Is that allowed tradutor Português
354 parallel translation
is that allowed?
Isso é permitido?
There's rats the size of footballs, and a guy's serving alcohol to children. Is that allowed?
Tem ratos do tamanho de bolas de futebol... e um tipo servindo bebida a crianças.
Is that allowed?
É permitido?
Am I to understand that my betrothed is allowed to wander about the countryside without a duenna?
Será que entendi que a minha amada tem permissão... para andar por aí, sem uma acompanhante?
But that's what happens when the musician who plays the revolver is allowed to improvise.
É o que acontece quando o músico que toca o revólver está autorizado a improvisar.
Each of you must look into his own conscience, and admit that if this man, Rodman, is allowed to leave the courtroom scot-free, then murder is being rewarded by toleration.
Cada um de vocês deve entrar na sua própria consciência, e analisar se este homem, Rodman, deve deixar a sala do tribunal impune, e se o assassinato está a ser recompensado com a vossa tolerância.
Sir, our captain is still missing, and I now demand that I be allowed to transport to Gideon as we agreed.
Embaixador, o nosso Capitão continua desaparecido e exijo agora que me autorizem a descer a Gideon, como concordado.
Is a visit by that very kind Mr. Spock to be allowed?
Será permitida uma visita, por parte do simpático Sr. Spock?
The captain said that no one is allowed to speak to Dr. Lester.
Ele disse que ninguém pode falar com ela.
That's why it is not allowed the officer to dirty place.
E por isso não queremos que o Major o contamine.
In order to prevent such a test, now or in the future it is my judgment that he should be allowed to remain.
Para previnir um tal teste, agora ou no futuro... eu decido que a ele deve ser permitido ficar.
Hey! I don't mean to be rude man, but no torture, no thumbscrews, this is Australia, we're not allowed to get into that sort of thing mate.
Não pretendo ser indelicado, pá, mas nada de tortura, nem anjinhos para espremer dedos, estamos na Austrália, não nos é permitido fazer este tipo de coisas.
- Nothing that I like is allowed, Anne.
- Nada daquilo que eu gosto é permitido, Anne.
It is a dream that should not be allowed to die.
È um sonho que nâo se devia deixar morrer.
Is that allowed?
- Pensei que fosse proibido.
On board my boat no one is allowed to get away with that.
- Quer levar-nos á falência - Ganhou meio milhão na Pelota -
[Buck] The Earth is willing to relinquish all claim to that colony, provided that any Madreans who wish to do so will be allowed to leave :
A Terra está disposta a renunciar à colônia contanto que deixem partir os madreanos que desejem fazê-lo.
The only thing that saved me so far is that they haven't allowed Rosy to be present each time they tried to execute me.
Levava sempre algo vermelho bem à vista.
Because the old chief of Huanhua Palace swore that from now on, no one from the White Water Clan is allowed there.
Porque o velho chefe do Palácio Huanhua, jurou que dali em diante, ninguém do Clã das Águas Brancas seria lá permitido.
Laughing is allowed here, you just can't walk in here like that. Leave.
É permitido rir, não pode é entrar aqui assim!
But the fact is that no one's allowed to be...
A verdade é que ninguém pode...
Now, I'd like to begin by saying that my parents were too poor to afford me a childhood in Clifton but the fact is that no one is allowed to be really too poor in Clifton.
Gostava de começar por dizer que os meus pais eram muito pobres para me dar uma boa infância em Clifton, mas ninguém tem permissão para ser muito pobre em Clifton.
You're not allowed to say that was racist, because everyone is laughing around you and it's all quite a big joke.
Onde está a minha galinha? E-está um pouco... mais alta...
What's best for Sir is that he's allowed to get ready!
O melhor para o Sir é deixarem - no ir preparar-se.
If it makes any difference, there is a specific clause in Nikki's contract guaranteeing that she is allowed to work alone.
Se é relevante, há uma cláusula específica no contrato da Nikki que garante que ela pode trabalhar sozinha.
He is sure that this is allowed, Captain Hastings?
Tem a certeza que isto é permitido, Capitão Hastings?
It just occurred to me - if I'm allowed to take an active part in the class, that is -
Ocorreu-me... Isto se me for permitida uma participação activa na aula...
It is possible that this new drive system allowed Captain Ramius...
É possível que esta nova força permita ao comandante, de nome Ramius, um comandante muito respeitado...
That's all each side is allowed.
É tudo o que cada parte pode ter.
The most important thing is that during his treatment... he's not allowed anywhere near a chessboard.
Acima de tudo, não se pode aproximar de um tabuleiro, enquanto for tratado.
I ask that I be allowed to defend my- - There is no time.
Pediu para me ver, sir.
This is a court order that I be allowed to see the Guiseppe Conlon case files.
Isto é uma ordem judicial que me permite ver os arquivos de Guiseppe Conlon.
- Because that is what I allowed him to believe.
Eu fi-lo acreditar nisso.
That is, if I'm allowed to leave now.
Isto é, se me for permitido sair agora.
That is not allowed.
Não é permitido.
But being the great woman that she is, she went with the flow... and even allowed me back into our bedroom for our last night at 24 Maple Drive.
Como é uma grande mulher acabou por concordar e até me deixou dormir no nosso quarto na última noite.
Before the counselor is allowed to waste this court's time and this jury's time I'd request that he supply some proof or evidence of this co-conspirator.
Antes de desperdiçar o tempo do Tribunal e do júri, eu requisito uma prova ou evidência desse cúmplice.
And that is why I allowed you to read about them. Because I believe that ignorance is our greatest enemy.
Sentia curiosidade por outros povos e te permiti que lesse sobre eles, porque opino que a ignorância é nosso maior inimigo.
There is physical evidence that as an ensign Dodge became so physically intoxicated that he not only allowed himself to be tattooed, but tattooed on his genitalia.
Existem provas físicas que enquanto alferes, ficou de tal forma bêbado que não só se deixou tatuar, mas como o fez nos seus genitais.
There is no good or bad. So if you stink, you're still allowed to do it? - Well... that sounds perfect.
Quer dizer que mesmo que não prestes podes continuar a fazê-lo?
That is my birthday, and I should be allowed one day of peace without them.
É o meu aniversário e tenho direito a um dia de paz sem eles.
The faulty cell door that allowed her to escape is being investigated and security measures will be tripled when this ruthless killer is once again behind bars.
A porta da cela que permitiu que ela escapasse foi investigada... e as medidas de segurança serão triplicadas quando essa assassina... estiver de novo atrás das grades.
Is that it? Or is it, rather, our great and consuming fear of civil war that has allowed us to heap symbolism upon a simple case that never asked for it? And now would have us disregard truth even as it stands before us, tall and proud as a mountain.
Ou será que foi o nosso incomensurável medo da guerra civil que nos levou a carregar de simbolismo um processo que não o devia ter, e é por esse motivo que desprezamos a verdade, mesmo que se eleve perante nós, orgulhosa como uma montanha?
It is only right that Shinnok's son... be allowed to take his place in the Eternal Palace.
É mais que justo que o filho de Shinnok ocupe o lugar dele no Palácio Eterno.
You'll be allowed in your offices once we've been through the building and determined that there is no danger.
Podem voltar aos gabinetes após revistarmos o edifício e termos a certeza de que não há perigo.
- Does she know him? All he's allowed her to know is that he exists and that he's been taking care of her financially. - No.
- Ela conhece-o?
That is allowed, Charlie.
É permitido, Charlie.
All I know is that any marriage where the female is allowed to speak and wear clothing is doomed to failure.
Só sei que um casamento onde a fêmea pode falar e usar roupas está condenado.
I know we're not qualified for this work, and it could be said that it is beyond the limits of what people like us should be allowed to do.
Eu sei. Não somos qualificados para este trabalho e pode dizer-se que vai além dos limites do que devia ser permitido fazer a pessoas como nós.
Is she allowed to do that?
Ela pode fazer aquilo?
Listen, faggot, you're not even allowed to think the name Lola, is that clear?
Ouve, fedelho, tu nem sequer penses no nome da Lola.
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is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that it 2484
is that so 1463
is that right 2297
is that your dog 17
is that your sister 22
is that okay with you 61
is that 1576
is that all you can say 40
is that all there is 18
is that understood 245
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that your car 43
is that all you got 152
is that your daughter 28
is that what you want 740
is that what this is 151
is that a threat 163
is that all you care about 23
is that all you've got 42
is that what i think it is 170
is that a 177
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that bad 219
is that possible 215
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that him 366
is that what this is about 217
is that clear 774
is that all 744
is that better 164
is that bad 219
is that possible 215
is that true 1272
is that her 187
is that him 366