Two minutes later tradutor Francês
87 parallel translation
And then two minutes later, you come down and tell Mr. Egelbaur...
Deux minutes plus tard, tu descends et tu dis à M. Egelbaur...
You walk in there and two minutes later, you'll start swinging.
Deux minutes après être entré, tu vas commencer à te battre.
El Toro put the gloves on, and two minutes later, finish.
Et Toro met les gants. Deux minutes après, terminé.
If Sheriff Ramsey dies, we hang him two minutes later.
Si le shérif Ramsey meurt, on le pendra dans la minute suivante,
And two minutes later, we'll know if it has stopped Colossus.
Et deux minutes après, on saura si ça a stoppé Colossus.
If I got over here two minutes later, you'd be you'd be going to London?
Tu veux dire que si j'étais arrivé 2 minutes plus tard, tu..... tu aurais été en route vers Londres?
I don't see how you can make love to someone and then two minutes later take out a Walther PPK and pump seven slugs into his body.
Je ne sais pas comment tu peux faire l'amour à quelqu'un, et deux minutes plus tard, sortir un Walther automatique et lui flanquer sept balles dans le corps.
Two minutes later she walked out.
Elle y est restée 2 minutes.
And two minutes later, when I got back in the car, I could see madam's silhouette through the glass.
2 minutes après, j'ai vu la silhouette de madame à travers la vitre.
Gaitan calls, two minutes later he's at her place.
Gaitan appelle, deux minutes après il est chez elle.
Two minutes later my apartment starts to shake.
Puis mon appartement s'est mis à trembler.
Now, I push this button... two minutes later, this plane becomes a fireball... spread all over the Oklahoma countryside.
J'appuie sur ce bouton et deux minutes après, l'avion explose à travers l'Oklahoma.
Two minutes later, you're scarfing it down... without even getting out of the car.
2 mn plus tard, tu te goinfres sans meme être descendu!
An assistant director of the F.B.I. is alone in a men's washroom... with a guy who's found murdered two minutes later.
- Un directeur du F.B.l. est seul avec un homme qui est retrouvé assassiné juste après.
Two minutes later, building blows up.
2 minutes plus tard, la prison saute.
I mean, it was pure dumb luck... that he left them in an dead-end alley and they were shot... just two minutes later.
Par un hasard inouï, il les a laissés dans un cul-de-sac et on leur a tiré dessus deux minutes plus tard.
And then two minutes later, they came back and Dee Dee counted off, 1-2-3-4 and then went into Blitzkrieg Bop.
Deux minutes plus tard, ils sont revenus, Dee Dee a compté : "1, 2, 3, 4" et ils ont chanté "Blitzkrieg Bop".
Then two minutes later he was dead.
Mais deux minutes plus tard, il était mort.
After they abducted Vaughn, they were spotted two minutes later on 5th and Grand.
Deux minutes après avoir enlevé Vaughn, ils étaient entre la 5e et Grand Avenue.
Two minutes later, it's smashed up.
Et tu l'as tout de suite plantée!
Exactly two minutes later, you guys hit the front entrance, here.
Exactement deux minutes plus tard, vous passerez par la porte de devant.
Two minutes later, I would've been doing a lot better.
- Dans 2 minutes, j'aurais été mieux.
Two minutes later, a whole police operation outside!
En moins de deux minutes j'avais un commando.
If they made love two minutes later?
Et s'ils l'avaient fait deux minutes plus tard?
First Contact is at 8 : 00, then two minutes later...
Le premier contact est à 8h, donc deux minutes plus tard.
They kill the security guard. Grab the cash. Two minutes later, they're gone.
Ils tuent le gardien, prennent le fric, et deux minutes plus tard, ils sont partis.
How can I promise him that I'll be there, and then two minutes later make the same promise to you?
Comment lui promettre que je serais là, et puis deux minutes après te faire la même promesse?
She's walking with somebody, I ride by, I come back two minutes later, they're gone.
Elle marche avec quelqu'un, je suis à vélo, je reviens 2 minutes plus tard, ils sont partis.
I took her into recovery and two minutes later she was blue. I mean,
Je l'ai emmenée en salle de réveil et deux minutes après, elle était bleue.
Two minutes later, there was an explosion. Everyone hysterically tried to escape from the tank... without weapons or anything...
On sort du tank... sans arme, sans rien...
Two minutes later...
Deux minutes plus tard...
But the thing is, if I kill the bastard my wife will be there with the cops two minutes later. And I don't see my child ever again.
Le truc c'est que si on le bute, ma femme va ramener les flics et je verrai plus ma fille.
Two minutes later, the neighbors call in, another shot's fired.
Deux minutes plus tard, les voisins ont signalé d'autres coups de feu.
Two minutes later.
Deux minutes plus tard.
Two minutes later, Pillar downloads the entire conversation into a segregated server surrounded by firewalls like I've never seen.
Juste après, Pillar envoie la conversation vers un serveur isolé surprotégé.
Two minutes later, I'd have been dancing in Tig territory.
À deux minutes près, je devenais le nouveau Tig.
Twenty minutes later there was only two.
20 minutes après, on était deux.
Precisely three minutes later, these two witnesses heard a man limping up the stairs.
3 mn après, ils entendaient un boiteux remonter l'escalier.
A few minutes later, I stumbled onto the two bodies.
Peu après, je suis tombé sur deux cadavres.
Pick up from Suzuki then Yumiko, two minutes later.
Puis Yumiko, deux minutes après.
If I said till two, it's two not 10 minutes later. For every hour you'll give me 10 DEM.
J'ai dit 14.h alors c'est pas 14 heures 10, ou alors tu prepare 10 balles pour chaque heure de plus.
Two hours and six minutes later, the room began to fill with light.
Deux heures et six minutes plus tard, la pièce se remplit de lumière.
Two minutes! We'll talk later.
On verra plus tard.
This one was taken 3 minutes later. There are two.
Sur celle-ci, 3 minutes plus tard, il y en a deux.
Two minutes. I will tell you later.
Deux minutes. L vous diront plus tard.
This is two minutes, 25 seconds later.
C'est deux minutes et vingt-cinq secondes plus tard.
They got out and then they leave two minutes and 32 seconds later.
Ils sortent et partent 2 minutes et 32 secondes plus tard.
We have a witness that puts owen at the crime, and then, five minutes later, we've got two dead bodies.
On a un témoin qui place Owen sur la scène du crime, et ensuite, cinq minutes plus tard on a deux cadavres.
A few minutes later, peace was restored, the farmer got my wristwatch, we got two dozen eggs, then we got the hell out of dodge.
Quelques minutes plus tard, le calme était restauré, le fermier a reçu ma montre, on a reçu deux douzaines d'œufs, et on s'est vite tiré de là.
You give her this, and within 15 minutes, she stops coughing, but two hours later, when its action peaks, she starts jumpingthrough windows.
Vous lui en donnez et en 15 minutes, elle ne tousse plus, mais 2 heures plus tard, à son pic, elle passe par les fenêtres. Je ne savais pas.
I figured... two seconds to pull the plug, two seconds to get out, five minutes later, I'd be in the car on the way home.
Je me suis dit... deux secondes pour débrancher, deux secondes pour sortir, cinq minutes plus tard, je suis dans la voiture, je rentre.
two minutes 637
two minutes ago 39
minutes later 237
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170
two minutes ago 39
minutes later 237
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
later that day 29
later that night 53
later on 170
later then 16
two months later 53
two months ago 182
two more 130
two men 105
two months 229
two million dollars 23
two more minutes 21
two million 58
two mississippi 27
two months later 53
two months ago 182
two more 130
two men 105
two months 229
two million dollars 23
two more minutes 21
two million 58
two mississippi 27