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It all worked out tradutor Português

424 parallel translation
I haven't got it all worked out yet, but...
Ainda não tenho tudo explicado, mas...
He had it all worked out.
Tinha tudo planeado.
And it all worked out.
Todo. - E correu tudo bem.
You have it all worked out, haven't you?
Já resolveu tudo, não?
They had it all worked out in their timetable.
O têm todo resolvido em seu horário.
I've got it all worked out.
Tenho tudo pensado.
I had it all worked out last night.
Estive a pensar nisso ontem à noite.
- What plan? Well, I don't have it all worked out yet.
O que é o resto, Dr.Ramsey?
She has it all worked out.
Ela tem tudo planejado.
I had it all worked out.
Tinha tudo planeado.
- No, but we got it all worked out.
- Não, mas resolvemos tudo.
- I got it all worked out, Ma.
- Já pensei em tudo, mãe.
When the man has it all worked out for us, it's silly not to use it.
O homem pensou em tudo. Seguiremos o seu plano.
You have it all worked out.
Você tem tudo calculado.
I got it all worked out for you.
Isso já me põe curioso. Está tudo combinado.
We got it all worked out - cash.
O dinheiro já está ali.
We had a little mix-up with the samples, but it all worked out okay.
Houve uma pequena confusão com as amostras mas já está tudo bem.
Come along, we've got it all worked out.
Venham, eu tenho tudo organizado.
He's got it all worked out.
Ele tem tudo planeado.
They had it all worked out.
Eles tinham tudo planeado.
I got it all worked out in my head, but sometimes, if you force it into words prematurely, the wrong words, well, your meaning changes in... Changes in your own mind and you never get it back. So I'd just as soon as not talk about it.
Tenho tudo calculado na cabeça mas, por vezes, ao expressá-lo prematuramente, com palavras mal escolhidas, o significado altera-se cá dentro e nunca mais se recupera, portanto, preferia não o mencionar.
He's got it all worked out, doesn't he?
Ele tem tudo planejado, não é?
actually, I'm starting it this summer, but I've got it all worked out in my head.
Vou começá-lo este verão, mas está tudo esquematizado na cabeça.
Deloris, we got it all worked out.
Deloris, já resolvemos.
We had it all worked out!
Tínhamos tudo combinado!
You got it all worked out, Carlito.
Já tens tudo planeado, Carlito.
Oh, you got it all worked out, don't you?
Oh, percebeste tudo sozinho, certo?
- Why? - Because it's all worked out for a train.
Porque será melhor num comboio.
I've worked it all out. Do you want to see?
Já fiz os meus cálculos, quer ver?
Well, it worked out all right for you.
Parece que te deste bem no final.
It just hasn't worked out, our being apart all these years.
Não funcionou estar separados tantos anos.
I've been all over this country, looking for the exact right place and right people, so once I got stopped, I wouldn't have to be moving again. And it just hasn't worked out.
Corri a região à procura do sítio certo e das pessoas certas, para não ter de me fazer de novo ao caminho, mas não deu certo.
- I've got it practically all worked out.
Tenho-o praticamente estudado.
But whatever it was he had, it worked out all right with women.
Pela razão que seja, não tinha problemas com as mulheres.
It worked out all right in the end, but I was really upset about it...'cause we'd been asked to go and I wanted to go.
Eu fiquei furioso, porque nos tinham convidado e eu queria ir.
- Yes, it's all worked out.
- Sim, deu tudo certo.
They worked it all out, every detail.
Planearam tudo, até ao mais pequeno pormenor.
It has all worked out!
Está tudo certo!
She made it all very difficult, but I think it worked out.
Parece que está tudo resolvido.
Absolutely, I have been having a little think, and I worked it all out.
- Eu estava pensando, e sei tudo.
- Now we got all the kinks worked out of it.
- Agora temos tudo arranjado.
Of all the cruise directors that I've worked with before... I was wondering who was gonna pull this one out of the trunk and dust it off.
De todos os directores de cruzeiro com quem já trabalhei, sempre me perguntei qual deles me faria tirar isto do baú.
Karen, please, it's all worked out.
Karen, por favor, está toda ensaiada.
Ordinarily, i'd be very upset, but it- - it all seems to have worked out fairly well.
Normalmente, eu ficaria chateado, mas parece que tudo funcionou razoavelmente bem.
I've got it all the worked out.
Está tudo preparado.
We worked it all out.
Resolvemos as coisas.
But we worked it all out.
Mas nós resolvemos tudo.
I worked it all out ahead of time with with Dr. Baumann.
eu trabalhei ate depois da hora de sair com o doutor com o Dr. Baumann.
My good fellow, I've worked it out to 15 decimal points. All it requires is a little backing, Mr...
Coplann o que é que a casta guerreira acha isto tão divertido?
Oh, yes, it's all worked out.
Sim, de trás para a frente.
Got it all worked out right here.
Tenho tudo planeado aqui.

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