Millicent tradutor Português
212 parallel translation
Remarkable old girl, Lady Millicent.
Uma mulher extraordinária, a Sra. MiIIicent.
Have your tea before you go, Millicent.
Toma o teu chá antes de ires, Millicent.
I didn't say she meant that Millicent is going to her doom.
Eu não disse que ela queria dizer que a Millicent ia para um martírio.
Millicent, if you're really nervous, perhaps it would be better if I went along with you.
Millicent, se estás muito nervosa, talvez fosse melhor eu ir contigo.
I think you are very brave, Millicent.
Acho que és muito corajosa, Millicent.
Millicent, I think you are intrepid, completely intrepid.
Millicent, acho que tu és corajosa, completamente corajosa.
And please, Millicent, don't practice your French on strangers.
E por favor, Millicent, não prati - ques o teu francês com estranhos.
Bye, Millicent.
- Adeus, Millicent.
Millicent Bracegirdle, the sister of the Dean of Easingstoke.
"Millicent Bracegirdle, a irmã do Diácono de Easingstoke."
Don't be melodramatic, Millicent Bracegirdle.
"Não sejas melodramática, Millicent Bracegirdle."
Certainly you must, Millicent Bracegirdle.
"De certeza que tens, Millicent Bracegirdle."
That concludes the life and loves of the intrepid Miss Millicent Bracegirdle.
Assim termina a vida e os amores da corajosa Menina Millicent Bracegirdle.
Well, I'll see you later, Millicent.
Bem, te vejo depois, Millicent.
- # Agnes - # And Jane
- Millicent - Agnes - E Jane
You know me, Millicent.
Millicent, você conhece-me.
I know, Millicent.
Eu sei, Millicent. Eu sei.
You know me, Millicent.
Você me conhece, Millicent.
Millicent, my dear, will you put a check in the mail to Loostgarten?
Millicent, pode enviar um cheque para o Loostgarten?
- Good morning, Miss Millicent.
- Bom dia, Srta.
- Good morning.
Millicent Davies, US AFL-CIO.
Millicent Davies, US AFL-CIO.
And my goddaughter, Millicent.
E a minha rica afilhada Millicent.
A scarf for me, a pair of gloves for Mr Baldrick and a hat for Millicent.
Um cachecol para mim, um par de luvas para o Sr. Baldrick e uma touca para a Millicent.
Ah, Millicent, to what do I owe this excellent pleasure?
Millicent! A que se deve tão agradável visita?
My dear Millicent, come for her dinner.
A minha querida Millicent veio para jantar.
He heard already of Lady Millicent Castle Vaughan?
Já ouviu falar de Lady Millicent Castle Vaughan?
- I am Lady Millicent.
- Eu sou Lady Millicent.
Pardon, Lady Millicent...
Perdão, Lady Millicent...
Lady Millicent has not of 20 thousand pounds, or similar sum.
Lady Millicent não dispõe de 20 mil libras, ou soma parecida.
With difficulty, Lady Millicent it can dispose of five thousand pounds.
Com dificuldade, Lady Millicent pode dispor de cinco mil libras.
I am going to do a good price for Lady Millicent, as soon as she is a girl so enchanting.
Vou fazer um bom preço para Lady Millicent, uma vez que é uma rapariga tão encantadora.
Lady Millicent said to us.
Lady Millicent disse-nos.
It was very unpleasant to way as he talked about Lady Millicent.
Foi muito desagradável a maneira como falou de Lady Millicent.
Is the letter of Lady Millicent this?
É essa a carta de Lady Millicent?
However he knows if the letter is of Lady Millicent if I not to read it?
Como quer que saiba se é a carta de Lady Millicent se eu não a ler?
He is she, Lady Millicent.
É ela, Lady Millicent.
Millicent Smith.
Millicent Smith.
You're writing "Happy Birthday, Millicent" on my cake.
Estás a escrever "Parabéns, Millicent" no meu bolo.
- It's Millicent's birthday party.
- É a festa de anos da Millicent.
- It's Millicent's birthday.
- É o aniversário da Millicent.
Millicent, open the door.
Millicent, abre a porta.
Enjoy the party for Millicent.
Goza bem a festa da Millicent.
Millicent, this is Lawrence Walters.
Millicent, este é Lawrence Walters.
John, have you seen Millicent?
John, viu ao Millicent?
It's a transcript of an online chat Millicent Griffith just did.
A transcrição de uma conversa online da Millicent Griffith.
Millicent, what were you thinking about?
Millicent, em que estava a pensar?
- Millicent!
- Millicent!
He wants the president's reaction to a comment made about Millicent Griffith.
Quer a reacção do Presidente a um comentário sobre a Millicent Griffith.
Millicent Bulstrode.
Millicent Bulstrode.
- # Veronica - # Millicent
- Veronica
millie 548
million 4041
millions 178
millionaire 40
millionaires 17
million years ago 118
million people 107
million worth 18
million won 77
million dollars 237
million 4041
millions 178
millionaire 40
millionaires 17
million years ago 118
million people 107
million worth 18
million won 77
million dollars 237
million euros 46
million in cash 35
millions of them 19
million years old 20
million pounds 21
million last year 16
million years 93
million bucks 60
million a year 47
milliseconds 21
million in cash 35
millions of them 19
million years old 20
million pounds 21
million last year 16
million years 93
million bucks 60
million a year 47
milliseconds 21
million cash 19
million yen 73
million dead 17
million and 25
million each 23
million for 18
millimeter 142
millimeters 51
milligrams 93
million yen 73
million dead 17
million and 25
million each 23
million for 18
millimeter 142
millimeters 51
milligrams 93