When he was young tradutor Francês
390 parallel translation
Kihachi was so handsome when he was young.
Quand il était jeune, Kihachi était bel homme.
I'll bet that old boy was a man to stand aside from when he was young and limber.
Il fallait sans doute éviter ce type quand il était en forme.
Only time he leaves is to dig chicks and try and find out how it was when he was young.
Il quitte son appartement que pour chercher des filles, et se souvenir de sa jeunesse.
When he was young, he says, "Mr. Brennan..." - Now, he came right from Ireland. - Oh, yes?
Son père, Mr Brennan, un lrlandais pure souche, lui a dit : " Si t'es malin,
He must have been handsome when he was young.
Il doit avoir été beau quand il était jeune.
Father, Vogel was there when he was young.
Père, Vogel y est allé dans sa jeunesse.
And a sculpture of Todor, when he was young.
Et le bas-relief du berger Todor dans sa jeunesse...
He said when he was young, he was a rascal.
- Qu'il était... un garnement quand il était petit.
Doesn't every old man in politics betray the wonderful things he believed in when he was young?
Les vieux ne trahissent-ils pas ce en quoi ils croyaient quand ils étaient jeunes?
When he was young, he was ignorant.
Quand il était jeune, il ignorait.
He think Yugoslavia is same like when he was young boy.
Il croit que la Yougoslavie n'a pas chang depuis sa jeunesse.
You know he played the accordion so beautifully when he was young.
Si tu savais comme il jouait de l'accordéon, étantjeune!
Your dad left when he was young and never wanted to return
Ton père est parti quand il était très jeune Et il n'a jamais voulu y retourner.
When he was young he used to follow the wolves on their hunts,
Quand il était jeune, il suivait les loups qui partaient chasser.
When he was young, he was a preacher... so evetybody believed him.
C'était un prêcheur, tout le monde l'écoutait.
He reminds me of your father back when I was a young girl.
Il me rappelle ton père au temps.. .. où j'étais demoiselle.
You see, when Horace was in London, he met a certain young lady.
Il a rencontré quelqu'un à Londres.
Only photograohy of his wife when she was young and photograohy of little English village, where he lived once.
Des photos de sa femme plus jeune et la photo d'un petit village anglais où il a vécu autrefois.
Her father was a very young man when he died of lung fever.
Son père est mort très jeune de pneumonie.
He was coming up to get a buck off of Larry Young when Udo came along.
Il venait taper Larry Young.
Sure. He says that guys who dress up like Santa Claus and give presents do it because when they was young they must have did something bad and they feel guilty.
Il dit que les gens qui se déguisent en père Noël... ont dû faire quelque chose de mal dans leur jeunesse... et se sentent coupables.
And happy I am to think, sir, that I had some small hand in saving young Master Hawkins when he was within half a plank of death.
après avoir frôlé la mort.
When Bear Ghost was young he thought only of war killing his enemies taking their horses.
Dans sa jeunesse, il rêvait de guerre et de voler des chevaux.
He was a boy just a boy when I was a very young girl.
Ce n'était qu'un enfant, rien qu'un enfant, et moi j'étais toute jeune.
The face of her husband, when he was a young man.
Le visage de son jeune époux.
[I was about to leave, when, suddenly... ] [... I found a young priest facing me. He was white with fear and trembling.]
J'allais m'en aller quand je vis paraître un petit curé pâle et transi de peur.
Even if he is right about her... he is doubly wrong about my client, because... if Harry K. Thaw found his bride... to be what the district attorney claims she is... was it not inevitable that something should have snapped in his young mind... when he saw the man who had turned her into his -
Même s'il a raison pour elle... il a doublement tort pour mon client, parce que... si Harry K. Thaw avait découvert que son épouse... était ce que le procureur prétend qu'elle est... n'était-il pas inévitable que quelque chose craque dans son jeune esprit... en voyant l'homme qui l'avait transformée en...
I asked him how it was that he had lived so long... when everyone else in his village had died so young.
Je lui demandai pourquoi tous mourraient si jeunes.
When I was waltzing with that young lieutenant, he was stepping all over my feet... and blushing like a June bride.
Ce jeune lieutenant m'écrasait les pieds et rougissait comme une pucelle.
Met a girl when he was a young ensign at Pensacola.
Il était jeune enseigne à Pensacola quand il a rencontré une fille.
My mother burnt the ones we had when he left. I was very young, so I do not remember.
Ma mère les a brûlés quand il est parti, j'étais si petite que je m'en souviens à peine.
When I was a young girl he used to pay me with a hard-boiled egg.
Des fois, il me payait avec un oeuf!
And moved by an impulse of pity and decency, he was about to cover that poor, young body with a serape when Major Dabney entered, and Dabney, in blind fury and outrage, opened fire upon him, wounding him grievously twice.
Sous le coup de la pitié et par décence, il allait couvrir le corps de cette pauvre jeune fille avec un poncho quand le major Dabney est entré, et Dabney, aveuglé par le choc et la fureur a fait feu sur lui, le blessant grièvement par deux fois.
- He looks so young. When was this taken?
Il paraît si jeune de quand date-t-elle?
A firm believer in coexistence, Boris Vassiliev, a very gifted subject, was very young when he earned the nickname Trinitrotoluene.
Apôtre de la coexistence, Boris Vassilief, sujet très doué, surnommé dès l'enfance "Trinitrotoluène".
May I crave leave to greet our young and learned friend, for I noticed him when he was first made Archdeacon.
il est temps pour moi de prendre congé et de saluer notre jeune ami promu, que j'avais déjà remarqué quand il avait été fait premier archidiacre.
When he was a young boy, he had the mumps and that rendered him impotent.
Dans son enfance, il a attrapé les oreillons. Ça l'a rendu stérile.
But, when young Niiro turned 13, the physician was transferred to a country fief within his Lord's domain where, later, he contracted an illness and died.
Mais un jour, le médecin fut muté en province. Niiro avait alors 13 ans. Quelques années plus tard, il y tomba malade et mourut.
I married Phillips Breckenridge when he was a promising young congressman.
J'ai épousé Phillips Breckenridge, alors jeune membre du Congrès.
They just hung this thing on me... when that young Marshal Duncan was killed. You know he was whipped to death right here in this street.
quand le jeune Marshall Duncan a été fouetté à mort, ici, dans cette rue.
I thought it was cos when a man gets to my age, he can't satisfy them lusty young bitches no more.
J'ai cru que c'était parce que, quand un homme a mon âge, il ne peut plus satisfaire les petites jeunes.
Before, before leaving for Africa, when he was still young.
Avant de partir pour l'Afrique. Il était encore tout jeune.
I, um, think he's talking about the young lady who was in the lobby... when you were trying to decide on the new carpeting.
Je, hum, pense qu'il parle de la jeune dame qui était dans le couloir... quand vous vous décidiez sur la nouvelle moquette.
You know, a young Musial when he first come up. Only his eyes were all screwy, like what he was doing to me was all in a day's work.
Vous savez, Musial en plus jeune, quand je l'ai vu, sauf que ses yeux étaient bizarres, comme si ce qu'il me faisait était son boulot habituel.
I heard she suffered. And Papa, he died when I was young.
J'ai assisté à la mort de mon père.
When I came... I saw a young man in the alley I thought he was your pupil
En arrivant, j'ai vu un jeune homme que j'ai pris pour votre élève.
His father died when he was so young.
Son père est mort quand il était si jeune.
Young master became blind when he was small
Je bois en votre honneur.
Look, it didn't connect until I saw Chameleon with Starbuck but when that young noman plucked those laser boles, I could swear he was looking straight at Chameleon.
Je n'ai pas fait le rapprochement avant d'avoir vu Caméléon avec Starbuck, mais quand le jeune nomade a sorti ses boules laser, j'aurais juré qu'il regardait Caméléon.
When he was a young man, he was brash and full of himself. But also intelligent and compassionate.
Quand il était jeune, il était bravache... imbu de lui-même, et aussi intelligent et compatissant.
You know, when I was a young director, and I directed the Bacchae at Yale... my impulse, when Pentheus has been killed by his mother and the Furies... and they pull the tree back, and they tie him to the tree... and fling him into the air, and he flies through space and he's killed... and they rip him to shreds and I guess cut off his head... my impulse was that the thing to do was to get a head from the New Haven morgue... and pass it around the audience.
Ames débuts, j'ai mis en scène "Les Bacchantes"... Lorsque Penthée est tué par sa mère et les Furies, on rabat un arbre pour le lier à une branche, et puis on le projette en l'air, on le taille en pièces, on lui coupe la tête... Ma première réaction a été de trouver une tête à la morgue et de la montrer!
when he died 111
when he was born 18
when he dies 19
when he was 88
when he comes back 25
when he said 21
when he came back 43
when he comes 26
when he 34
when he gets here 18
when he was born 18
when he dies 19
when he was 88
when he comes back 25
when he said 21
when he came back 43
when he comes 26
when he 34
when he gets here 18
when he was a kid 17
when he wakes up 46
when he gets back 21
when he says 21
when he's ready 23
when he does 75
when he left 30
he was young 27
when they 28
when we first met 137
when he wakes up 46
when he gets back 21
when he says 21
when he's ready 23
when he does 75
when he left 30
he was young 27
when they 28
when we first met 137
when the saints go marching in 18
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when it comes to you 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43
when you 160
when were you born 26
when i was younger 134
when are you leaving 116
when i was a child 198
when you're gone 25
when it comes to you 25
when i'm gone 52
when will i see you again 43