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Translate.vc / Inglês → Francês / [ Y ] / You had your chance

You had your chance tradutor Francês

644 parallel translation
You had your chance.
Fallait y aller la première fois.
You had your chance, my friends.
Vous avez eu votre chance.
You had your chance, Sir Guy, but you spurned me.
Vous avez eu votre chance, mais vous m'avez éconduite.
All right, suit yourself, but just remember you had your chance.
D'accord, tant pis pour vous. Vous avez eu votre chance.
Stop it and get out! You had your chance to be something else.
Vous auriez pu devenir quelqu'un d'autre.
I am. You had your chance and made a mess of it.
Tu as eu ta chance et tu l'as gâchée.
A month ago, you had your chance.
Vous aviez une chance.
You had your chance, Sam.
Tu as eu ta chance, Sam.
You had your chance and you flubbed it.
Vous avez raté le coche!
You had your chance.
Tant pis pour toi!
You had your chance, and you gambled it away.
Vous avez eu votre chance, vous l'avez jouée.
Look, you had your chance and you failed.
Votre méthode a échoué.
You had your chance to kill Tate.
Vous avez raté l'occasion de tuer Tate.
You had your chance! I'm taking mine now.
Vous avez eu votre chance!
- You had your chance, mate. And ours.
- Tu as eu ta chance et la nôtre.
Thanks to me, you had your chance.
Grâce à moi, tu as eu ta chance.
- You had your chance.
- Tu as eu ta chance.
You had your chance.
Vous avez eu votre chance.
You had your chance, and you flubbed it up.
Vous en avez eu une et vous l'avez gâchée.
You had your chance and you didn't take it.
Tu n'as pas été raisonnable. Dommage.
You had your chance to talk last night.
Tu aurais pu parler hier soir.
Okay, you had your chance... and you muffed it!
Bon, vous avez eu votre chance et vous l'avez foirée.
Well, you had your chance.
Vous avez eu votre chance.
Forget it, Curly! You had your chance and you blew it!
Oublie, le frisé, t'as eu ta chance et tu l'as ratée.
You had a chance to redeem your unfortunate life in the service of your country.
Vous auriez pu racheter votre vie malheureuse en servant votre pays.
You'll do 15 days of labor for bragging about killing your captain and 15 more days for not having done it when you had the chance.
- Vous ferez 15 jours de travaux pour avoir voulu me tuer et 15 autres pour ne l'avoir pas fait. Un légionnaire n'a qu'une parole.
You've had your last chance, Mantell.
Tu as eu ta dernière chance, Mantell.
- Oh, no, you won't. You've had your last chance.
Tu avais une chance!
I didn't fully understand all he tried to tell me, but it was something about you living the rest of your life for him as he might have lived it himself if he'd had the right breaks when he was a kid.
Je n'ai pas tout saisi. Il voulait que vous viviez la vie qu'il aurait menée si on lui avait donné sa chance.
- I don't think so. - So what are you gonna do... pass up the greatest break you've ever had in your life?
- Alors, tu vas laisser passer... la plus grande chance de ta vie?
- You had your chance.
- Ah?
Give me another chance. You had your last chance on St. Patrick's Day.
- La dernière était à la Saint-Patrick.
If a guy had the chance for a good job in Russia and he asked your advice, what would you say?
Donc d'après vous, en Russie, on est ni mieux ni moins bien qu'ici.
What do you feel, now that you've had your chance?
Que ressentez-vous maintenant que vous la tenez?
You've had a chance to change your mind, is that it?
Vous avez eu le temps de changer d'avis?
If any of you gentlemen have ever had an urge to throw things out of windows, this is your chance of a lifetime.
Messieurs, si l'un d'entre vous veut jeter des choses par la fenêtre, c'est maintenant ou jamais.
After you've had a chance to order things in your own mind.
Lorsque tu auras mis de l'ordre dans tes pensées.
You grownups have had your chance.
Vous, les grands, avez eu votre temps.
- j'étais sur place. - Quelle chance.
But you five have had more than your share of luck lately.
Mais vous avez déjà eu votre part de chance.
Sir I beg your pardon, but I haven't had a chance to talk to you alone.
Mon commandant... Il faut que je vous parle seul à seul.
You were born in 1943, and precisely that year, your mother had a lot of luck.
Tu es née en 1943, et justement, cette année-là, ta mère a eu beaucoup de chance.
Certainly not, you've had your chance, let's get on with it
Non. C'est trop tard. Poursuivons.
I had forgotten, or rather as Your Holiness asked me the question I thought you had forgotten and so I took a chance and
j'avais oublié, ou plutôt comme Votre Sainteté m'a posé la question je pensais que vous aviez oublié aussi j'ai pris la liberté...
You had the chance to learn from Teacher Qi. I urge you to do your best.
Tu as la chance d'avoir un bon maître, montre-t'en digne.
Gentlemen, by coming after me, you may well have destroyed what slim chance you had for your survival.
En me secourant, vous avez peut-être anéanti vos chances de survie.
Doctor, as I was saying, you've had your chance and come up with nothing.
Comme je le disais, vous avez eu votre chance et vous n'avez rien trouvé.
You already had your chance once.
Tu as eu l'occasion de le faire. Maintenant, il est trop tard.
You've had such rotten luck with your housekeepers. Aunt Claire.
T'as vraiment pas de chance avec tes gouvernantes.
You had your chance, Captain Kirk.
Vous auriez dû m'étrangler quand vous en aviez l'occasion.
You've had your chance and you've lost it.
Tu as eu ta chance et tu l'as gachee

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