When it's all over tradutor Francês
296 parallel translation
When it's all over, if you still want me I'll come to you no matter where you are.
Quand tout sera fini, si vous voulez encore de moi, je viendrai vous retrouver où que vous soyez.
Yes, I know. It's more distressing than the end of a love affair - when a motor just says, " It's all over between us.
Oui, c'est pire que la fin d'une histoire d'amour.
No kidding, when it's all over with, will you tell me why you did murder him?
Sérieusement, quand tout sera terminé, me diras-tu pourquoi tu l'as tué?
About how good it'll be when it's all over and we can go home.
Et au bonheur qu'on vivra quand tout sera fini et que nous rentrerons chez nous.
I'm going to live through this, and when it's all over...
Je tiendrai bon et je n'aurai plus jamais... le ventre creux!
Sir Henry, it's too bad it's all over... just when you and Betsy Ann were really getting to know each other.
Dommage que ce soit déjà fini. Betsy Ann et vous commenciez juste à faire connaissance.
Well, just the same, I'll feel easier in my mind when it's all over.
Je me sentirai plus apaisée quand tout sera fini.
We must get together for a game of golf when it's all over, eh?
Faisons une partie de golf quand ce sera fini.
Well, now it's all over and I feel the way I did when they took the bands off my teeth.
Maintenant, tout est terminé, et je me sens comme quand on a retiré mon appareil dentaire.
When it's all over, we'll go away, anywhere you want, and forget about all this.
Après ça, on ira où tu voudras. On oubliera tout ça.
I sometimes wonder how we'll feel when it's all over.
Je me demande ce que nous ressentirons quand ce sera terminé.
Wouldn't it be wonderful if it was everybody's century when people all over the world, free people, found a way to live together?
Ce serait merveilleux si c'était celui de l'être humain, quand les peuples libres du monde entier apprirent à vivre ensemble?
And maybe when it's all over,
Quand tout sera fini...
You turn up when it's all over.
Tu l'as dit, tu arrives quand c'est fini. Bon.
It's like when you look for something all over the place, and then you find it was right in front of you all along.
C'est comme quand vous cherchez quelque chose partout, et puis vous le trouvez alors qu'il était juste en face de vous tout ce temps.
Ladies and gentlemen, when you look at this gorgeous couple... it's no wonder they're a household name all over the world.
Quel couple merveilleux! Notre Lina est à notre Don ce que le café est au lait.
For when it's all over a jolly sea rover drops in on his friend, Davy Jones
Un coup de couteau dans les omoplates Sur l'eau on ne fait pas de vieux os
- That's when I figured it was all over.
- Là, j'ai compris que tout était fini.
When it's over, every holiday will be like a fairground. Bright lights and music, and dancing all the way.
Et aussi, plein de fêtes, de couleurs, de musique et de danse jusqu'au bout de la nuit!
We've some hard knocks to take, but if we start boldly, more of us will be alive when it's all over.
Ce sera dur, mais si on est intrépides maintenant, on sera plus nombreux en vie après.
And I'd have felt so, sort of, safe and useless and alone without someone to be proud of, and frightened for, and to be waiting for when they come back, and to live for when it's all over.
Je me serais sentie à l'abri, inutile et seule sans quelqu'un pour qui être fière, avoir peur, quelqu'un que j'attendrais et pour qui je vivrais quand ce sera fini.
You will when it's all over.
Vous serez convaincue quand ce sera fini.
When they hang in your arms like an old laundry bag... it's all over, brother.
Quand elles vous pendent aux bras comme un vieux sac, c'est terminé, mon pote.
You don't owe me a thing, and you won't owe me when it's all over.
Vous ne me devez rien et ne me devrez rien jusqu'à la fin.
- When it's all over.
- Quand tout est fini.
Just give them a chance to go back when it's all over with.
Donnez-leur la possibilité de rentrer quand tout sera fini.
In moments like these, it's difficult to find the right words,... but when this is all over, Katia...
Dans de tels moments, on a du mal à trouver ses mots, mais quand tout sera fini, Katia...
It has fringe all around the edges and I guess, you could wear it over your head at noon to keep the sun off, or, I suppose in the evening when it's cool you could throw it around your shoulders.
Il a des franges sur les bords. Vous pourrez le porter sur la tête à midi, pour vous protéger du soleil. Le soir, quand il fera frais, vous le mettrez autour de vos épaules.
if you can bear to... Afterwards, when it's all over and the shouting's stopped.
Si tu peux le supporter... après, quand tout sera fini et que les clameurs se seront tues.
I thought it would all be over when the lord left with his retinue this morning, but it's not.
Je pensais que tout cela serait terminé, avec le départ du seigneur et de sa suite ce matin, mais il n'en est rien.
And when it's all over, you get a white dwarf.
Oui, grosse comme la Terre.
Everything's just as it was when we were friends... and I came over all the time.
Tout est resté comme au temps où nous étions amies... et me voilà revenue.
I like patting you on the back, when you deserve it, but you must understand, no-one can praise you all the time, over and over again...
J'aime bien te faire des compliments quand tu le mérites. Mais personne ne doit s'attendre à ce que je le fasse tout le temps, une fois ça va.
Aye, aye, George. See you at Coney when it's all over. Carry on.
Comme ça, on pouvait se concentrer sur ce qui transpirait de l'histoire et des décors.
And when we've done the nest and we've got the ransom money and it's all over the front pages that's when it will all come true for us, Billy. I'll make it come true.
Quand tout sera terminé, quand nous aurons la rançon, quand l'affaire s'étalera à la une des journaux, alors seulement nous leur dirons la vérité.
Oh, but I do and that's all that matters. It means that I can take over when you've gone.
Moi si, et quand vous partirez, je pourrai m'occuper de tout.
When the shooting stops and the dead buried and the politicians take over, it all adds up to one thing, a lost cause.
Quand les tirs cessent, qu'on enterre les morts... et que les politiciens s'en mêlent, il ne reste plus qu'une cause perdue.
Sure, sure. I'll come and visit you when it's all over.
Oui. Je viendrai te voir après l'opération.
He looks like he's makin'to answer or to take a mouth of coffee... when just like that... his face all spitters out... spilling in his coffee and all over hisself... with none of his face left on with it.
On dirait qu'il va répondre, ou reprendre du café, quand... juste comme ça, sa figure éclate, elle se répand dans le café et sur lui, la tête en bouillie.
When it's all over you could... You could benefit mankind. If you wish.
Quand ce sera terminé, vous pourrez en faire bénéficier l'humanité.
"Hide until it's all over. When I become chief vassal, I'll call you back then."
Tu dois rester caché, et ne réapparaître que quand tout sera fini.
When it's all over, I want you to get her out.
Lorsque ce sera fini, sortez-la d'ici.
When they're brought in, they're all really over the top. It's our job to try and treat the condition of overacting.
Notre travail est de traiter les causes de cet excès de cabotinage.
Um, when it's over your face, you must breathe deeply so you take in all the vapors, you see?
Il faut respirer fort pour inhaler la vapeur.
It'd come to a shootout and when it's all over, a bunch of dead cats.
On se flinguera. Ça fera un paquet de macchabées.
I won't say it's a matter of Republicans or Democrats but it's politics, all right, when the politicians put the polluters over the needs of the public.
Ce n'est pas une question de partis... mais de politique. Lorsque les hommes politiques... placent les besoins des pollueurs avant ceux du public.
- For when it's all over.
Tu comprends, pour après.
Not now. When it's all over. When it's behind us.
après... quand ce sera chose faite.
I overheard a part of your conversation with the colonel. Not now, not now. When it's all over.
Non, plus tard... après...
- How should I know? If you do find him, you tell him to bother coming home when all it's over.
Si vous le trouvez, dites-lui de rester où il est.
When it's all over, you're in the paper, saying it was really nothing. And I have a wet coat.
Puis vous serez en première page en disant que ce n'était rien... et mon manteau sera trempé.
when it's over 71
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
it's all over 506
it's all over the place 28
it's all over now 124
it's all over the news 76
it's all over the internet 25
all over the world 65
all over the place 53
when it's done 31
when it's time 24
it's all over 506
it's all over the place 28
it's all over now 124
it's all over the news 76
it's all over the internet 25
all over the world 65
all over the place 53
all over 197
all over it 16
all over again 78
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
all over it 16
all over again 78
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
when will i see you again 43
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when you're ready 256
when you're gone 25
when i'm gone 52
when it comes to you 25
when will i see you again 43
when it rains 55
when i 169
when in doubt 76
when he died 111
when you're ready 256