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Killed her tradutor Português

6,761 parallel translation
He called me and told me that he had killed her.
Ele ligou-me e disse-me que a tinha morto.
You're her monitor, and she killed herself because the man that she loved turned her whole life into a lie.
Tu és o monitor dela. E ela matou-se porque o homem que ela amava transformou a vida dela numa mentira.
Hey, who killed her?
Ouça, quem a matou?
So, I was a little aggressive when Miss Baker didn't let my son into that school. But that doesn't mean I killed her.
Então, eu estava um pouco agressivo... quando a Senhorita Baker não admitiu o meu filho naquela escola, mas isso não significa que eu a matei.
You killed her, Mr. Elliot.
Você matou-a, Sr. Elliot.
I couldn't have killed her, because I was at a fundraiser that night.
Sabe, eu não poderia tê-la matado, porque estava num evento de angariação de fundos - naquela noite.
Whoever killed her took that cell phone trying to cover their tracks.
Isso significa que quem a matou levou o telemóvel
I killed her.
Mike got in a fight with Mona the night before she died and now he's going to visit the person who killed her?
O Mike discutiu com a Mona na noite anterior à que ela morreu, e agora vai visitar a pessoa que a matou?
Because you think that "A" double-crossed Mona and killed her.
Porque achas que "A" traiu a Mona e a matou? Como é que tens a certeza de que a Alison não é "A"?
Do you think that "A" double-crossed Mona and killed her?
Achas que "A" traiu a Mona e a matou?
Mona set her up and then was killed herself, and now Ali's going down for it.
A Mona incriminou-a e ainda se matou, e agora a Ali está a pagar por isso.
She told Powell it was over, he killed her, took his ring back.
Disse ao Powell que estava terminado, ele matou-a, levou o anel de volta.
I killed her on our wedding night.
Matei-a na noite de núpcias.
You killed her.
Mataste ela.
- You killed her.
- Mataste-a.
She thinks I killed her husband.
Ela pensa que lhe matei o marido.
I killed her, about a year into our marriage.
Matei-a, um ano após o casamento.
Did she say who killed her?
Ela disse quem a matou?
But Justine won't say who killed her.
Mas a Justine não quis dizer quem a matou.
What we think is that you fought with Justine and you killed her.
O que pensamos é que lutou com a Justine e a matou.
Unless, of course, Carol's killed her already.
A não ser, é claro, que a Carol já a tenha matado.
It doesn't exactly help that Rebecca was the same age that I am now when Liam killed her.
- Está bem. Saber que a Rebecca tinha a mesma idade que eu tenho agora quando o Liam a matou.
You killed her!
Você matou-a!
Ma maman, you killed her!
A minha mamã! Você matou-a!
I know you killed her.
Sei que a matou.
Oh, you were so convinced that her abusive ex-husband killed her, you even testified against him.
Estava tão convencida que o ex-marido abusivo dela a matou, que até testemunhou contra ele.
I always had it in my head that it was the job that killed her.
Sempre tive em mente que foi o trabalho que a matou.
He nearly killed her.
Ele quase a matou.
You killed her son.
Tu mataste-lhe o filho.
Barbara Kean. Killed her parents.
Barbara Kean, matou os pais.
Galavan killed her.
O Galavan matou-a.
You almost killed her today.
Quase a mataste hoje.
I found out a few things, like... how she was screwing your deputy, and then he ended up dying on her property, but the police report says that you killed him in self-defense.
Ele morreu na propriedade dela, mas o relatório da Polícia diz que tu o mataste em legítima defesa.
That her son Norman killed his father.
Que o filho dela, o Norman, matou o pai dele.
He'll have her killed, you know that.
Ele vai matá-la, sabes disso.
I killed her.
Eu matei-a.
And I didn't just have to see her, but watch her be killed - - my own daughter.
E não tive apenas que ver, mas vê-la a ser morta, a minha filha.
Do you think her trip had something to do with why she was killed?
Acha que a viagem tem alguma coisa a ver com o motivo dela ter sido assassinada?
And somehow that got her killed. Oh, my God.
- E de alguma forma isso levou à sua morte.
Okay, if the information is missing, then what did Shana learn from this report that got her killed?
- Está bem, se a informação desapareceu, então, o que é que a Shana descobriu neste relatório que levou à sua morte?
You killed her.
Você matou-a.
Her cousin... was killed by a Power, just like my dad was.
O primo dela foi morto por um Poderoso, assim como o meu pai.
The night before Mona was killed, we were talking on the phone and in the middle of it, someone came up to her and told her to hang up and talk to him.
- O que se passa? - Não quero sarilhos para ninguém.
I was her biggest fan, and she killed my dreams.
Eu era a sua maior fã, e ela matou os meus sonhos.
But that doesn't mean I killed her.
Mas não significa que a matei.
I knew that she took care of him after his mother was killed, until the CIA found out about it and they forced her to abandon him.
Sabias que ela tratou dele logo após a morte da mãe, até a CIA descobrir e a obrigarem a abandoná-lo.
I got her last call, the night she was killed.
Consegui a última chamada, na noite em que foi morta.
Wait, so Liam killed Helen so he could kill the rest of her family at her funeral?
Espera, então, o Liam matou a Helen... para poder matar o resto da família dela no funeral?
An affair that would get her killed.
Um caso que traria a morte dela.
I testify against Keen and her husband I tell you how they killed the harbormaster, and I walk.
Eu testemunho contra a Keen e o marido, digo-lhe como mataram o capitão do porto e vou-me embora.

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