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You had sex tradutor Francês

2,052 parallel translation
Well, she's saying that you had sex with the president of the Dandelion Club.
Elle dit que tu as couché avec le président du Club.
You had sex with a man.
Tu... a couché... avec un homme.
Mm. The last woman you had sex with.
Votre dernière conquête.
Hold on. Are you... are you claiming you had sex with Jonas Dixon?
Attendez, vous dites... que vous avez couché avec Dixon?
You had sex with her and then you didn't even tell me. I mean, what else don't I know about you?
Tu as couché avec elle et t'as même pas eu le courage de me le dire.
- Oh, come on, people, you had sex.
Vous l'avez fait!
People hear you had sex once and, bam, you're a bimbo.
Une expérience sexuelle et on devient une bimbo.
I'm sorry, baby, but you blew that chance when you had sex with me.
Désolée, chéri, mais c'est trop tard maintenant que tu as couché avec moi.
When was the last time you had sex on the regular?
Toi, sur une base régulière, ça remonte à quand?
You had sex with him.
Vous avez couché avec lui?
You had sex once.
Vous l'avez fait une fois.
You had sex with her before.
Tu as déjà couché avec elle.
Are you saying you had sex with him?
Tu veux dire que tu as couché avec lui?
Have you had sex with a man?
T'as déjà couché avec un homme?
You had sex, Mitchell.
Tu as baisé, Mitchell. Baisé.
- So you had a sex dream about me, huh?
- Tu as fait un rêve sexuel sur moi?
- What do these mean? - You guys just had sex?
- Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire?
Britta told me she had a sex dream about you.
Britta m'a dit avoir eu un rêve sexuel à propos de toi.
You had sex, didn't you? ! No.
Tu as fait l'amour, c'est ça?
You're wrestling for the right to marry Mackenzie Phillips but just learned that she had sex with her father. Go.
Vous combattez pour épouser Mackenzie Phillips, mais vous apprenez qu'elle a couché avec son père.
I mean, by now, we would have... had incredible sex and... you would have broken up with me and instead we get to do this.
Enfin, là maintenant, on aurait... baisé incroyablement et... tu aurais rompu avec moi et à la place on doit faire ça.
Hey guys, do you thinknynyone might have had sex in here?
Vous croyez que quelqu'un a déjà fait l'amour ici?
You ever had sex with a trophy before?
T'as déjà baisé avec un trophée?
Wait, so you guys had sex with the same girl?
Vous avez couché avec la même fille?
You know, if my sister weren't pregnant, I never would have met you. Well, if my best friend hadn't had sex with your sister,
Ben, si mon meilleur ami n'avait pas couché avec ta soeur, je t'aurais jamais rencontrée.
- Some people are saying this isn't the first time That you've had sex with a married councilman.
Ça ne serait pas la 1re fois que vous fréquentez un conseiller marié.
- You guys had sex near The Todd.
- Vous l'avez fait près de Todd.
I'm guessing, you would have had some pretty amazing sex.
J'imagine, que tu aurais passé une nuit incroyable.
Have you ever had sex with a piece of fruit?
As tu déjà couché avec un morceau de fruit?
Have you ever had sex with a man or boy?
Vous avez couché avec un homme ou un garçon?
Oh, yeah, I've had a number of casual, crazy, sex-filled relationships since you and I crapped out. But I think this lady might be the one.
J'ai eu une série de relations aussi folles et remplies de sexe les unes que les autres, mais j'ai comme l'impression que c'est la bonne.
You had sex with him. It was always consensual.
Vous avec couché avec lui.
You had 2 agendas. 1, you wanted to have sex with her.
Vous aviez deux objectifs :
What are you talking about? We only had sex once.
On a juste couché ensemble!
You, if we had sex.
Toi, si on baise.
- Have you ever had sex with a girl?
- T'as déjà baisé une fille?
Have you had unprotected sex with anyone in the last six months?
Avez-vous eu des rapports sexuels non protégés avec n'importe qui dans les six derniers mois?
So you've had sex.
Alors tu as déjà couché.
Zoe called me and told me she had sex with you.
- Zoe m'a dit qu'elle a couché avec toi.
I had sex with you.
- J'ai couché avec toi.
So you had no intention of having sex with an underage minor.
Alors, tu n'avais aucune intention de baiser une mineure.
Blaqguy had sex with you when you were blindfolded!
Blaqguy t'a baisé quand tu avais le bandeau sur les yeux!
When's the last time the two of you had unprotected sex?
À quand remontent vos derniers rapports non protégés?
All we did was make out and stuff. The two of you had sex!
On n'a pas couché!
I will sign it once you graduate high school without having had sex, or more sex, as the case may be.
Je le signerai quand tu auras eu ton bac sans avoir fait l'amour, ou sans l'avoir refait, au cas où.
! I just had a sex dream about you!
J'ai fait un rêve érotique avec toi.
You had me at "sex tape."
Je t'arrête.
We had sex this morning, and now you are dumping me.
On a couché ensemble ce matin, et maintenant tu me largues.
Have you guys had sex yet?
- Annie. - Elle a bien fait ça?
I knew what you meant just then, but we've had sex, so it's definitely you.
Je sais ce que tu voulais dire, mais on a couché ensemble, donc ça vient de toi.
You never had sex with that girl?
Vous n'avez pas couché ensemble?

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