There was a fire in the courthouse, and all the records got burnt up. "
Il y a eu un incendie au tribunal et tous les dossiers ont brûlé. "
One day, there was a fire...
Un jour, il y a eu un incendie...
Well, stay where you are because obviously if there was a fire, you'd all be standing down here like this in the lobby, wouldn't you?
Restez là. Manifestement, s'il y avait le feu, vous seriez tous ici, dans l'entrée, n'est-ce pas?
There was a fire.
La voiture a pris feu.
There was a fire on one of the rides.
II y a eu un incendie. On l'a éteint.
There was a fire seven years ago.
Respectez notre noble famille, étranger.
You see, I thought there was a fire.
Je croyais qu'il y avait le feu.
One night, there was a fire in the fields.
Une nuit, il y a eu un grand feu dans les champs.
When we were sunk, all I know is there was a lot of fire and explosions.
Par contre, je peux vous dire que quand on a coulé, ça pétait de partout.
Suddenly there was a big flash of fire, a terrible noise and the lights went out all over the house.
Subitement... Une flamme et un bruit terrible... et toutes les lumières se sont éteintes.
When he was 12 there was fire and he risked his life to save eight other kids.
À 12 ans, il a sauvé huit gosses d'un incendie.
There was an arson ten years ago and the rooms caught fire.
Il y a 10 ans, quelqu'un a mis le feu.
You mean there was fire?
Vous voulez dire... que la voiture a explosé?
It was St. Bartolo who stopped... the lava and the fire up there. With his hands... he saved our homes.
C'est St Bartolo qui a arrêté le feu et la lave de ses mains et sauvé nos foyers.
- There was something on fire.
- Il y a quelque chose sur le feu.
The fire had been stoked, my old jacket was on its hanger, and there was a plate of biscuits on the table.
On avait remis du bois dans Ie feu, ma veste était sur Ie cintre et sur Ia table, iI y avait une assiette avec des gâteaux.
There was fire in Laprase!
II y a le feu chez Laprase!
The minute this gun was loaded, one of you brave boys might decide to go for the ride, just to fire it and if you did, it might alert a few state cops down there and the game would be over.
Dès qu'il sera chargé, l'un de vous essayera de sauter dessus pour tirer et alerter les fédéraux, en bas.
I'll take this can and examine it very carefully. See if there's a basis for thinking it was used for starting a fire.
Je vais examiner ce jerricane pour voir s'il a pu servir à allumer le feu.
You were right, there was no machine-gun fire.
Tu avais raison. Il n'y a jamais eu de rafale de mitraillettes.
Sir, there was fire and a smoke, sir.
Il y a eu un feu et de la fumée, monsieur.
Look, you can throw me out if you want to, but you did look so cosy in here, and your decorator friend had gone home and it was beginning to get a bit cold out there on the fire escape.
Vous pouvez me jeter dehors si vous voulez, mais vous aviez l'air si bien, et votre amie est partie, et il commençait à faire froid dehors.
There's also a slightly confusing report of an evening that you and Mrs. Hardwicke spent together during which a fire brigade was summoned.
Un autre rapport quelque peu troublant parle d'une soirée passée avec Mme Hardwicke au cours de laquelle les pompiers ont dû intervenir.
They also told me there was a big fire a few years back many of the archives were destroyed rather convenient what do we do now?
On m'a aussi dit qu'un incendie avait détruit une grande partie des archives il y a quelques années. Plutôt pratique. Que savons-nous?
I was getting married or if there was a fire at least.
Si seulement y avait le feu...
She was someone who liked to stir up the fire with a poker till there were only ashes left.
Elle était ce genre de caractères qui tisonnent pour faire des étincelles et finissent par soulever des nuages de poussière.
There was a fire.
C'était un incendie.
It was he who started to fire first, but there were cops everywhere.
C'est lui qui a commencé àtirer le premier, mais il y avait des flics partout.
Fire! There was firing a volley.
Was there a fire?
Il y a eu un feu?
There was an explosion and fire at the house of a friend of yours, Mr. Jerry Parks.
- Une explosion chez M. Jerry Parks.
There was gun fire for a minute and a half, two minutes.
La fusillade a duré une minute et demie ou deux minutes!
Apparently, there was a terrible fire and the old hospital burned down.
Apparemment, il y a eu un terrible incendie et l'ancien hôpital a brûlé.
There was a plot by runaway niggers to kidnap the governor......massacre the white people and set fire to Richmond.
Une bande de négros fugitifs avaient monté un complot contre le gouverneur. Ils voulaient tuer les Blancs de Richmond et incendier la ville.
There was a shootout and the shed caught fire.
On a tiré des coups de feu, la dépôt a brûlé.
Elvis, was there some kinda fire?
Est-ce qu'il y a eu une espèce d'incendie?
The key point of the Tunguska Event is that there was a tremendous explosion, a great shock wave many trees burned, an enormous forest fire and yet, no crater in the ground.
Le problème clé du cas de la Toungouska... est qu'il y a eu une forte explosion, une énorme onde de choc... des arbres brûlés, un gigantesque incendie de forêt... et pas de cratère dans le sol pour autant.
There was another god. He had a fire inside him.
Il y avait un autre dieu, qui avait du feu dans le corps.
And like a little child fascinated by fire... I saw that he had his hand right in the flame and was holding it there.
Comme un gosse fasciné parle feu, je l'ai regardé passer la main au-dessus de la flamme.
Well... that was a hot fire. But there would have to be some bone fragments or teeth or something.
Il aurait dû y avoir des fragments d'os ou des dents.
That night I was called away to a forest fire. There was one a week that Summer.
Cette-nuit-là, on est venu me chercher pour un incendie de forêt.

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