Whatever it took tradutor Francês
233 parallel translation
I would do whatever it took to save my family.
Je ferai n'importe quoi pour sauver ma famille.
She'd tell him a lie or curse him, whatever it took to get him away from the house.
Elle lui mentait ou le maudissait, elle était prête à tout pour l'éloigner de la maison.
She had enough love to protect the children whatever it took
Par amour, elle s'est vendue pour sauver les enfants.
And I never had a will of my own. Or whatever it took to resist your invading force. All your whims and wiles.
Je n'ai jamais eu la volonté de résister à ton pouvoir de séduction, à tes caprices et tes tricheries.
I was always willing to do whatever it took to get the job done.
Je voulais toujours faire ce qu'il fallait.
I was willing to do whatever it took to get you off of your ass and us on our way to California, and there's a big difference.
J'aurais seulement fait n'importe quoi pour que tu te bouges le cul pour qu'on aille en Californie, ce qui n'est pas vraiment pareil.
I was just as scared in the hospital as I'd been when we went for the generator so scared that all I could think about was doing whatever it took to stay alive.
Mais j'avais eu aussi peur dans l'hôpital qu'en allant chercher le générateur. J'avais eu si peur que j'aurais fait n'importe quoi pour rester en vie.
Whatever, shoveling manure, grooming the horses, whatever it took to keep up a good front, and make us look good with George.
Et toi aussi. - Alors pourquoi tu m'as amené ici? - Pour te présenter tout le monde.
- He'd do whatever it took.
- Il irait jusqu'au bout.
We had two cars on our side... we would outflank them, chase them, ambush them, whatever it took.
Nous avions deux voitures de notre côté... nous les prendrions par les flancs, les pourchasserions, ferions une embuscade, nous ferions tout.
Han had a friend named Jesus who helped him steal, bribe or do whatever it took to get the test sheets for us.
Han avait un copain, Jésus, qui l'aidait à voler ou à corrompre pour nous avoir les réponses aux tests.
I knew you guys would show up here as soon as you got onto me. Plus I knew you'd do whatever it took to help keep Dougie from running off.
Je savais que mon petit manège vous attirerait ici et que vous feriez tout pour empêcher Dougie de s'échapper.
I had to do whatever it took to get you to activate the Granilith.
Je devais faire en sorte que tu réactives le Granilith.
- Whatever it took.
- Ou d'une autre façon!
Whatever it took.
Aussi souvent qu'il le fallait.
Whatever drove him to it, he took the secret with him.
Il est mort avec son secret.
But I thought as soon as Dr. Harris took care of whatever it was, I'd feel better.
Je pensais que je me sentirais mieux.
Henry took photograph after photograph, but seemed to have no urge whatever to follow it up with a visit to the darkroom.
Henry prenait photo sur photo mais ne se dirigeait pas vers la chambre noire.
Whatever it was, it took them along.
Et ça les a emportés.
Now, whatever it was that was in here before came back and took Jill.
Ce qui était ici tout à l'heure est revenu s'emparer de Jill.
Although whatever civilization that might have been here was destroyed by some natural catastrophe, it would appear that one of the race took refuge in the cave.
Bien que la civilisation ait été anéantie par une catastrophe naturelle, un spécimen de notre race a dû s'abriter dans la caverne.
Raspinas... Whatever his name is, he took it.
J'ai dû le donner á Rapzinski.
I took the liberty of checking with the CSIRO, and they tell me that the prime content of whatever it was that fell... was petroleum, oil.
Je me suis tourné vers les scientifiques, et ils m'ont affirmé que ce qui est tombé était du pétrole.
Whatever you took, bring it out.
... that whatever actions the... uh, America took at the end of the war, it was for the welfare of the world at large.
Quelle que soit l'action entreprise par les USA à la fin de la guerre, c'était pour le bien de l'humanité en général.
It took whatever strength I had to send her away.
J'ai dû puiser dans mes forces pour la repousser.
It took a lot of men to catch whatever it is.
Il a fallu beaucoup d'homme pour la maitriser.
I didn't stroll on, dear. I took that turbo-tube or whatever it is.
Mais je ne me promène pas. J'ai pris le turbo, quel que soit le nom.
Whatever it took.
Ce qu'il fallait.
- You had to have it, whatever the cost, so you stole into the house and took it.
- Vous deviez avoir, quel que soit le coût, si vous avez volé dans la maison et le prit.
I'm telling you, he took whatever was in that goddamn deer, and he put it right into me.
Je peux te dire qu'il a pris ce qui était dans la biche... et l'a fait passer en moi.
For whatever it's worth, Annie, took a lot of guts for you to come here.
En tout cas, Annie... C'était courageux de venir.
The thing is, his Identicard was used several times after his death so it looks like your boy switched IDs with the dead guy took whatever money he had.
Son ldenticarte a êtê utilisée plusieurs fois après sa mort... donc votre type a échangé d'ldenticarte avec le mort... et a pris l'argent qu'il avait.
Grab whatever you took, or print it out and give it to me.
Prenez tout ce que vous avez trouvé et donnez-le-moi.
Whatever kind of ambition it took to do what you did around here, this world could use a lot more of it, Herman.
Quelle que soit l'ambition qu'il fallait pour faire ce que tu as fait, le monde en a bien besoin.
Yeah, Lois, sorry I took your show away from you but I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you get your chance next year.
Pardon de t'avoir volé ton spectacle. Mais je t'aiderai pour l'année prochaine.
He took a huge risk to come here and try and prove himself to her, and he will do whatever it takes to save her life.
Il a pris un gros risque en venant ici pour la voir et il fera tout pour la sauver.
Whatever you gave me, it took me down.
Votre truc, ça m'a détruit.
No one's talking, but whatever they took, they took it all.
On leur a tout pris.
Whatever happened, I guess she took it kind of hard.
En tout cas, ça l'a beaucoup affectée.
De Kere, Decker, whatever his name is, he took it off me.
- De Kere... Decker me l'a prise.
We took the body to the White House about whatever it was, 4 a.
On a emmené le corps à la Maison-Blanche à 4h. du matin.
Olec first gave the whore to his men then he had her himself and he tortured her and whatever then he cut open her belly and took out the 18-week foetus put it in a pot and sent it to my friend.
Oleg a offert la pute à ses hommes. Puis il s'est occupé d'elle. Il l'a torturée, martyrisée, il lui a tout fait avant de lui ouvrir le ventre, d'en sortir le foetus âgé de dix-huit semaines et de l'envoyer dans un bocal à mon ami.
It looks like somebody just broke open the refrigerator and took whatever was inside.
C'est comme si on avait volé tout ce qui était dans le frigo.
If there's one thing I'm sure of, it's that guy got on a train and took it back to Louisiana or Oklahoma or whatever backwater swamp his ass was spawned in.
Je suis sûr qu'il a déjà pris un train pour repartir en Louisiane ou en Oklahoma, bref, dans son foutu bled.
Whatever took his body took it to keep us here.
Ce qui a pris son corps veut nous garder ici.
Last year, when that higher whatever took over my body did those things nobody's talking about it.
L'an dernier, quand cet être, je ne sais quoi a pris possession de mon corps et a fait ces choses, plus personne n'en parle.
Whatever he put, he took it with him.
Quoi qu'il ait pu mettre, il l'a repris avec lui.
I don't know. Whatever it is, he either took too much or not enough.
Je sais pas, mais il en a pris beaucoup trop ou pas assez.
It looks like that thing Archer took off that Martian guy, or whatever he was.
Ca ressemble à la chose que Archer a prise à ce martien ou quoi que c'était.
Maybe, but whatever it is, it took a hell of a hit.
Peut-être. En tout cas, il a pris un sacré choc.
whatever it takes 474
whatever it is 1472
whatever it's called 22
whatever it was 308
whatever it costs 21
whatever it may be 21
it took me 90
it took me a while 16
it took you long enough 29
it took a while 40
whatever it is 1472
whatever it's called 22
whatever it was 308
whatever it costs 21
whatever it may be 21
it took me 90
it took me a while 16
it took you long enough 29
it took a while 40
it took a long time 18
it took 95
it took you 17
took 50
tookie 23
took you long enough 124
took off 44
took me 32
took him 16
took it 16
it took 95
it took you 17
took 50
tookie 23
took you long enough 124
took off 44
took me 32
took him 16
took it 16
took what 20
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
whatever you say 750
whatever works for you 17
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever you want 745
whatever 7954
whatevs 49
whatever you say 750
whatever works for you 17
whatever helps you sleep at night 20
whatever you need 442
whatever you think is best 17
whatever works 54
whatever you want 745