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There was an explosion tradutor Francês

219 parallel translation
- Nobody seems to know. There was an explosion on the roof.
Une explosion sur le toit.
First thing I knew, there was an explosion right in my face.
Quel idiot j'ai été! D'un coup, il y a eu une explosion juste devant moi.
He did say there was an explosion from his chemical set.
Il a dit que son kit de petit chimiste avait explosé.
Il y a eu une explosion. Le circuit électrique a été coupé.
There was an explosion south-east off here.
Il y a eu une explosion au sud-est d'ici.
- There was an explosion, and it dropped out!
- Il y a eu une explosion.
There was an explosion!
Il y a eu une explosion!
- There was an explosion!
Ah oui! Une véritable explosion!
There was an explosion and fire at the house of a friend of yours, Mr. Jerry Parks.
- Une explosion chez M. Jerry Parks.
There was an explosion at sea, heavy enough to knock out two engines.
Une explosion en mer leur a endommagé 2 moteurs.
Today at 2 p.m. there was an explosion on the roof of the concern.
Aujourd'hui vers 14 heures, une explosion s'est produite dans la chambre électrique de l'immeuble du consortium.
Well, there was an explosion, and I didn't think anything of it.
Il y a eu une explosion, et je pensais que ce n'était rien.
There was an explosion.
Il y a eu une explosion.
And there was an explosion.
Et puis d'une explosion.
But there was an explosion.
Mais il y a eu une explosion.
That was a call from Mt. Mihara. There was an explosion, but it was just a warning.
Une première bombe vient d'exploser sur le volcan.
All right, there was an explosion.
Bien, il y a eu une explosion.
There was an explosion, then shots.
Il y a eu une explosion, puis des coups de feu.
- There was an explosion.
- Il y a eu une explosion.
I have an away team on board. The initial report indicates there was an explosion, but not if it was an attack.
J'ai envoyé une équipe à bord et selon eux, il y aurait eu une explosion, mais peut-être pas d'attaque.
There was an explosion in Engineering.
Il y a eu une explosion en salle des machines.
About five minutes after we left the ship, there was an explosion.
Cinq minutes après notre sortie, il y eut une explosion.
When they had the first kiss, it seemed there was an explosion in the theater. People panicked. There was pandemonium.
Quand ils s'embrassent pour la première fois, ça a été une explosion de panique, un charivari infernal.
Sorry you had to wait, but there was an explosion in the subway. It's played hell with our alarms.
J'ai tardé, mais l'explosion a affolé nos alarmes...
There was an explosion in his shop not long after you arrived.
Il y a eu une explosion dans sa boutique peu après votre arrivée.
There was an explosion, breaking windows, then flames.
Il ya eu une explosion, qui a fait éclater les vitres, puis des flammes.
.. to make a determination as to whether there was an explosion pre-impact or as we can see...
... pour déterminer si, oui ou non, il y a eu une explosion avant l'impact ou, comme on le voit...
A few seconds later, there was an explosion and 549 disappeared from my radar screen.
Puis il y a eu une explosion et le 549 a disparu de mon écran.
The explosion... there was an explosion.
L'explosion, il y a eu une explosion.
There was an explosion... and we lost contact with both astronauts... for about two minutes.
Une explosion... a interrompu le contact avec eux durant deux minutes.
There was an explosion... and, um... everything shut down.
Il y a eu une explosion. Et... tout s'est arrêté.
It was an accident. There was an explosion, and - No!
Non, c'était un accident, une explosion!
At approximately 0400 Zulu this morning, there was an explosion aboard the Kamiko Maru, a Japanese freighter out of Nagoya.
Vers 04h00 GMT ce matin, il y a eu une explosion à bord du Kamiko Maru, un cargo japonais de Nagoya.
There was an explosion at the lab. His eyes were burned.
Une explosion, ses yeux ont été brûlés.
Communication with Shannon was cut off in mid-sentence. There was a hell of an explosion.
Le contact avec Shannon a été coupé net, l'explosion a été spectaculaire.
I... I think I remember, I was speaking to Professor Brett and all of a sudden there seemed to be an explosion.
Oui, je... je crois me souvenir... que je parlais au professeur Brett... et soudain, il y a eu...
The key point of the Tunguska Event is that there was a tremendous explosion, a great shock wave many trees burned, an enormous forest fire and yet, no crater in the ground.
Le problème clé du cas de la Toungouska... est qu'il y a eu une forte explosion, une énorme onde de choc... des arbres brûlés, un gigantesque incendie de forêt... et pas de cratère dans le sol pour autant.
And there is a recent ray crater called Giordano Bruno in the region of the moon where an explosion was reported in 1178.
Il existe un cratère radié récent, le cratère Bruno... à un endroit de la Lune où une explosion a été signalée en 1178.
Then, suddenly, on December 1 5 there was an enormous proliferation of new life forms an event called the "Cambrian Explosion."
Puis, soudain, le 1 5 décembre... de nouvelles formes de vie prolifèrent. C'est ce qu'on appelle "l'explosion cambrienne".
- Was there an explosion?
- Y a-t-il eu une explosion?
There was some kind of an explosion in their greenhouse.
Il y a eu une explosion dans leur serre.
There was enough antimatter present to lead to an explosion.
L'anti-matière était encore suffisante pour créer une explosion.
There was..... an explosion. ln space.
Il y a eu..... une explosion. Dans l'espace.
I had to send my security men in. There was a fight, an explosion. We lost him.
La sécurité est intervenue. ll y a eu une rixe, une explosion. ll a disparu.
Just before the explosion there was an interference pattern in the transponder's signal.
Juste avant l'explosion, on note une interférence dans le signal du transpondeur.
Captain. There was an apparent Federation signature to the explosion.
L'explosion porte la signature indubitable de la Fédération.
Man, it was like an explosion, and there was a flash.
On aurait dit une explosion. Il y a eu un éclair... - Un avion?
- Kristi, what happened? - There was an explosion.
Il y a eu une explosion.
There was an energy burst, coming from the bridge of one of the ships, recorded at 1750 hours.
Il y a eu un genre d'explosion d'énergie sur l'un des vaisseaux, enregistrée à 17h50.
There was an accident at the power plant.
Il y a eu une explosion dans le générateur.
I didn't know that there was gonna be an explosion, but the night before, I had this real bad, bad dream.
J'ignorais qu'il y aurait une explosion... mais la nuit d'avant, j'ai fait un cauchemar.

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