In his own way tradutor Português
262 parallel translation
Let him tell it in his own way.
Deixa-o contar à sua maneira.
Let him tell it in his own way.
É a sua maneira de falar.
He wears an uniform too, in his own way, and he has a wife pretty enough to put him some problems. Hey, minister.
Ele também usa uniforme, à sua maneira, e tem uma bela esposa... capaz de causar-lhe problemas.
Rafe here is kind of an educated man, in his own way.
O Rafe é um homem instruído, à sua maneira.
But what Mr. Charles Darwin was trying to tell us, in his own way...
Mas Charles Darwin tenta responder-nos, a seu modo...
Everybody in this world's foolish in his own way.
Toda a gente neste mundo é tola à sua maneira.
Just as a man must grow in his own way... and in his own time.
Tal como um homem tem de crescer ao modo dele e no tempo dele...
Let Andre tell us in his own way.
Deixem o André contar à sua maneira.
His taste for milk has made him express himself in his own way on his last visit to Citizen Lémeri,
O gosto pelo leite levou-o a expressar-se à sua maneira na última visita ao Cidadão Lêmeri.
Giovannone, for example, a miserable tramp and performer... who would woo the peasants in his own way.
Giovannone, por exemplo, um vagabundo desgraçado e jogador que cortejava as camponesas à sua maneira.
So is Jack and Leroy, in his own way.
Tal como o Jack e o Leroy, a maneira dele.
It interested both Yves and me, each in his own way.
Interessava muito ao Yves e a mim, cada um à sua maneira.
Each of us, in his own way, must learn to deal with adversity in a mature and adult fashion.
Cada um de nós tem de aprender a lidar com a adversidade, de forma matura e adulta.
In his own way, he's interesting!
A sua maneira, ele também é uma vedeta.
I think, in his own way, Lassard is telling us that he'd rather risk his own life than let those animals get away.
Acho que, ø sua maneira, o Lassard está a dizer-nos... que prefere arriscar a própria vida a deixar que aqueles animais fujam.
so we, the friends of e. Edward lebec, silently, each in his own way, bid him goodbye, [man coughing] secure in the belief that he will live in eternal peace.
Então nós, amigos de Edward Lebec, calados, cada um da sua maneira, dizemos-lhe adeus.
Yeah, in his own way, he's nice,
Sim, tem a sua maneira de ser, é simpático.
He's keeping his promise to Dante in his own way.
Está a cumprir a sua promessa ao Dante, à sua maneira.
Each of them deals with this confusion in his own way.
Cada um deles lida com este problema à sua maneira.
Well, each man mourns in his own way.
Cada um lamenta da sua maneira.
Deixe a testemunha responder à maneira dele Mr. Monroe.
Sort of a celebrity, in his own way.
Uma espécie de celebridade, de certa forma.
A hero in his own way.
Um herói à maneira dele.
Is it right to tamper with the problem until the Creator himself has solved it in his own mysterious way?
É correcto perverter o problema até que o Criador o tenha resolvido nos seus caminhos insondáveis?
Sherry's trying to break it up, in his own fiendish way.
O Sherry está a tentar estragar tudo, da sua forma cruel.
- I don't deny that he's infatuated with you... in some warped way of his own.
Ele está a jogar alguma espécie de jogo contigo. - Não nego que ele se apaixonou por ti... numa forma extranha própria dele.
Gray, in his own way, can do the same thing because this is his second chance. And I know he'll come through.
E Gray, à sua maneira, pode fazer o mesmo, para isso, é sua segunda chance.
Except for someone who's been touched in the head... and wants to go his own way.
Excepto aqueles que não estão bons da cabeça e que querem seguir o seu próprio caminho.
Maybe back in the days of the pioneers a man could go his own way.
Talvez na época dos pioneiros eles seguissem o seu caminho.
Let him go his own way in peace.
Deixa-o seguir o seu próprio caminho em paz.
The opinions expressed by our guest are his own and in no way reflect my own views or those of my sponsor.
As opiniões expressas pelo nosso convidado, são exclusivamente dele e de modo algum refletem a meu próprio ponto de vista ou o do meu patrocinador.
Now, Teresa, it's only natural he should want to make his own way in the world.
Teresa, é normal que queira ser independente. - Admiro-o por isso.
In a way I'm glad it happened, even if it was his own fault.
Ainda bem que isto aconteceu, mesmo que ele seja o culpado.
Every man, in his own special way, takes care of number one.
Todos os homens, á sua maneira, olham pelos seus interesses.
Oliver would like you to know that in his own special way, he loves you very much.
O Oliver gostaria que soubesse que, à maneira dele, ele gosta muito do senhor.
There's only one way to talk to the Man and that's in his own language.
Só há uma forma de falar com os brancos, no seu próprio idioma.
Good to me, he was, in his own sort of way.
Era bom comigo, embora tivesse as suas "manhas".
Super Soul needs no introduction as our number-one disc jockey. But he's certainly on his way to becoming a national celebrity in his own right... as the invisible guide of Kowalski.
Super Soul não necessita de apresentação como o DJ número um, mas agora vai converter-se numa celebridade nacional,
He got feedback together and he also played in his own inimitable way.
E tocou na sua maneira inimitável.
It could be a person who, in his own loony way feels your work is promoting porno and decadence and he has a mission to clean up the world.
Pode ser uma pessoa que, na sua forma tresloucada ache que o seu trabalho promove a pornografia e a decadência e que a missão dele é purificar o mundo.
Colonel, is there any way to verify : : : That Captain Rogers didn't trap himself and Burton in his own explosion?
- Coronel, há alguma maneira de verificar se o capitão Rogers e Burton não foram apanhados pela explosão que provocaram?
Eveyone runs in her own way or his own way.
Cada um corre à sua maneira.
In his own way.
À maneira dele.
It is, if you like, a psychological identification that enables a policeman, through his own mind, to work his way into the unknown activities of the criminal- - to work his way into the crime in question.
Constitui, se assim quiserem, a identificação psicológica que permite ao polícia, através do seu próprio pensar, adivinhar as actividades desconhecidas do criminoso e desvendar o crime em questão.
In his own interest. It's good for him this way.
Inclusive, para o próprio bem dele.
In his own unique way, but...
Na sua maneira invulgar.
He decides, in his own off-the-wall way to show me what it is.
O xamã também sente isso. Ele decide na sua forma estranha em me mostrar o que é.
He didn't get to go to the funeral, but I know he wants to say goodbye in his own special way.
Ele não foi ao funeral, mas sei que quer despedir-se do seu modo especial.
The way he got up the stairs was, he grabbed hold of the pillars... that support the banister and pulled him up with the strength... pulled himself up the stairs with the strength of his own arms... dragging himself up... from the ground floor up to the second story... in a long, arduous effort.
A forma como subiu as escadas foi agarrando-se aos pilares do corrimão e içando-se com a força dos seus braços. Subiu as escadas com a força dos seus próprios braços arrastando-se desde o rés-do-chão até ao segundo andar, num longo e penoso esforço.
I, for one, honestly believe that this teacher, this benefactor, this man, had in his own way learned the secret of eternal life.
Este homem aprendeu, à sua maneira, o segredo da vida eterna.
This will beat the devil and his night visits. It was smuggled in the habit of a nun all the way from Rome and was forged in his holiness own spirit.
Veio escondido no hábito de uma freira desde Roma, e foi feito na forja de Sua Santidade.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
in high school 193
in high 25
in hindsight 63
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
in high school 193
in high 25
in hindsight 63