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Translate.vc / Inglês → Português / [ I ] / I saw her yesterday

I saw her yesterday tradutor Português

66 parallel translation
I saw her yesterday ♪
Mas ainda ontem a vi
- Funny, I thought I saw her yesterday.
- Ia jurar que a vi ontem. - Não creio.
♪ Well, I saw her yesterday ♪
# Well, I saw her yesterday #
I saw her yesterday.
Vi-o ontem.
- I saw her yesterday. - And?
- Eu vi-a ontem.
I saw her yesterday.
Tornei a vê-la ontem.
Well, I saw her yesterday.
Bem, eu a vi ontem.
I saw her yesterday too.
Também a vi a ela lá, ontem.
No. I mean, you know, I saw her yesterday.
Não, a vejo desde ontem.
I saw her yesterday. Early.
Eu vi-a ontem.
I saw her yesterday just before I found the body.
Vimo-nos antes de o encontrar.
I saw her yesterday.
Eu vi-a ontem.
Yeah, I saw her yesterday at home.
Sim, via-a ontem em casa.
Because this is where I saw her yesterday.
Porque foi aqui que a vi ontem.
I saw her yesterday as a joke.
Ontem vi logo que ela era uma farsa.
I-I saw her yesterday. Sh... she was happy.
Eu vi-a ontem, ela estava feliz.
Yes, I saw her yesterday by chance.
Sim, vi-a ontem por acaso.
I saw her yesterday morning, and she seemed really upset.
Eu vi-a ontem de manhã e ela parecia muito chateada.
I saw her yesterday. 11 : 00 p.m. She was heading for the laundry room.
Eu vi-a ontem, às 23h, a caminho da lavandaria.
I saw her yesterday.
Vi-a ontem.
♪ Well, I saw her yesterday
♪ Bem, eu vi-a ontem
I heard you saw her yesterday evening.
Soube que a viste, ontem à noite.
When I saw Madame Redfern in the lobby yesterday morning, she was wearing a totally exaggerated garment which completely covered her from wrist to neck.
Quando eu a vi na recepção ontem de manhã, estava exageradamente coberta da cabeça aos pés
I just saw her yesterday.
Estive com ela ontem.
I told you, I saw her at Granny's yesterday.
Eu contei-te, vi-a ontem na Avó.
I mean, you saw her yesterday.
Viste como ela estava ontem.
I only saw her yesterday afternoon.
Estive com ela ainda ontem à tarde.
That last time I saw her was yesterday when she just dropped by with Hilda and Artie, and I was trying to get the kids upstairs.
A última vez que a vi foi ontem. Apareceu com a Hilda e o Artie, e eu estava a tentar levar os miúdos para cima.
Last I saw her was yesterday when she came to see you.
A última vez que a vi foi ontem, quando veio vê-lo.
- We had a fi "g" ht yesterday... " - I saw her late afternoon.
- Vi-a, ao fim da tarde.
Yeah, I saw her too. Yesterday.
Sim, também a vi. Ontem.
I just saw her yesterday.
Ainda ontem a vi.
Yesterday I went to Teresa's house, and I saw her baby.
Ontem fui a casa da Teresa e vi o bebé dela.
I just saw her yesterday. If she does have anything she doesn't know.
Se tiver alguma coisa não o sabe.
I saw her and some kids leave in a boat late yesterday. What kids?
- Que crianças?
I talked to an old woman who said that her grandson saw soldiers yesterday.
Falei com uma velha senhora que disse que o seu neto viu soldados, ontem.
Yesterday when she wasfixing her saddle and then i saw it again justa few minutes ago.
Vi ontem, quando ela estava a arranjar a sela e vi novamente há uns minutos.
I guess the last time I saw her was the day before yesterday.
Creio que a última vez que a vi foi... anteontem.
And I know I saw a flash of her yesterday.
Tive um vislumbre dele ontem.
I saw her boosting stuff yesterday.
Eu vi as suas mercadorias, ontem.
Saw her four times yesterday and, recently, I came home to see it for the fifth time and I feel totally exhausted.
Ontem vi 4 vezes e acabei de chegar a casa depois de ter visto pela quinta vez e estou totalmente exausta.
The man Miss Prout arranged to meet last night, could it be the same man that I saw her with in the office yesterday, and then later downstairs?
O homem com quem Miss Prout se ia encontrar ontem à noite pode ser o mesmo com quem a vi ontem e, mais tarde, lá em baixo?
Well, I saw her after the makeup exam yesterday, and she was... distraught.
- Vi-a ontem depois do exame e parecia perturbada.
Yesterday, when I saw her at the stables, she looked like hell.
Ontem, quando a vi no estábulo, ela estava horrível.
I saw her there yesterday, last week as well.
Eu vi-a lá ontem, e também na semana passada.
I saw Marilyn yesterday after her training session.
Vi a Marilyn ontem depois de sua sessão de treino.
I saw her at the hospital yesterday.
- Vi-a ontem no hospital.
- No, the last time I saw her was yesterday just before dinner.
- Viste? - Não, a última vez que a vi, foi... Ontem mesmo antes do jantar.
I... I just saw her yesterday morning.
Vi-a ontem de manhã.
Just yesterday, I-I saw a woman and her child dead in the middle of the road.
Ainda ontem, vi uma mulher e o seu filho mortos, no meio da estrada.
You know, I saw Humps taking her to the guard house yesterday.
Vi o Humps levá-la ontem para a casa dos guardas.

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