Whoever it was tradutor Francês
844 parallel translation
Whoever it was, we've got to find him before this night is over.
Il faut le trouver avant l'aube.
I don't know, but whoever it was did us a good turn.
Je ne sais pas, mais ils nous ont bien aidés.
Whoever it was got by the guard and released the ape.
Qui que ce soit, il a trompé le garde et libéré le gorille.
No, but whoever it was must have had good reasons.
Non, mais peu importe qui c'est, la personne devait avoir de bonnes raisons.
Whoever it was certainly worked fast.
L'assassin a travaillé rapidement.
Whoever it was in that secret passage acted quite sanely.
Celui qui a fait ça était sain d'esprit.
Narvo or whoever it was would have destroyed all the evidence.
Narvo ou un autre aurait détruit toutes les preuves.
Karl, I'd love to tell you, but whoever it was said I wasn't to say a word to anyone.
Karl, j'aimerais vous le dire, mais je ne dois en parler à personne.
He paid for it, too, whoever it was.
Il a laissé de l'argent, qui que ce soit.
I don't know. Whoever it was.
Je ne sais pas, mais quelqu'un.
Whoever it was probably searched this room too.
Qui que ce soit, il a probablement fouillé cette chambre aussi.
When we looked out, whoever it was was gone.
Quand on est allés voir, il était parti.
If I find... whoever it was who took such liberties with my wife...
Si je tenais celui qui a fait ça à ma femme... J'ai reçu un coup de pied dans le derriere.
But whoever it was did us all a favor.
Mais quiconque il ait été, il nous a fait à tous une faveur. Bonne nuit.
Why don't we pursue whoever it was?
Pourquoi ne pas le poursuivre?
Nobody'd ever tell you whoever it was, because they'd be scared. 'Cause they know what kind of a guy I am.
Personne ne dira jamais qui, sans doute par crainte.
Whoever it was, they.... They went away.
Quoi qu'il en soit... il n'y a plus personne.
Whoever it was he tried to call hung up all four times.
Son correspondant a raccroché 4 fois. Moi, je mens?
I expected to meet whoever it was going to be.
- J'attendais m'attendre à qui que se soit. - Si il y a une récompense.
Well, maybe he just changed his mind... whoever it was.
Ou il a peut-être changé d'avis... qui que ce soit.
Whoever it was, it was probably a brunette in her late 20s.
Probablement une jeunette tout juste majeure.
And whoever it was, he's killing her over and over again.
Quoi qu'il en soit, il la tue encore et encore.
Must have gone, whoever it was that knifed you. Seems like they're trying to shoot it out with the cops.
Ils le poursuivent avec la police.
I tell you, I hit him, whoever it was.
Je suis certain de l'avoir touché, peu importe qui il est.
Whoever it was, the thought is what's important.
Peu importe qui l'a dit, c'est l'idée qui compte.
All I know is that I want you to find whoever it was, who did that thing to my uncle before it happens again.
Mais je veux que vous trouviez qui a fait cela à mon oncle, avant que ça ne se reproduise.
Those impressions were on the fingers of whoever it was that put the skull in the cabinet.
Ces impressions se trouvaient sur les doigts de quiconque a mis le crâne dans le meuble.
She, they, whoever it was.
Elle, ils, peu importe qui c'était.
Whoever it was, would you step forward, please?
Que celui qui me l'a dit s'avance.
[Evidently the thief, whoever it was, had had second thoughts... ] [... or perhaps he realized before the others did that... ] [... with or without a clapper, the bell was no use any more.]
Le voleur s'était peut-être repenti, ou peut-être avait-il déjà compris qu'avec ou sans battant, la cloche était inutilisable.
Whoever it was tried to get her in here first.
On a d'abord essayé de la mettre là-dedans.
Whoever it was, Plato knows who it is, and now he's gonna tell us.
Platon sait de quoi il s'agit, il va nous le dire.
Whoever it was won't be back anytime soon.
Qui que ce soit, il ne reviendra pas de si tôt.
Just think, whoever took it was right in the room with us.
Imagine. Celui qui l'a piquée était dans la salle avec nous.
Whoever he was, he paid 10,000 for it.
J'ai oublié, mais il l'a payée 10 000 F.
It seems like he also said something like, whoever believes in him, even if he was dead, will still live and that whoever lives and believes in him will never die and that...
II aurait aussi dit quelque chose comme : quiconque croit en Lui, même mort, sera toujours en vie, et quiconque vit et croit en Lui ne mourra jamais et que...
I was going after whoever tried to gyp him out of it.
J'allais m'en occuper.
Whoever that was, it doesn't matter.
You mean he took it away from whoever was here before.
Vous voulez dire qu'il l'a prise à ceux qui se trouvaient là avant.
It was an abysmal crime, whoever was responsible. - But I -
Une abomination, quel qu'en soit l'auteur.
So whoever you went to meet, it was not to report on me.
Tu n'as donc rien pu dévoiler sur moi.
Well, whoever said it, it was very true.
J'ignore qui a dit ça, mais c'est très vrai.
Whoever did it was making sure they'd never talk.
Celui qui l'a fait voulait qu'ils se taisent.
He's obsessed with trucks, so whoever it was can relax.
Je suis sûr que c'est un camion.
It had been prearranged and agreed to by all... That in the event of an emergency before the split... The money was to be saved by whoever had possession of it at that time...
Il avait été arrangé et convenu par tous... qu'en cas d'urgence avant le partage, l'argent devait être sauvé... par celui qui l'avait en sa possession à ce moment là... sans considération pour le sort des autres... l'argent devant être partagé en toute sécurité à une date ultérieure.
Whoever else was on it...
Qui d'autre était à bord?
I told whoever it was that called. I have 10 men left.
Il me reste dix hommes.
Whoever was it who had the foolish idea to send Don Juan to Earth
Qui, de par ma grand-mère, a eu l'idée idiote d'envoyer Don Juan sur terre?
Well, frankly, whoever pulled this job shouldn't have done it while I was in town.
Je vous répondrai franchement. Aucun "gang"... n'aurait commis ce vol, me sachant en ville.
Is it possible that civilized men can commit such ignoble acts just because of that brainless girl? Don't you think that, whoever punished that brainless girl in such a crude way proved he was even less discerning? You're right.
Seigneur, comment peut-on arriver à commettre de tels forfaits rien que pour une toquée?
And whoever was in here last night dropped it.
Quiconque est entré ici hier l'a laissée tomber.
whoever it is 165
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was 5878
it was over 93
it was nice talking to you 43
it wasn't meant to be 40
it wasn't me 977
it wasn't your fault 315
it was nice knowing you 36
it was great to see you 35
it was nice to meet you 237
it was nice seeing you again 19
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it wasn't that bad 112
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it wasn't hard 37
it was nice seeing you 35
it was an accident 1408
it was a long time ago 376
it wasn't that bad 112
it was great 632
it wasn't 1008
it wasn't my fault 280
it was fun 381
it wasn't hard 37
it was good 635
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37
it was a mistake 473
it was a 305
it was beautiful 226
it was me 921
it wasn't a big deal 50
it was nice 232
it was amazing 310
it wasn't fair 35
it wasn't a date 37