In his hands tradutor Português
1,047 parallel translation
You know, so it shouldn't fall apart in his hands.
Sabes, para não se desfazer nas mãos dele.
We are in His hands now.
Agora estamos em suas mãos.
The guy with his head in his hands imports Zeiss cameras from the East.
O de cabeça apoiada importa câmaras Zeiss do leste.
Then he stops and holds your blushing, soft face in his hands and he says :
Então, ele pára, segura o teu rosto ruborizado entre as mãos e diz :
Then when he gets that swindler in his hands he kills him without even giving him the time to sign a piece of paper!
e... Quando ele tiver aquele malandro nas mãos... mata-o sem que ele assine qualquer papel!
I'm in his hands. - No, Martin.
Estou nas mãos dele.
Lead turned to gold in his hands.
Ele transformava chumbo em ouro.
All of my people are in his hands.
Toda minha gente está nas mãos deles.
When this man was outside the shop widow, looking at you wasn't he holding something in his hands?
Quando este homem estava lá fora, olhando para si... não tinha nada nas mãos?
He had it in his hands. He knew how to use the powder.
Ele era habilidoso com a pólvora.
Then we will leave it in his hands.
Então deixemos nas mãos de Deus.
The film's fate is in his hands.
O destino do filme depende dele.
It looks like our future's in his hands.
Parece que nosso futuro está nas mãos dele. Olhe.
Without him these two boys would be like sheep, they are instruments in his hands.
Temos que o derrubar, para os destruir!
He was stark naked. He had his star suit in his hands and...
Estava completamente nu e tinha as cuecas na mão.
I think it will be in his hands in a very short while.
Acho que chegará às mãos dele prontamente.
Let us put ourselves in his hands and vote him supreme power.
Deixemo-nos ficar nas suas mãos!
Then it's all in his hands.
Então, está tudo nas mãos Dele.
Then, in the middle of the night I woke up, and there he was. Standing by our bed shielding the candle with his hands to keep the light from hitting my husband.
À noite, acordei, e lá estava ele... ao lado da cama, cobrindo a luz para não acordar meu marido.
All he did was a few gestures in the air with his hands.
Tudo o que ele fez foram uns poucos gestos no ar com as mãos.
Did it in there, you know, with his bare hands.
Foi aí que ele a matou, com as mãos.
There isn't a safe in the world he can't open with his bare hands.
Nao existe um no mundo que ele nao abra de maos nuas.
He could get you with both hands in his pockets.
Ele dá cabo de nós com uma perna atrás das costas.
One man with his filthy hands in the church.
É um homem com as mãos sujas na igreja.
When a man takes an oath, he's holding his own self in his own hands... like water.
Quando um homem presta juramento, está a colocar-se nas suas próprias mãos, como água.
She turned around, took his head in both hands and gave him her breast.
Ela virou-se, pegou na cabeça dele com ambas as mãos e deu-lhe o seu seio.
But anyway, this fellow sneaks in, grabs the first thing he can lay his hands on, and sneaks right out again.
Mas de qualquer maneira, este homem... agarra a primeira coisa em que pode pôr as mãos... e foge novamente.
Gabriel, I believe I hold his entire future in my hands.
Gabriel, creio que tenho nas minhas mãos todo o seu futuro.
That is not the wound received by a man with his hands in the air.
Alguém com as mãos no alto não receberia esse tipo de ferida.
The knife in her back and blood on his hands.
Com a faca ainda nas costas e sangue nas mãos dele.
According to my sources, the Organization, Chicago branch caught Johnny Ross with his hands in the till.
Segundo as minhas fontes, a secção de Chicago da Organização... apanhou o Johnny Ross a roubar-lhes dinheiro.
Before he died the father put the book in his son hands and converted him into stone.
Antes dele morrer colocou o livro nas mãos de seu filho e o cobriu de pedra.
The man you know as Colonel Ross, is on the other planet, standing in an identical, except reversed, room, talking to an identical Jason Webb, who is sitting in an identical chair, rubbing his hands together in this exact moment.
O homem, que tú conheces como Coronel Ross, está no outro planeta, parado num quarto idêntico, mas invertido, a falar com um Jason Webb idêntico, quem está sentado numa cadeira idêntica, frotándo-se as mãos neste mesmo momento.
Well, in case you didn't know, Milt Danby is rounding up his two brothers and all of their sons and all of their hired hands.
Caso não saiba, Milt Danby está reunindo... seus dois irmãos, os filhos deles e todos os empregados.
And I think Nigel's in there with his bare hands, but they're not getting the results they might, but it is a little bit misty today - and they must be shooting from a range of at least a foot.
E acho que o Nigel está a usar só as mãos, mas não estão a ter resultados. Está um pouco de nevoeiro, e eles estão a disparar à distância de, pelo menos, 30 centímetros.
What I'm doing with a little boy with my hands in his pockets?
Por que estou com as mãos nos bolsos de um miúdo?
He was at his end of the hall on his hands and knees in his smock.
- Ele... ele ficava na outra ponta do corredor, ajoelhado, de avental!
And in the meantime, he didn't want Dale Kingston to get his hands on it Is that it?
E entretanto, não queria que o Dale Kingston lhe pusesse as mãos em cima.
What did he have in his hands?
O que é que ele tinha nas mãos? - Nada!
To strangle someone, choke him, squeeze out his life in your own bare hands!
Para estrangular alguém sufoque-o, esprema a vida dele para fora do corpo com suas próprias mãos nuas!
The one in the plaid coat had his hands in his pocket.
O do casaco de xadrez tinha as mãos nos bolsos.
He doesn't even wash his hands before he puts them in the pot.
Ele não lava as mãos antes de cozinhar.
She's no doubt counting on becoming his wife. That is the most powerful weapon in our hands.
Sem duvida que tenciona casar-se com ele, isso é um trunfo nas nossas mãos.
I shall concern myself with his madness, father... and leave the care of his spirit in your hands.
Eu me preocuparei com sua loucura, padre. Em suas mãos deixo seu espírito.
The Navy feels on certain kinds of vehicle transport the prisoner shall have the use of his hands in case of an accident.
A Marinha acha que em certos tipos de transporte o prisioneiro deve ter as mãos livres, em caso de acidente.
Clap your hands and call His name In a happy voice
Bata palmas e chame o nome Dele numa voz feliz
I did get my hands in that stranger's pocket, hoping to find his name tucked away.
Eu tive minhas mãos no bolso que estranho, na esperança de encontrar seu nome escondido.
Man's destiny lies in his own hands.
O destino de um homem está nas suas próprias mãos.
He killed five people on the outside and two in here, with his bare hands.
Matou cinco pessoas lá fora e duas cá dentro, sô com as mãos.
In other words, his veins, his feet, his hands, his organs would all have to be increased in size.
Por outras palavras, as veias, os pés, as mãos e os órgãos dele foram todos aumentados em tamanho.
Our coachman lost both his hands in the accident.
O nosso cocheiro perdeu ambas as mãos no acidente.
in his bedroom 16
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his infinite wisdom 17
in his own way 38
in his defense 27
in his office 49
in his car 20
in history 31
in his heart 21
in his room 52
in his way 22
in his house 18
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
his hands 34
handsome 790
hands 577
in his head 18
in his eyes 23
in his 52
in his case 29
in his words 17
in his mind 49
his hands 34
handsome 790
hands 577