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Translate.vc / Inglês → Turco / [ W ] / Whoever it was

Whoever it was tradutor Turco

813 parallel translation
Whoever it was, we've got to find him before this night is over.
Her kim olursa olsun, sabah olmadan onu bulmak zorundayız.
No, but whoever it was must have had good reasons.
Hayır ; fakat her kimse kendince sebepleri vardır.
Whoever it was certainly worked fast.
Herkimse de işini hızlı görmüş.
Karl, I'd love to tell you, but whoever it was said I wasn't to say a word to anyone.
Karl, söylemek isterdim ama kimseye söylemem gerektiği söylendi.
We'll probably never know who killed him. But whoever it was did us all a favor.
Onu kimin öldürdüğünü belki hiç bilemeyeceğiz ama o her kimse, bize büyük iyilik yaptı.
Nobody'd ever tell you whoever it was, because they'd be scared. 'Cause they know what kind of a guy I am.
Kim olduğunu kimse söylemiyor çünkü korkuyorlar.
Whoever it was, they...
Her kimse, onlar...
Must have gone, whoever it was that knifed you.
Seni bıçaklayan her kimse, kaçsa iyi eder.
He's obsessed with trucks, so whoever it was can relax.
Kamyonlara kafayı taktı, kim yaptıysa gönlü rahat olsun.
I thought whoever it was would be wearing a ready-made suit off of a basement rack, his heels would be run down.
Her kim idiyse bodrumI thought whoever it was would rafından çıkarılmış hazır giysibe wearing a ready-made suit giydiğini, topuklarının aiındığını sandım.
Whoever it was, the thought is what's important.
Kim yazarsa yazsın, burada önemli olan fikir.
I told whoever it was that called.
Pekâlâ, sana söylemedim.
Whoever it was, would you step forward, please?
Bunu bana söyleyen her kimse, bir adım öne çıksın, lütfen.
Whoever it was tried to get her in here first,
Kim yaptıysa önce onu buraya sokmaya çalışmış.
Whoever it was won't be back anytime soon.
O her kimse uzun süre geri gelemez.
Whoever it was did a good job.
Her kim yapmışsa iyi bir iş becermiş.
Whoever it was tried to choke your wife. She must have put up a pretty good fight.
Karını kim boğmak istemişse bayağı mücadele etmiş.
Whoever it was hung up.
Her kim aradıysa kapattı.
But whoever it was, I think he must have worked on her for weeks.
Fakat her kimse bence haftalarca bu işle uğraşmış.
Whoever it was obviously wanted me up and awake at that particular moment.
Bu kişi her kimse, belli ki beni uyandırmak istemişti.
Well, there's one thing for sure - that whoever it was, it had to be some... some guy out here in a boat in the marina.
Ama şurası kesin ihbarı yapan adam her kim ise, marinada bot kullanıyor olmalıydı.
- For Jean's sake you ought to know everything... and stop wasting your time around here and start looking in the right places... for whoever it was that was responsible for her death.
Jean'in adına her şeyi bilmen ve boşuna buralarda dolaşmayı bırakıp, onun ölümünden her kim sorumluysa onun için doğru yerlere bakmağa başlaman gerekiyor.
I'll kill him, whoever it was up there.
Oradaki kimse, onu geberteceğim.
Whoever it was lit a cigarette and dropped it through the grille.
Her kimse sigarasını yaktı ve ızgaradan içeri fırlattı onu.
- For Jean's sake you ought to know everything... and stop wasting your time around here and start looking in the right places... for whoever it was that was responsible for her death.
Jean hakkında Her şeyi biliyor olmalısın... buralarda oyalanmayı kes doğru yerlerde aramaya başla... ölümünden kim sorumluysa
All over the world, people were saying that the fishiest thing in this whole business... was not Irving's part in it... but the identity of whoever it was who claimed to Irving he was Hughes.
Dünyanın her yerinde insanlar... Bu işte meselenin Irving'e düşen kısmını değil, Irving'in Hughes olarak tanıttığı kişiyi konuşuyordu.
I don't know. But whoever it was just barely finished putting out his cigar.
Bilmiyorum ama herkimse, purosunu söndüreli fazla olmamış.
Whoever it was was here this afternoon and he was looking for me.
O, her kimse akşamüstü buradaydı ve beni arıyordu.
Whoever it was, Mr. Hayward, has to have been a human fly.
Her kim idiyse, Bay Hayward, bir insan sinek olmuş olmalı.
Whoever it was was trying to murder you.
O her kimdiyse, seni öldürmeye çalıştı.
The hotel didn't want to put them through but whoever it was convinced him it was an emergency.
Otel bağlamak istememiş ama arayan acil demiş.
And whoever it was deserves a medal.
Kim olduğu önemli değil. Her kimse madalyayı hak ediyor.
- Whoever it was...
- Artık her kim ise...
Whoever he was, he paid 10,000 for it.
Kimse kim, bunun için 10 bin frank ödedi.
I was going after whoever tried to gyp him out of it.
Engellemeye kalkışanların peşindeydim.
You mean he took it away from whoever was here before.
Yani daha önce burada olanlardan almış demek istiyorsun.
They saw a murder. Whoever did it was making sure they'd never talk.
Bir cinayet görmüşler ve bu cinayeti işleyen, ikisinin asla konuşmayacağından emin olmak istemiş.
But underneath it we knew we were sitting on a barrel of dynamite, and that the stoolie, whoever he was, was ready to strike again any second.
Ancak altımızda bir dinamit olduğunu hissediyorduk ve şu pislik herif, adı her ne idiyse her an yeni bir hamle yapmaya hazırdı.
That in the event of an emergency before the split... The money was to be saved by whoever had possession of it at that time... Without any consideration of the fate of the others...
paylaşımdan önce beklenmedik bir durum oluşursa, para, o anda elinde bulunduran kişi tarafından diğerlerine ne olduğuna bakılmaksızın saklanacaktı... ve daha sonra güvenli bir ortam oluştuğunda paylaşılacaktı.
Whoever else was on it... Except for this man.
Bu adam hariç içindeki herkes de.
Whoever was it who had the foolish idea to send Don Juan to Earth
Don Juan'ı dünyaya gönderme fikrini de kim uydurmuştu böyle?
Well, frankly, whoever pulled this job shouldn't have done it while I was in town.
Doğrusu, bu işi yapan her kimse ben buradayken yapmamalıydı.
Whoever created the Phoenix Lute was a genius, it's a good thing that my aunt has kept it for so long.
Zümrü-dü Anka Lavtasını kim yaptıysa, bir dahiymiş halamın bunca zaman saklamış olması iyi bir şey.
What does that mean? It means that whoever did it was in one hell of a hurry.
Bunu yapan kişinin bayağı bir acelesi varmış yani.
Anyway, it seems that whoever was driving that car must've been listening to classical music.
Yani, arabayı kullanan kişi klasik müzik dinliyormuş.
Whoever did it was supposedly a ronin with a child.
Her kim yaptıysa, muhtemelen çocuklu bir ronindi.
Whoever did this was very good at it.
Bunu yapan kişi işini çok iyi biliyor.
Whoever was sittin'in the chair when he'd come around... why, they'd stand up and give it to him.
Oturanlar onu gördüklerinde, kalkıp yerlerini ona veriyorlardı.
It meant that Erwin whoever his father may have been had been born in wedlock and was a legitimate child who could not be adopted without the husband's consent.
Bu da, Erwin'in, babası kim olursa olsun, bir evlilik içinde doğduğu ve dolayısıyla meşru olduğu için, kocanın onayı olmadan evlatlık verilememesi demekti.
Well, whoever swore to it... was a liar and a cow thief.
Bunu her kim teyit ettiyse... yalancı ve sığır hırsızıdır.
We might as well admit it, or you or whoever was in on it.
Bunu kabullenmeliyiz. Son, o, bu her kimse artık.

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