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As it was tradutor Português

16,071 parallel translation
Well, that's as fair as it was gonna get.
Bom, não podia ser mais justo.
As it was about to finish, one of the models, Zoe Mackay, 19, was found dead in a marquee.
Quando estava prestes a acabar, uma das modelos, Zoe Mackay, 19, foi encontrada morta.
Nelson and Eloise helping Sadie into the dress, Rosie on the catwalk - - as it was, Eloise ended up outside the marquee taking a phone call from her agent, but that didn't upset things too much - -
Nelson e Eloise a ajudarem a Sadie a vestir-se, Rosie na passarela, com a Eloise do lado de fora da tenda a atender um telefonema do seu agente, mas isso não alterou as coisas demasiado...
Not my best work, but I did put it together as I was coming down, so...
Não é o melhor trabalho, mas fi-lo quando estava no limite, portanto...
- It was a breakthrough because I began to realize I had a way I can reach people.
- Foi um progresso, porque comecei a perceber que tinha uma forma de tocar as pessoas.
It saddens me greatly to say this but the evidence overwhelmingly shows that Tom Connolly the former attorney general, was a key member of this Cabal.
Entristece-me imenso dizer isto, mas as provas demonstram de forma irrefutável que Tom Connolly, o anterior procurador-geral, era um membro fulcral deste Cabal.
This is gonna be as cold as a warlock's ballsack, just like he was hanging his ballsack above you and dragging it right across the forearm.
Isto vai ser tão frio como o saco de um feiticeiro, como se ele tivesse pendurado o saco sobre ti e arrastado pelo teu braço.
The Cabinet minutes where it was discussed.
As atas do Gabinete dessa discussão.
No, actually, you said it was people.
Na verdade, você disse que foram as pessoas.
It might've passed as a shaving cut, but it was where Julia Hargreaves scratched you as you carried her into the sewer.
Podia ter passado como um corte de barbear, mas foi onde a Julia Hargreaves o arranhou quando a levou para os esgotos.
People noticed that as they descended with their pet, it would pass out because carbon dioxide was collecting along the ground.
Pessoas relataram que a medida que desciam com os seus cães, desmaiavam porque o dióxido de carbono estava a acumular no chão.
STRATTON : It dissipated but there was still enough to cause the deaths upriver.
Dissipou-se, mas havia o suficiente, para causar as mortes rio acima.
Who were the witnesses? And what goddamn time was it?
Quem foram as testemunhas?
As much as it pains me to say it, he was probably the only man she ever really loved.
Por mais que me magoe dizê-lo, ele provavelmente era o único homem que ela amou de verdade.
I don't care how well the stock was doing before, it's imploding now.
Não importa se as ações estavam bem. Agora, estão a implodir.
We drank it with every meal on the farm when I was a boy.
Bebíamos isso a todas as refeições, na quinta, quando eu era miúdo.
But, it was the logical decision given the circumstances.
No entanto, foi a decisão lógica, dadas as circunstâncias.
Every text, every time he sent me something, it was more.
Cada mensagem de texto, todas as vezes que ele me enviava algo, era mais.
And the previous tenant was a woman with lots of acquaintances, as it were.
E a inquilina anterior era uma mulher com muitos conhecidos, ao que parece.
They wanted to bury and hide and deny, and I was left to deal with it, and I did what I thought was... was judicious and sensible under the circumstances because that's what a politician does.
Eles querem enterrar, esconder e negar, e deixaram-me sozinha a lidar com a situação, e eu fiz fiz aquilo que achei... que era prudente e sensível mediante as circunstâncias, porque é isso que um político faz.
That's what I was brought here to do, and now people are trying to blame me for it?
Fui trazida para cá para fazer isso, e, agora, as pessoas estão a tentar culpar-me por isso?
Then it was texts and e-mails he sent, then somebody putting your medical records up. That wasn't for nothing.
Depois, foram as mensagens de texto e os "e-mails" que ele enviou, e, depois, alguém divulga os seus registos médicos.
Mateo's actions were unwarranted, but as an administrator, it was my responsibility to be more thorough.
As acções do Mateo foram injustificadas, mas, como administrador, era minha responsabilidade ser mais minucioso.
The smudges on the screen gave away the most commonly used digits, and it's a short leap to her PIN number. Her last call was to "home"
As marcas no ecrã denunciam os algarismos mais usados e foi fácil chegar ao PIN.
It was a hunch I got, and I pressed him on it, and he didn't have the right answers.
Era um palpite que tinha, e pressionei-o, e ele não tinha as respostas certas.
Man, I know Latina girls are supposed to be spicy, but I had no idea it was this literal.
Eu sei que as latinas deviam ser picantes, mas não assim de um modo tão literal.
Well, it's possible that your father was delusional, that, as his brain and body were shutting down, his synapses were firing in such a way as to make him see or say things that weren't real.
É possível que o seu pai estivesse a alucinar, que, enquanto o cérebro e o corpo colapsava, a sua sinapse disparasse de tal maneira ao ponto de dizer ou ver coisas irreais.
I've been looking into Carter's disappearance, and I can't find any evidence as to where he was in the hours before his car showed up on that bridge, but there's a bunch of traffic cameras near it.
Venho a investigar o desaparecimento do Carter, e não encontro nenhuma prova de onde estava antes do carro aparecer na ponte, mas há muitas câmaras de trânsito por perto.
Been looking into Carter's disappearance, and I can't find any evidence as to where he was in the hours before his car showed up on that bridge, but there's a bunch of traffic cameras near it.
Venho a investigar o desaparecimento do Carter, e não encontro nenhuma prova de onde estava antes do carro aparecer na ponte, mas há muitas câmaras de trânsito por perto.
Rich was the one decoding Ahktar's Squancher messages, so he lied about the Gatsby party so he could wear it.
O Rich foi o único que decifrou as mensagens do Ahktar, por isso mentiu sobre a festa luxuosa para que pudesse levar o fato.
It looks like the scholarship fund was how the university handed out hush money to the victims.
Parece que o fundo da bolsa da universidade era para subornar as vítimas.
You know, as dumb as it sounds, when I was gambling,
Sabem, tão estúpida como soa.
Six months in, and it was mostly just talk on their part, so Michael and I were told to expedite things by giving them the blueprints to the federal building in Omaha that they had talked so much about.
Seis meses depois, eles nunca mais faziam nada, por isso disseram-nos para apressar as coisas, dando-nos as plantas do Edifício Federal em Omaha de que eles tanto falavam.
In a 2009 report, it was suspected that serial killers operating as long-haul truck drivers are responsible for close to 500 murders over the last 3 decades.
Num relatório de 2009, suspeita-se que os assassinos em serie que actuam como camionistas de longo curso são responsáveis por quase 500 assassinatos nos últimos 30 anos.
I think she might be more forthcoming if it was just the two of us.
- Sabes que mais? Acho que ela pode ser mais cooperante se formos só nós as duas.
And as for Tutankhamun himself it was Lord Carnarvon's wish - and it is mine also - that his body remain where it was laid to rest.
E quanto ao próprio Tutankhamon... Era desejo do Lorde Carnarvon, assim como meu, que o seu corpo permaneça aqui onde foi colocado a repousar.
It was locked, but... The sliding doors are not so hard to open if you're familiar.
Estava trancada, mas as portas deslizantes não são tão difíceis de abrir se conhecermos...
By the time I graduated from bioengineering, I was in full remission, and as an engineer, when I see a flaw, I wanna fix it.
Quando terminei a licenciatura em Bioengenharia, a doença estava em completa remissão e enquanto engenheira, quando vejo uma falha, quero repará-la.
It was there when you gave us Kendall's cancer cells.
Estava lá quando nos deste as células cancerígenas da Kendall.
Rosey was on the catwalk when it happened, so we can rule her out as our killer.
Rosey estava na passarela, quando aconteceu, por isso podemos descartá-la como nosso assassino.
The other ten or so images are the ones that were taken around it, and there was something about them that bothered me, something that I couldn't quite get my head round, and then it hit me - - they were all framed identically.
As outras dez ou mais imagens são as que foram tiradas à volta, e havia uma coisa nelas que me incomodava, alguma coisa que não conseguia tirar da cabeça. E, de repente, percebi. Estavam todas enquadradas da mesma forma.
You blamed your former business partner for pushing drugs onto the models at your agency, but it was you, and Zoe knew that.
Você culpou o seu antigo sócio por empurrar as drogas para as modelos da sua agência, mas foi você, e Zoe sabia disso.
What you did with the graves, it was quick thinking'.
O que fizeste com as sepulturas, foi bem pensado.
As I said before, it was not an interview.
Como já disse antes, não era um interrogatório.
Somebody disabled those lights, I think it was you.
Desactivaram as luzes, acho que foste tu.
You know, he had a guitar, so he was copping for it, you know what I mean?
Tinha uma guitarra e dava para as ganzas, estás a ver?
From that day on, and I know it sounds stupid, but it was like as if something had fucking clicked, do you know what I mean?
A partir desse dia, foi como se tivesse ouvido um clique, estás a ver?
All my life as it existed then was, like going to sign on, getting my cash, cashing my dole, going to the Sifters, getting a record, buying some weed, going into Greggs, going back home and fucking blasting it out and getting soaked in it.
A minha vida ia ser inscrever-me no desemprego, ir buscar o guito do subsídio, ir comprar discos, meter umas ganzas, comer umas sandes, e ir para casa ouvir os discos aos berros.
You know, so I went and sat in with them and I was playing their tunes, and it was great.
Fui, falei com eles toquei as coisas deles. Foi giro.
Maybe it was the drugs or something.
Ou talvez fossem as drogas.
It was in every fucking jukebox in the country, twice as loud.
Tocou em todas as "jukeboxes", com o dobro do volume.

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