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He died instantly tradutor Português

42 parallel translation
He died instantly.
A morte foi imediata.
I swear to you, he died instantly.
Eu juro, ele morreu imediatamente.
He died instantly. Poor devil.
Morreu imediatamente.
He slipped and broke his neck. He died instantly.
Escorregou, partiu o pescoço e teve morte instantânea.
That's Alex Morales, he died instantly.
Este é o Alex Morales, que morreu imediatamente.
- Coronary. He died instantly.
- Coronaria. morreu instantaneamente.
He died instantly.
Ele morreu na hora.
He died instantly.
Ele morreu imediatamente.
He died instantly, as if the life had just been sucked right out of him.
Ele morreu instantaneamente, como se a vida lhe tivesse sido sugada.
- He died instantly. - That's a fucking lie.
Teve morte instantânea.
He died instantly.
Morreu instantaneamente.
They said he died instantly.
Disseram que morreu imediatamente.
He died instantly.
Morreu de imediato.
- Got hit by a drunk driver and he died instantly.
Um motorista embriagado colidiu com ele e morreu instantaneamente.
He died instantly.
Ele morreu instantaneamente.
He died instantly.
Ele morreu instantaneamente
He died instantly.
Teve morte imediata.
He died instantly, the next day.
Morreu instantaneamente, No dia seguinte.
He died instantly.
- Morreu imediatamente.
He died instantly.
Morreu na hora.
The point of entry was at the base of the skull, passed through the basal ganglia. - He died instantly.
O ponto de entrada foi na base do crânio, passou pelos gânglios basais.
He died instantly, there's no pulse. God, I pray...
- Teve uma morte instantânea, não tem pulso.
Hawes said he died instantly.
O Hawes diz que morreu logo.
The length of rope required in order to assure he died instantly. You were responsible for that.
O comprimento para garantir que ele morreria instantaneamente, era responsável por isso.
And Salignari died instantly, so he was the one who fired first.
Salignari morreu fulminado, logo foi ele necessariamente quem disparou primeiro.
He died almost instantly.
Morreu quase imediatamente.
They say he should've died instantly.
Disseram que devia ter morrido logo.
- He died instantly.
Ele morreu antes de cair.
They say it's a game of inches... a centimeter to the left or right, and he would have bled out and died instantly.
Dizem que é uma questão de milímetros. Um milímetro para a esquerda ou para a direita, morria logo.
He died instantly? No.
- Não, pode ter levado algumas horas.
He probably died instantly.
Provavelmente morreu na hora.
If the spear struck his heart, he'd have died instantly.
Se a lança tivesse acertado no coração, teria morrido instantaneamente.
He died instantly
Morreu na hora.
He must have died instantly.
Deve ter morrido instantaneamente.
He would have died instantly from this one.
Ele teria morrido imediatamente deste.
If you calculated eben's drop incorrectly, he might not have died instantly. He might've suffered.
Se calculasse mal a corda do Eben, poderia não morrer de imediato e poderia ter sofrido.

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