Or his tradutor Português
9,986 parallel translation
other than that bullet, all your other tests, none of them put Teresa Halbach ever in his garage or his house - or any of his vehicles, right? - Correct.
Tirando a bala, de todos os seus outros testes, nenhum coloca a Teresa Halbach nem na garagem nem na casa, nem em nenhum dos carros dele, certo?
Kasim, or his code name Wajib, is staying somewhere in Bangkok right now... [Cell phone rings]... and...
Kasim, ou codinome Wajib, está em algum lugar em Bangkok, agora mesmo... e...
I don't know about his work, or his family...
Não sei nada sobre o seu trabalho, a sua familia ou...
"this man or his parents, that he should be born blind?"
"Este homem ou os pais dele para ele ter nascido cego?"
But after, I realized that all the pageantry, all the demands I made to honor him, it wasn't for Jack or his legacy.
Mas depois apercebi-me de que toda a pompa, todas as exigências que fiz para o honrar não eram para o Jack nem para o legado dele.
He doesn't want to know his past, or his father.
Ele não quer saber do seu passado, nem do seu pai.
Did your niece say anything else regarding David Kingston or his wife?
A sua sobrinha disse mais alguma coisa em relação a David Kingston ou à mulher?
I understand it will take time process this matter, of course I understand, but any details that can give us in relation the whereabouts of her husband or his motives...
Sei que vai demorar algum tempo a processar isto tudo e compreendo. Mas qualquer indicação que nos possa dar quanto ao paradeiro do seu noivo ou aos motivos dele...
During his lunch break Or something.
Durante a hora de almoço dele. Ou algo assim.
Like, if he was buttering his toast, or tying his shoe, or, say, typing on a keyboard.
Como se ele passasse manteiga, ou amarrasse os sapatos, ou digitado no teclado.
Is he gonna wait or go ahead with his prelim?
Ele vai esperar ou vai seguir com a audiência preliminar?
Like, if his story's, like, different, like I never did nothing or something.
Se a história dele for diferente. Se ele disser que não fez nada.
To me, I think if this case goes to trial, you put the tape of his confession in the VCR or DVD player and play it, and, you know, there's our case right there.
Acho que se este caso for a julgamento... IRMÃO DE TERESA... colocamos a gravação da confissão no leitor de DVD e temos ali logo o caso.
And if he was hiding something or if he would've done something, I could hear it in his voice.
Se estivesse a esconder algo ou estivesse estado a fazer algo, notaria na voz dele.
There was evidence that he had a cut on his finger, but what didn't make sense was that there was no fingerprints of Avery's at all, in or on the vehicle.
Era uma prova de que tinha um corte no dedo, mas não faz sentido que não houvesse impressões digitais, nem fora nem dentro do carro.
Whatever his personal failings here, there have been a series of systemic failings that are... deeply troubling if you... think about them too much or...
As falhas dele neste caso, tem havido uma série de falhas sistemáticas que... São muito perturbadoras, se pensarmos muito nelas ou... as levarmos para o lado pessoal.
Less than three weeks, or about three weeks after his deposition.
Menos de três semanas, três semanas depois do depoimento.
Do we err on the side of depriving a human being of liberty or do we err on the side of a human being sustaining his claim to liberty when we're uncertain as we almost always are?
Do lado em que privamos um ser humano da liberdade ou do lado de um ser humano que afirma o direito à liberdade, quando não temos a certeza?
"Try to put her in his house or garage." Correct?
"Tente colocá-la na casa dele ou na garagem." Correto?
Because if he killed her in the garage or killed her in his own house somewhere or nearby, he doesn't need to use the RAV4 to carry her body over to the burn pit if that's where you're saying she was burned.
Porque se a matou na garagem ou em casa ou ali perto, não precisava do RAV4 para a levar até à fogueira. Se é aí que dizem que foi queimada.
They didn't find nothing down that... by his trailer for three or four days.
Não encontraram nada em casa dele durante três ou quatro dias.
[Buting] "Try to put her in his house or garage."
"Tente colocá-la na casa ou na garagem."
He chose not to hold himself accountable and ask for forgiveness, but to make a jury of 12 of his peers decide if he was accountable or not.
Decidiu não tomar a responsabilidade e pedir perdão e fazer com que um júri de 12 pessoas decidisse por ele.
And he wasn't necessarily the pawn of the Avery family, that he could make his own moral decisions as to what was right or wrong under all the circumstances, and part of that would be to admit being involved, you know, in the death of Teresa Halbach.
E que não dependia das vontades da família Avery, que podia tomar as suas decisões sobre o que está bem ou mal, em qualquer circunstância, e parte disso poderia ser admitir ter estado envolvido na morte de Teresa Halbach.
Bertie's asked me to help him with his Union of Democratic Control or something.
O Bertie pediu-me para o ajudar com a sua União de Controle Democrático ou coisa parecida.
At his studio or something.
Talvez no estúdio dele.
Love him or hate him, you have to admire his spirit and determination.
Quer o amem ou odeiem, têm de admirar o seu espírito e determinação.
"If any apprentice shall leave the employment of his or her master without consent, said master may pursue and recapture the apprentice and bring him before any justice of the peace, whose duty it shall be to remand said apprentice to the service of his or her masters."
" Se algum aprendiz, abandonar o emprego, sem o consentimento do seu mestre, o mestre pode perseguir e recapturar o aprendiz, antes mesmo da justiça ir atrás, no qual o aprendiz deve voltar e estar à disposição do seu mestre.
'Cause I have a couple of tickets to his concert this week and the girl I was gonna go with - not a girlfriend or anything - she can't make it, she has a thing.
Porque eu tenho dois bilhetes para o concerto dele esta semana e a rapariga com quem eu ia não é namorada, nem nada que se pareça ela já não pode ir, teve um imprevisto.
He had a choice... To return to his own life... Or to serve something greater than himself.
Ele pôde escolher entre voltar à sua vida normal ou servir algo maior do que ele próprio.
'A man's reach should exceed his grasp, or what's a heaven for?
A capacidade de um homem deve exceder a sua compreensão, ou para o que é o céu?
He has no known cancers on either side of his family, no history of drug abuse, no history of any kind of mental illness, or...
- Não tem historial de cancro em nenhum lado da família, nem historial de consumo de drogas ou de qualquer doença mental...
I never, ever have to meet him, or any of his family.
Não preciso de o conhecer, nem a ninguém da família dele.
Mrs. Long says his income is four or five thousand a year.
A Mrs. Long diz que tem rendimentos de quatro ou cinco mil libras por ano!
I loved his father dearly, so, I can never expose Darcy or challenge him to a duel.
Eu amava profundamente o pai dele, por isso nunca poderia expor o Darcy ou desafiá-lo para um duelo.
That I could, I don't know, talk to him, or even know what his laugh sounded like.
Para poder falar com ele... Saber como soava o seu riso.
It was his face or body?
- Foi a cara ou o corpo?
I don't know if he did or not, but he changed his name to "Bob Stone" and apparently he's in town for the high school reunion.
Não sei se voltou, mas mudou o nome para Bob Stone e parece que está cá para a reunião do liceu.
He's got a bullet lodged in his skull, and they can't get it out because of the swelling in the brain which may or may not go down.
Tem uma bala alojada no crânio. Não a podem tirar devido ao inchaço no cérebro. O inchaço pode diminuir ou não.
Or should I stay Stuart, and his friend who sells cheese.
Ou melhor, do Stuart, e do amigo que lhe vende queijo. - Jesus...
Your boy either has to make his weight or he will be disqualified, period.
O teu rapaz vai ter de atingir o peso ou será desqualificado, ponto final.
I gotta see who the dingleberry gives his last rose to, Goiter Face or Drunk Slut.
Tenho que ver para quem o pateta vai dar a última rosa, cabeçuda ou Puta Bêbada.
Hughes developed a reputation for employing dozens of young, aspiring actresses, and keeping them under contract... for years at RKO, regardless of whether or not they ever appear in one of his pictures.
Hughes desenvolveu uma reputação... de empregar dúzias de jovens aspirantes a actrizes... e de as manter sob contrato durante anos na RKO... não obstante elas aparecerem ou não num dos seus filmes.
His secretary said he'll be back sometime in the middle or end of next week.
A secretária dele disse que ele regressaria por volta do meio... ou fim da próxima semana.
He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.
Ele não se cansa nem perde as forças. É insondável a sua sabedoria.
Turn the cameras back on or I'm gonna shoot him in his head!
Liguem as câmaras ou dou-lhe um tiro nos miolos!
Hundred bucks says this poor shithead either lives by himself or with his mother.
Aposto $ 100 em como o ranhoso vive sozinho ou com a mãe.
She his wife or something?
Ela é mulher dele ou assim?
You're gonna pick up that pistol and shoot Monte in his ugly fucking face... or I'm gonna shoot your father dead.
Vais pegar nesta pistola e alvejar a cara feia do Monte ou matarei o teu pai.
Well, let's just say, he's never really been one to relish being outside of his house, let alone 30,000 feet in the air, or here in another country.
Bem, digamos que ele nunca gostou de estar fora da sua casa, muito menos a dez mil metros de altitude, ou aqui, noutro país.
Like his soul or...
Como a alma dele ou...
hiss 20
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
his brother 146
history 358
hisses 49
hissing 70
historical 17
hispanic 52
his father 174
his nephew 20
his mother 223
his brother 146
his wife 438
his family 108
his name is dr 18
his best friend 29
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
historically 99
his family 108
his name is dr 18
his best friend 29
his son 135
his soul 16
his sister 102
his friend 45
his head 38
historically 99
his house 47
his birthday 23
his name is 110
his watch 21
his shoes 20
his name is ethan 17
his ex 116
his daughter 107
his place 22
his hands 34
his birthday 23
his name is 110
his watch 21
his shoes 20
his name is ethan 17
his ex 116
his daughter 107
his place 22
his hands 34