In his way tradutor Português
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Maybe he thinks I wouldn't stand in his way.
Talvez ele pense que eu não me meteria no caminho dele.
that's it. and he's not a strategist. is to help him be successful. maybe I'm just getting in his way.
Ele pode pensar que eu sou apenas abaixo da estrada.
And if you get in his way, they will kill him.
Sim. E se ficar no caminho deles, eles matam-no.
Well, that's enough to rattle anybody's cage, and in this situation, Luke Chisolm, he just blocks his tee shot way right.
Bem, isso é suficiente para desconcentrar qualquer pessoa. E nesta situação, o Luke Chilsom bloqueia a sua tacada do tee imediatamente.
We're on our way straight to the doctor, and we got to see if the swelling in his throat went down.
Vamos a caminho do médico, para ver se o inchaço na garganta desapareceu.
What I find interesting Renata in the work of Paul Jacques, is his way of mixing staging, autobiography and documentaries to be interested in the female condition, by immigration, and the passage from socialism to liberalism.
O que eu acho interessante no trabalho de Renata Paul Jacques, da maneira que ela gere ficção com autobiografia documental, para se interessar pela... condição feminina. A imigração, a passagem do socialismo ao liberalismo.
Don't speak about my brother in that way. No woman would distract him from his duties.
Não fales assim do meu irmão, mulher alguma o afastaria do dever.
That's a lotta money, especially if his information is in any way incorrect.
É muito dinheiro... e se a informação está incorreta.
Giacomo Agostini, who raced in the'60s and the'70s and took the premier class crown eight times. And Valentino Rossi, on his way to his seventh title in 2009.
Giacomo Agostini, que correu nos anos 60 e 70 e que arrecadou o troféu da classe rainha oito vezes, e Valentino Rossi, a caminho do seu sétimo título em 2009.
Uh-huh. Oh, by the way, Benny, the little terrier's doggy parents called, and they said that he pee-peed in his crate again.
Já agora, os papás do Benny, o terrier, ligaram a dizer que voltou a fazer xixi na caixa dele.
Miles'unique body chemistry clashed with the Plutoneide and the Spermupermine mutating his spermatozzoa during spermatogenesis in a way that no one could've expected.
A quimica corporal única do Miles chocou com a Plutoneíde e a Espermupermina mudando o seu espermatozoa durante a espermatogénese de um modo que ninguém nunca teria esperado.
And that way I can get everybody to chip in and get Ricky his money back.
- e dar o dinheiro ao Ricky!
He was very determined in the way he would do his job and I was very determined in the way I would do mine.
Ele era muito determinado no seu trabalho e eu muito determinada na forma como ia fazer o meu.
Only his death stood in the way.
Mas a morte cruzou o seu caminho.
Let's say it's somebody who bullied him, humiliated him, or in some way harmed his family.
Se for alguém que o tenha maltratado, humilhado ou magoado a sua família.
Guard's on his way in.
O guarda já vem a caminho.
The man was a genius, in his own way.
O homem era um génio, à maneira dele.
We flagged him coming through the airport in Helena, on his way to a mercenary training camp.
Ele foi visto a passar no aeroporto em Helena a caminho de uma campo de treinos de mercenários.
XIII tripped facial scanners in JFK on his way to Dublin.
Registaram o XIII no JFK, em direcção a Dublin.
Each in his own way.
Cada um à sua maneira.
Only days past, I looked into the eyes of Quintilius Varis and gauged way to secure the Primus in his games.
Há uns dias, olhei Quintillius Varus nos olhos. E "avaliei" uma maneira de ganhar o Primus nos seus jogos.
The way his hands felt in mine.
O maneira como as mãos dele tocavam nas minhas.
So the unsub walks all the way in here to where his intended target is sleeping and does what?
Então o suspeito, vem até aqui, onde o alvo está a dormir e, faz o quê?
He's on his way back. Whoever did this was counting on cyanide being overlooked because Jenna had already been exposed to it in the fire.
Quem fez isto, estava a contar que o cianeto fosse ignorado por a Jenna já ter estado exposta durante o incêndio.
Probably the killer pushed his way in behind Miguel.
O assassino pode ter forçado o Miguel a deixá-lo entrar.
Com que o topo da cabeça baixasse, portanto parecia que os olhos do Elmo olhavam para cima de forma engraçada.
Always forces his way into every party, threatens to call the cops if we don't let him in.
Força a entrada em todas as festas, ameaçando chamar a polícia se não o deixarmos entrar.
The way that she bats her eyelashes and shakes her tail feathers in his face?
Pela maneira que ela pisca as sobrancelhas e abana as penas da cauda à frente dele?
He doesn't have the manpower to fight his way in.
Não tem homens suficientes para entrar lá à força.
Take your dad his lunch then, And grab the yoghurt on your way in.
Então, leva o almoço ao teu pai e, pelo caminho, trás iogurte.
His taste in guns certainly points that way.
O gosto pelas armas claramente que aponta para isso.
Was on his way back, died in a plane crash.
Quando estava para voltar morreu na queda do avião.
So... my separation from him was just as abrupt, in a way, at that moment, as his was from Carolyn's.
por isso... a minha separação foi repentina, de um modo, naquele momento, como se ele fosse da Carolyn.
Sure, Adrian had the ability to leave his house. But in no way does that prove he killed Justin DeGeorge.
Claro, o Adrian conseguia sair da sua casa, mas não há como provar que ele matou Justin DeGeorge.
So he knows his way around a construction site and spent seven years in a Wyoming State Pen for aggravated assault.
Então, ele percebe de construção. Passou 7 anos na Penitenciária de Wyoming por agressão grave.
God moves in a mysterious way, his wonders to perform.
Misteriosos são os caminhos do Senhor quando executa as Suas maravilhas.
Trying to find his way in the world...
Tentando encontrar seu caminho no mundo...
Wart couldn't even stand, the dog just forced his way in.
O Wart já não aguentava, o cão apenas forçou o caminho.
And in that way, his wife died.
E desse modo, a sua esposa morreu.
Look, talk to me like someone who just drove all the way from the city in his pajamas and is still half-asleep, okay?
Fale comigo como alguém que veio a conduzir da cidade de pijamas e ainda está sonolento, está bem?
One in an alley on the way to his car, the other in her home after coming from the grocery after work.
Uma num beco a caminho do carro, outra em casa depois de chegar da mercearia.
But his bowels, his liver, his - They're in a bad way.
Mas o intestino, o fígado, e os seus rins estão todos em péssimo estado.
His forefathers fought in the civil war, all the way up to this one.
Os antepassados lutaram na guerra civil, e chegaram até esta.
William has asked to stay here, milord, just for a night. On his way to active duty in France.
O William pediu para ficar cá, meu senhor, só por uma noite, a caminho do serviço ativo em França.
It's serious, I'm afraid, but he's alive and on his way home to the hospital in the village.
Temo que seja grave, mas ele está vivo e vem para casa, para o hospital na aldeia.
Because every time I've put an obstacle in his path, he's found some way to surmount it.
Porque de todas as vezes que lhe pus um obstáculo no caminho, ele encontrou alguma forma de o ultrapassar.
And by the way, it looks like there's something In his left-front pant pocket.
Aliás, parece ter uma coisa no bolso esquerdo das calças.
Our master would not have wanted to be seen this way, to stand idly by while he remains captive in his own body.
O nosso mestre não gostaria de ser visto assim. Ficar paralisado enquanto ele continua preso... no seu próprio corpo.
I'm guessing Bennet's gonna drop a dime on you in like two seconds, considering he's got a baby on his way.
Aposto que o Bennet vai denunciá-lo em dois segundos tendo em conta que tem um bebé a caminho.
In a cab on his way to Tribeca.
- Um táxi a caminho do Tribeca.
Because every time I put an obstacle in his path, he's found some way to surmount it.
Porque de todas as vezes que lhe pus um obstáculo no caminho, ele encontrou alguma forma de o ultrapassar.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his house 18
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his house 18
in his hands 21
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
wayne 745
ways 66
wayland 30
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
wayne 745
ways 66
wayland 30
waylon 24
way to go 1028
way ahead of you 120
way off 17
way too much 31
way ticket 45
way better 36
way up 26
way down 31
wayward pines 19
way to go 1028
way ahead of you 120
way off 17
way too much 31
way ticket 45
way better 36
way up 26
way down 31
wayward pines 19