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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / What were you expecting

What were you expecting tradutor Francês

191 parallel translation
What were you expecting? I'd like to see you dressed as a woman.
Je voudrais te voir en femme.
- What were you expecting?
- A quoi tu t'attendais?
How much were you thinking of? What were you expecting to earn?
A votre avis, combien... devriez-vous gagner?
Just what were you expecting to find?
Répondez à ma question. Que cherchez-vous?
What were you expecting?
[br] Tu croyais que c'était quoi?
- What were you expecting?
- Vous voyiez ça comment?
Oh, what were you expecting, bracelets?
Tu t'attendais à quoi, à des bracelets?
- What were you expecting?
- Ce n'est pas suffisant?
What were you expecting?
- Vous vous attendiez à quoi?
- What were you expecting?
- Tu t'attendais à quoi?
What were you expecting?
Tu t'attendais à quoi?
What were you expecting?
Vous espériez quoi?
What were you expecting, an apparition?
Vous attendiez une apparition?
Lenin in a capitalist's lobby. What were you expecting?
Lénine dans un atrium capitaliste!
What were you expecting, that the taxpayers were gonna pay your way?
Vous vouliez que les contribuables vous entretiennent?
- What were you expecting? Laughter?
- Qu'attendiez-vous, des rires?
What were you expecting?
Qu'attendiez-vous au juste?
You and Zane, what were you expecting when you gave your sermon yesterday?
Qu'est-ce que Bobby Zane et vous espériez en faisant ce sermon?
What were you expecting?
Vous attendiez quoi?
- Doctor, what were you expecting?
Vous vous attendiez à quoi?
What were you expecting?
Vous vouliez quoi?
Well, what were you expecting?
A quoi t'attendais-tu?
- What were you expecting?
- Qu'est - ce que vous pouviez attendre?
What were you expecting?
A quoi vous attendiez-vous?
What were you expecting?
Pour quoi d'autre?
- What were you expecting?
A quoi tu t'attendais?
Oh, what were you expecting from me,
Qu'attendiez-vous venant de moi?
What were you expecting?
Vous vous attendiez à quoi?
You kicked me out, what were you expecting - a candygram?
Tu m'as foutu dehors, tu espérais quoi... des chocolats?
What were you expecting?
What were you expecting, Tommy Dorsey?
Tu t'attendais à quoi, Tommy Dorsey?
Not what you were expecting for a general?
Pour un général, aucune dignité.
- What were you expecting to find here, anyway?
Tu croyais trouver l'Amérique?
Well, what's the matter, you were expecting somebody else?
Vous attendiez quelqu'un d'autre?
Well, may I ask what you were expecting to see out of a Torquay hotel bedroom window?
Puis-je savoir ce que vous comptiez voir d'une chambre d'hôtel de Torquay?
What were you expecting?
Here's what you were expecting. Thank you.
Voilà ce que tu attendais.
What were you expecting?
- Qu'est-ce que tu imaginais?
Uncle Kadar, what would you do, if you were expecting a child?
Oncle Kadar, que feriez-vous si vous attendiez un enfant?
What the hell were you expecting, Bobby?
A Waco?
Not quite what you were expecting, right?
Tu ne t'attendais pas à ça, pas vrai?
What in God's name were you expecting from a Communist?
Peut-on attendre autre chose d'un communiste?
I know this is not what you were expecting, but... I've always found these things to be negotiable.
Ce n'est pas ce que vous attendiez, mais tout se négocie.
- What were you expecting? - A man.
- Vous vous attendiez à quoi?
I'm sorry, Jettel. I know this isn't what you were expecting.
- Je regrette, Jettel je sais que ce n'est pas, ce que tu attendais.
- What, not who you were expecting?
- Vous ne m'attendiez pas?
What sort of numbers were you expecting?
- Combien de personnes... - Désolé, excusez-moi.
If it's not what you were expecting there's no shame in exploring other options.
Si ce n'est pas ce que vous espériez, il n'y a pas de mal à explorer d'autres options.
Now, when you came downtown to CID, what kind of work were you expecting?
En venant à la Brigade criminelle, vous vous attendiez à quoi?
I realize this isn't what you were expecting.
Je sais que ce n'est pas ce que vous avez commandé.
But it wasn't what you were expecting.
Mais tu ne t'attendais pas à ça.

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