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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ W ] / Where did you get

Where did you get tradutor Francês

5,360 parallel translation
Now where did you get that?
Maintenant dis moi où tu as eu ça?
Where did you get that idea?
D'où te viens cette idée?
And where did you get them?
Et ou tu les a eu?
Where did you get that from?
Où as-tu trouvé ça?
Where did you get that?
- Où avez-vous trouvé ça?
Where did you get that?
Où tu as trouvé ça?
Where did you get this from?
T'as eu ça où?
Where did you get this?
D'où tu sors ça?
Where did you get that?
Où l'as-tu eu?
I said, where did you get that?
J'ai dit, où as-tu eu ça?
- Where did you get that?
- Où as tu eu ça?
Well, where did you get it?
Où l'as-tu eu?
Where did you get it from?
Où l'avez-vous obtenu?
Where did you get that necklace?
Où as-tu eu ce collier?
Come to think of it, where did you get this car?
En y pensant, où tu as eu cette voiture?
Where did you get this mulch?
Où t'as trouvé cette bouillasse?
Where did you get that?
Où as-tu eu ça?
- Where did you get those bruises?
- Où as-tu eu ces bleus?
Uh, Mr. Gardner, where did you get this?
Mr Gardner, où avez-vous eu ça?
Where did you get this?
Où as tu eu ça?
Where did you get that?
Ou as-tu eu trouvé ça?
Where did you get these?
Où t'as eu ça?
Where did you get this information?
Où as-tu eu cette information?
Where did you get the money from?
Où as-tu trouvé cet argent?
- Where did you get this picture?
- Où as-tu eu cette photo?
Where did you get it?
D'où cela provient-il?
Where did you get it from?
Pose-moi ca. Tu les as pris ou?
Where did you get all this?
Où est ce que vous avez trouvé tout ça?
- where did you get the money from?
- Où as-tu obtenu assez d'argent?
Where did you get your mug?
D'où tu sors une tête pareille?
- Where did you get them?
- Où tu les as eus?
Where did you get that skirt?
Où as-tu eu cette jupe?
Where did you get this?
Où avez-vous eu ça?
Where did you get those?
Où les as-tu trouvées?
Where did you get those?
Comment les avez-vous eues?
Where did you get this phone?
Où avez-vous eu ce téléphone?
Hey, where did you get a Ridgefield shirt?
Hey, où as-tu eu ce T-shirt de Ridgefield?
Where did you get these from?
D'où ça vient?
Blythe, where did you get this bowl?
Blythe, où avez vous trouvé cette soucoupe?
Where did you get these?
Où les as-tu eus?
- Where did you get the beads?
- Où as-tu trouvé ce chapelet?
Then where did you get his bandana?
Alors ou as tu eu son bandana?
Where did you get that?
Où est ce que Vous avez eu ça?
Where did you get that hat?
Où t'as eu ce chapeau?
- Where did you get that mouth?
- Où t'as eu cette grande gueule?
Where did you get this?
Ou as tu eu ça?
Where did you { \ * even } get that camera?
Ton appareil vient d'où?
- Where did you get it?
- Où as-tu pris ça?
Where the fuck did you get this...?
Où avez eu ce téléphone...?
Where did you guys get all this stuff?
D'où vous sortez tous ces trucs?
How did we get to the point where you think I don't want you to enjoy things?
Comment on en est arrivé à ce point où tu penses que je ne veux pas que tu apprécies les choses?

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