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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ T ] / There was an accident

There was an accident tradutor Francês

544 parallel translation
There was an accident.
Il y a eu un accident.
But unless there was an accident in landing, how do you account for the fire?
Mais à moins d'un accident au sol, comment expliquez-vous l'incendie?
It would be a pity if there was an accident
Nous serions désolés si un accident...
- I thought that maybe there was an accident...
- J'ai pensé à un accident.
That it was a lovely evening, you went for a drive and there was an accident.
C'était une belle soirée, vous avez pris la voiture et il y a eu un accident.
I heard there was an accident on your boat. They said a man was killed.
On dit qu'il y a eu un accident avec votre bateau,... qu'un homme a été tué.
I can still hear her voice. She said there was an accident.
J'entends sa voix disant que c'était un accident.
I think he was trying to tell you the best place to be if there was an accident.
Je pense qu'il essayait de vous indiquer le meilleur endroit en cas d'accident.
I thought you were rather a galahad when you told miss Teasdale and me... What to do in case there was an accident.
Je vous prenais plutôt pour Don Quichotte quand vous nous avez dit, à Melle Teasdale et à moi... quoi faire en cas d'accident.
Yes, but you can't deny there was an accident.
Oui, mais vous ne pouvez pas nier qu'il y avait un accident.
But as you know, there was an accident so it wasn't necessary to pay Swan after all.
Mais grâce à cet accident, plus besoin de payer!
We'd have had his at the house, but there was an accident on the lake and the police took it there.
Il y avait eu un accident sur le lac, la police l'avait emprunté.
There was an accident at about 4 km.
Un accident s'est produit à environ 4 km.
- Not so easy. Mr. Mayor, there was an accident.
- Vous vous ferez du mal!
All right, suppose there was an accident?
Supposons qu'il y ait eu un accident.
- There was an accident?
- C'était donc un accident?
Then one night in the laboratory, there... there was an accident.
Et une nuit dans le laboratoire, il y a eu un accident.
There was an accident in the kitchen a few minutes ago, your excellency, due entirely to my negligence, and your cannelloni... was the casualty.
Je ne savais pas s'ils se voyaient. Sauf lors des commémorations.
There was an accident here the other evening.
- Combien de temps durera la grêve?
There was an accident here a little while back about 20 miles back.
Il y a eu un accident, par là-bas, à environ 30 kilomètres.
There was an accident this morning.
Il y a eu un accident ce matin. Il y a eu un mort!
There was an accident during the last day of shooting.
Il y a eu un accident le dernier jour du tournage.
There was an accident this evening at the corner of third and park.
Il y a eu un accident ce soir, au croisement de la Rue Park et de la Troisième Rue.
There was an accident that time too.
Et là aussi, un accident est survenu.
There was an accident...
Il y a eu un accident...
- There was an accident.
- Un accident.
There was an accident.
Henry est gravement blessé.
There was an accident at the dormitory.
Il y a eu un accident au dortoir.
- There was an accident.
- Il y a eu un accident. - Continue.
There was an accident.
C'était un accident.
- Was there an accident?
- Il y a eu un accident?
Oh, darling, was there an accident?
As-tu eu un accident?
There was bound to be an accident.
Un accident est vite arrivé.
Whatever happened to her? Oh. There was.. an unfortunate accident.
Elle a été victime d'un accident tragique.
Was there an accident?
C'était un accident?
Was there an auto accident?
Un accident d'auto?
It seems as if there was an automobile accident. Not a bad one.
Je crois me souvenir d'un accident de voiture, pas très grave.
Inspector, granted that the cut on the wrist was caused by that knife, is there anything to show whether it was an accident or done deliberately after the murder to account for the bloodstains?
Inspecteur, admettons que la coupure provenait de ce couteau. Peut-on établir si c'était un accident ou une lésion faite délibérément pour justifier les taches?
Was there an accident, Mr. Klein?
Y a t'il eu un accident, M. Kline?
There's been an accident last night aboard my ship. A fatal accident. A young man was drowned whilst skin-diving...
Je ne serai pas long, mais je dois vous annoncer une triste nouvelle.
Oh, Rosa c'était un accident ça.
Was there an accident to a man?
Il était arrivé un accident à un homme.
Like a wave rolling over the sea when there has been an earthquake in the distance. No matter how far away it was the wave advances bit by bit until finally it reaches me.
C'est comme la vague de la mer, une fois qu'il arrive un tremblement de terre, même si c'est un accident lointain, la vague avance peu à peu et cela finit par arriver jusqu'à moi.
Was there an accident?
Un accident?
There, now, you see, it was just an accident, that's all.
Là, tu vois, c'était juste un accident, c'est tout.
- Was there an accident?
- On ferait mieux de partir.
Yes, there was some kind of an accident.
Oui, c'était un accident.
They're unravelling the tangle now, and there's a penalty against the Mean Machine for roughness, and that pass sure didn't look like it was an accident.
Ils se démêlent maintenant. La Machine Effroyable reçoit une pénalité pour brutalité. Cette passe était tout sauf un accident.
Anyway, there was an automobile accident and...
Mais elles ont eu un accident de voiture et...
There never was an accident.
Il n'y a jamais eu un accident.
Watch it up there. It was an accident.
- C'était un accident.

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