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As i thought tradutor Português

6,428 parallel translation
Some nights I was almost as good as I thought I was.
Umas noites eu era quase tão bom quanto julgava ser.
Yeah, it actually didn't hurt as much as I thought it was going to.
Foi muito bom e muito divertido.
It's just as I thought.
Como pensei.
I guess we don't have as much Elvis dust on us as I thought.
Acho que não temos tanto pó de Elvis como julgava. Veem?
So, I'm sure you thought it was a man who sent you back your gloves.
Certamente pensou que fora um homem a devolver-lhe as luvas.
I thought, oh, this is somebody who really sees things in a different way than most of the people that I had acquaintance with.
Pensei que era uma pessoa que vê as coisas duma maneira diferente das outras pessoas que eu conhecia.
- I thought it made things interesting.
Achei que tornou as coisas interessantes.
You know, we have a couple of mixed families in the neighborhood, so I thought I'd invite them over.
Temos duas famílias mistas no bairro e eu tive a ideia de as convidar a vir cá a casa.
I thought I'd come back, I thought things would improve, but they didn't.
Eu pensei em voltar mais tarde, pensei que as coisas melhorariam, mas não.
I thought I'd speed things up.
Pensei que apressaria as coisas.
Nobody had thought to arrange anything after the funeral, so I brought the girls back here.
Não havia nada depois do funeral, por isso reuni aqui as meninas.
I thought my hands might get burnt by they chemicals, but they're fine!
Pensei que ia queimar as mãos com os químicos, mas estou bem.
And then I thought, "As many as we like." While we can.
E depois pensei : "As que quisermos". Enquanto pudermos.
'Cos every time I saw your face I thought about all the bad decisions I'd ever made in my life.
Porque todas as vezes que via a tua cara pensava em todas as más decisões que tomei na minha vida.
I just thought things would be different.
Só pensei que as coisas iriam ser diferentes.
Oh, no, I was just on my way around the block, and I thought of you, and I didn't know this was happening, so you guys should just do your thing.
Não. Eu ia no quarteirão e pensei em ti e não sabia que isto ia acontecer, por isso deviam fazer as vossas coisas.
The girls were kind of going crazy, Which was kind of cool, i thought. I was like, "wow, this is kind of interesting."
As raparigas estavam muito loucas, o que foi bem porreiro e excitante.
I think he was rebelling against this facade That people thought we were and thought we had to be.
Queria revoltar-me contra esta fachada em que as pessoas acreditavam e exigiam que fosse a realidade.
It was so far away from him, I thought that... that people would think I shot an unarmed man.
Estava tão longe dele, pensei que... que as pessoas iam pensar que atirei num homem desarmado.
I thought if I pushed myself into doing something from what I know then maybe I'd grow as a person.
Achava que se me empenhar em fazer alguma coisa diferente do que sei, então... Talvez eu crescesse como pessoa.
I am honored by your proposal and have given it much thought, but I must tell you that, to my own surprise, I have undergone what can only be described as a change of heart and I'm afraid I cannot accept your offer.
Sinto-me honrada pela sua proposta e dediquei-lhe muita reflexão, mas devo dizer-lhe que, para minha própria surpresa, tenho passado por aquilo o que pode ser descrito como uma mudança de perspectiva e temo não poder aceitar sua oferta.
I thought you were supposed to know the answers to problems and stuff.
Pensava que era suposto saberes as respostas para estas coisas.
I thought we'd have it tonight in honor of this young couple and to welcome them to our very special club.
Pensei bebe-lo esta noite em honra deste jovem casal, e dar-lhes as boas-vindas ao nosso clube muito especial.
I thought as much.
Bem me pareceu.
I'm as unknown as you are, so they thought my cover was safe.
Sou tão desconhecida como tu, eles acharam que era seguro.
Things weren't going that great, and I thought I should get back to my roots.
As coisas não estavam a correr bem e pensei que devia voltar às raízes.
I thought I told you to do your chores!
Pensei que tinha dito para fazeres as tarefas.
What a rush- - it got my blood pumping in a way I thought only quiet reflection could.
Que agitação... Fez o meu sangue bombear de uma maneira que pensei que apenas as reflexões silenciosas podiam fazer.
- as I thought.
Não vou passar tanto tempo com ela como pensava.
I guess I just thought that... That someone as beautiful and confident as you Would never feel as crappy as the rest of us.
Acho que pensei que alguém tão bonita e confiante como tu nunca se sentia tão em baixo como nós.
Wait, I thought you guys were just tracking the whales.
Espera, pensava que tinham vindo só para rastrear as baleias.
When I heard the explosion, I thought the walls of the Fort were going to come down.
Quando ouvi a explosão, achei que as paredes do forte iam desabar.
I thought as much.
- Era o que eu pensava.
But all my friends were going and I thought it might be fun.
Mas todas as minhas amigas iam, e pensei que seria divertido.
But as your friend, I suggest you forget you ever thought of it.
Mas, como teu amigo, sugiro que te esqueças de que alguma vez pensaste nisso.
I thought this would end as you said it would end.
Pensei que isto acabaria tal como dissestes que acabaria.
I thought rock stars were allowed to do all that stuff.
Pensava que as estrelas rock faziam isso tudo.
I thought I could take care of it, so we could always be together as a family.
Pensei que podia resolver isso para ficarmos sempre juntas, em família.
I thought you closed your eyes when you died.
Pensava que as pessoas fechavam os olhos quando morriam.
I thought there was no life for me that I understood and I felt as though that meant there was no life at all.
Sentia que não havia vida para mim que eu compreendesse e sentia que isso significava que não havia qualquer vida.
I imagine the captain and quartermaster thought it self-evident that someone must go ahead and explain so as to avoid a reactionary attack from the fort.
Imagino que o Capitão e o Contramestre tenham pensado que alguém tem de lá ir primeiro, explicar tudo, para evitar um ataque por parte do forte.
And, as her aggression seems to be escalating, I thought it wise to speak of this in the open.
E, como as agressões dela parecem estar a aumentar, achei que seria sensato falar disto abertamente.
I thought we needed to get back to the ship as quickly as possible.
Pensei que tínhamos de voltar ao navio o mais depressa possível.
I thought perhaps today you'd join me in viewing them as my guest.
Pensei que talvez os quisesse ver, hoje, como meu convidado.
Since we have it, I thought we could use it as a good source of inspiration for the next couple of days.
E, já que o temos, acho que poderia ser uma fonte de inspiração para nós.
Mrs Robbins, I thought I'd missed you!
Por ver que alguém lhe ia seguir as pisadas... E as minhas.
Why not? I thought, if it's so keen to get itself born, might as well go and have it... and love it.
Pensei : " Já que está tão decidido a nascer, mais vale deixá-lo nascer.
I thought I knew who was who... but I'm afraid I didn't.
Não pus as etiquetas nos bebés antes de os levar.
And, I thought maybe, I should pester you at home. As not all of my points are narrowly legal.
E achei que talvez devesse incomodá-lo em casa, pois nem todos os meus argumentos são estritamente jurídicos.
I thought it should be negotiated. At the highest level as a courtesy to you.
Achei que a negociação devia ser feita ao mais alto nível, por respeito a si.
I guess I thought Monica would actually give this rational thought as opposed to ordering me to chortle her balls.
Acho que achei que a Monica pensaria nisto racionalmente, em vez de me mandar lamber-lhe os tomates.

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