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Track him down tradutor Francês

579 parallel translation
- No, but I wish I had, because if he ever does you any wrong, I'll track him down and kill him.
Non, mais s'il te fait du mal, je le tuerai!
After all these years, you still trying to track him down?
Après toutes ces années, tu le traques encore.
I'm gonna track him down.
Je pars sur sa piste.
I'm gonna track him down.
Je vais le suivre en bas.
I'm gonna track him down and kill him.
Je vais le suivre en bas et le tuer.
It'll be hard to track him down.
Je ne sais pas où il est maintenant.
Why don't you pop over and track him down?
Pourquoi n'irais-tu pas trouver sa trace?
That means, we can't track him down after he left for his routine patrol yesterday.
On ne peut donc pas remonter sa trace après qu'il soit parti faire sa patrouille hier.
Have them track him down immediately.
Fais-le rechercher immédiatement.
I was trying to track him down when old bullet-head found me in the bar.
C'est lui que j'attendais quand l'autre ballot s'est pointé.
We don't know where the call came from, so we're trying to track him down.
On ignore d'où provient l'appel. On fait des recherches.
Our police will track him down and hand him over to you, dead or alive.
Notre police l'arrêtera et vous le ramènera, mort ou vif.
You think he just got lost, and the police should track him down? - Is that it?
Tu crois qu'il est à la dérive, et tu voudrais que la police l'achève?
All right, I'll tell the judge. I have to tell him who I smuggled in. Then they'd track him down.
Si je dévoile son identité au juge, ils le traqueront.
Track him down, boy!
have them track him down.
Qu'on les retrouve.
If he plays around, we'll track him down. We'll catch him with his fling, take shots of the whole thing.
S'il s'est fait la malle, nous le retrouverons sans mal.
No. No, I asked Rosalie. She couldn't track him down.
Rosalie ne l'a pas retrouvé.
I'll track him down as if he were a beautiful girl.
Il ressemblerait à une beauté.
And if you were still on the case how would you track him down?
Et, si vous étiez encore en charge, comment feriez-vous pour le démasquer?
- We must track him down.
- On doit le retrouver.
He switched hotels. We can't seem to track him down.
II a changé d'hôtel, nous n'arrivons pas à le repérer.
At sunrise, I will track him down, and have his skin hanging on the wall!
A l'aube, je le traquerai, j'accrocherai sa peau au mur!
Steph, why don't you keep looking, and I'll see if I can track him down.
Steph, continue à chercher. Je vais voir si je retrouve sa trace.
You want me to track him down? No.
Tu veux que je l'appelle?
The only way to stop this is to track him down and arrest him.
Mais dans la pièce, les secousses sont bien vraies. Il faut y mettre fin et baisser le rideau.
Why don't you go on to school while I track him down?
Va en classe pendant que je cherche ton père.
All right. Track him down.
Continuez les recherches, je veux tout savoir sur ce Ryu.
Wow! How'd you track him down, Grampa?
Comment tu l'as démasqué, grand-père?
I don't know if he's on, but track him down.
S'il n'est pas là, trouve-le.
I'll call you back as soon as I track him down.
Je vous rappelle dès que j'ai l'adresse.
I'll see if I can track him down. What was his name?
Je vais mettre un limier à ses trousses.
If he gets away we can track him down later... ... with a howitzer or something.
S'il se tire, on se le paiera plus tard... au mortier.
Officer Cheung will track him down for you.
L'inspecteur Cheung va le retrouver.
Maybe you could help me track him down.
Vous pouvez peut-être m'aider à le retrouver.
See what you can do. In the meantime, we'll set a course for Torat's planet, try to track him down.
Mettez le cap sur la planète de Torat, essayez de le localiser.
We'll track him down.
On le retrouvera.
- Might help you track him down.
Ca pourra vous aider.
You'll have to try to track him down.
Vous devrez le retrouver seule.
Said he'd never been talked to like that before by anybody... and I said I didn't give a big hairy rat's ass... and if he ever called me again, I would track him down... roust him out of his bunk, pull his pants around his ankles... and spank him with a coat hanger... right there in front of his wife and children.
Il a dit que jamais on lui avait parlé comme ça. J'ai répondu que je m'en tapais et que s'il m'appelait encore, je le retrouverais, je le virerais de son pieu, je lui baisserais son pyjama et le fesserais devant sa famille.
There's got to be a way to track him down.
Il doit y avoir un moyen de les retrouver.
When you leave, track him down. When you find him, you can kill him.
Quand tu sortiras d'ici, tu peux le retrouver et lui faire la peau.
Why don't you and Will track him down?
Essaye de le trouver avec l'aide de Will.
- Yeah, you got to prove it first. Yeah? I'll track him down.
Je trouverai qui c'est, je le tuerai.
- and we're trying to track him down.
- Un fou?
Smitty, just saw him walking'down the track...
Smitty, je viens de voir marcher sur les rails... on aurait dit Barton.
Oh, Algie'll only be here a week or so... till I track down whoever's after him.
Ils nous facilitent la tâche.
{ Carol } I can't just sit here and wait for him... to track me down and kill me.
Je ne peux pas rester ici à attendre qu'il me repère et me tue.
Track down Young Biff and tail him.
Trouve le jeune Biff et suis-le.
I brought him back here and I sent me wife down to the track for the police.
Je l'ai emmené ici et j'ai envoyé ma femme chercher la police.
I'll despatch him, to track her down in the Rear Battle Fighter.
Je vais l'envoyer à sa poursuite avec les chasseurs d'arrière garde.

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