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You heard them tradutor Francês

679 parallel translation
Haven't you heard them?
Vous ne les avez pas entendus?
Mafeking is set free. You heard them say so.
Mafeking est libérée, vous le savez comme moi.
Oh, you... You heard them.
Vous les avez entendues.
Well, boy? Witch or devil, whatever you are... you heard them.
Garçon, sorcier ou démon, quoique tu sois, nous entends-tu?
Haven't you heard them?
Tu ne les as pas entendus?
You heard them. They said I'd an accomplice, a girl.
La police dit que j'avais une complice.
We can't quit. They won't let us. You heard them.
Ils ne nous laisseront pas partir.
- You heard them?
- Vous les avez entendus?
This one is growing about 20 cm a day at the moment, because of this warm weather so... and you can actually hear them growing, bamboos are the only plants I can claim to have heard growing because when it's growing that fast and you put your ear near the top
Celui-ci grandit de 20cm par jour en ce moment, à cause de ce temps chaud et... vous pouvez les entendre pousser, les bambous sont les seules plantes que je peux prétendre entendre pousser car lorsqu'ils grandissent aussi vite, et que vous mettez tendez l'oreille
Yes. You'll have heard of it, our Representative and Director Goo, neither of them are willing to give way.
You heard me. Let them down!
Fais ce que je te dis.
- Haven't you heard of them?
- N'en avez-vous entendu parler?
He heard what you did about your breakfast and sent me a nice note saying he hoped I'd allow him to express his friendly feeling toward my children and send them a few trifles in honor of the day.
Il a su, pour le déjeuner. Il m'a envoyé un mot... en m'exprimant sa sympathie pour mes enfants... par ce petit cadeau de Noël.
Yes, yes, you've heard of them, haven't you?
Oui, vous en avez entendu parler, non?
The minstrels sing his praises, you've heard them.
Le ménestrel chante ses louanges, tu les connais.
You heard me tell them. A month ago.
Je l'ai dit : il y a un mois.
I shall tell him I think you're the kindest man I ever heard of, and that you're always thinking of other people and making them happy and... and that I hope when I grow up I shall be just like you!
Que vous êtes l'homme le plus gentil que je connaisse. Et que vous ne pensez qu'au bonheur des autres. Et qu'en grandissant, j'espère devenir comme vous.
It appears to me them Injuns never heard you say this canyon was safe.
Il semble que les Indiens ne vous ont pas entendu dire que ce canyon était sécuritaire.
I've heard them talking. They'd go after you, but they're afraid.
Ils voudraient vous séduire mais ils ont peur.
You heard what I said, I think. Tell them to let him go.
Vous avez entendu ce que j'ai dit.
If you could have heard them.
Si vous les aviez entendus.
You should have heard them, even now.
Il aurait fallu les entendre, même maintenant.
I have heard you mention them with consideration for the last twenty years.
Je vous entends les mentionner depuis 20 ans.
You sound as if you'd heard of them before. Where?
Ou as-tu entendu parler d'eux?
Heard you all was meeting on account on them hog thieves.
Vous parlez des voleurs de porcs?
- You must have heard of them.
- Vous avez dû en entendre parler.
I pulled them in when I heard you singing. Look, look.
Je n'en suis pas revenu en t'entendant chanter.
If you've heard enough of this stuff, I'd like to lock them both up.
C'est fini, les violons? Arrêtons-les.
If you've heard some little things about me, I guess you're a woman of the world enough to overlook them.
Si tu as entendu de petites choses sur moi... je suppose que tu as assez d'expérience pour les ignorer.
You've heard of them? Frequently.
- Déjà entendu parler?
( Announcer ) You've heard their records, you've seen them in pictures, here they are in person - the Andrews Sisters!
Vous connaissez leurs disques et leurs films, les voici en personne : Les sœurs Andrew!
Only, you should have heard them squawk.
Vous auriez dû les entendre se plaindre.
You wouldn't think so if you'd heard the kids when I told them you were in town.
Tu aurais dû entendre les filles quand j'ai dit que tu étais là.
I heard one of them tell my aunt not to worry... that he was just as anxious as she was to get even with you.
L'un d'eux a dit à ma tante de pas s'inquiéter, qu'il voulait se venger de vous autant qu'elle.
You would've heard if we had found them.
- Vous le sauriez si c'était le cas.
- You want me to call them? - You heard me.
Having heard the accusations Of the plaintiff, Mrs. Tyler... would you be kind enough to tell the jury your reaction to them?
Ayant entendu les accusations du plaignant, Mme Tyler... auriez-vous l'amabilité de faire part au jury de votre réaction?
Nobody. I'm just saying the best way is to tell them... you heard voices talking in German.
Je dis simplement qu'il n'y a qu'à dire au retour qu'on a entendu des Allemands.
We heard you forged them papers.
On dit que vous avez fabriqué les papiers.
Long before you were alive in a country you'll never go to a philosopher you never heard of, called Plato shut men in a cave in order to explain the earth's secrets to them.
Bien avant que vous ne soyez vivants, en un pays ou vous n'irez jamais, un philosophe que vous ne connaissez pas, Platon, enfermait les hommes dans une caverne pour leur expliquer les secrets de la Terre. Gong.
Since I've heard all about foie gras, truffled spring chicken, creamed mushrooms, and lobster... Now I want to taste them! Do you hear me?
Depuis le temps que j'entends parler de foie gras, champignons à la creme, langoustes, je voudrais bien en connaître le gout.
You young ones have not heard enough bullets to know the sound of them.
Les jeunes comme toi ont pas entendu assez de balles siffler.
You heard his ideas on marriage, didn't you? He thinks the family should support them.
"La famille doit entretenir le couple"!
You heard me tell the recruits what I need from them.
Tu m'as entendu dire ce que j'attends des recrues.
You heard the orders. Seamen knives is all, and them in full sight.
Seulement des couteaux, et visibles.
If you're waiting for my last words, you've heard them.
Si vous attendez mes dernières paroles, j'ai déjà tout dit.
You've heard them speak of me, I dare say.
- Vous me connaissez donc?
I heard them talking before you came in, Hans.
Je les ai entendus se parler avant que tu n'arrives, Hans.
- Never heard of them. That shows you're asinine.
Ça montre que vous êtes stupide.
And they were my... associates, In a quest for uranium, an element not one of them knew the first thing about except they'd heard you could get dough for it.
Voici mes... associés, en quête d'uranium. Un élément dont aucun d'entre nous ne savait foutre rien sauf qu'il pouvait rapporter du pognon.
You sent two inspectors and never heard of either of them again?
Vous n'avez plus jamais entendu parler d'eux? - Plus jamais.

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