His ex tradutor Português
1,357 parallel translation
He'll tear up as he tells you the story of his ex-wife leaving him.
Vai chorar quando te contar a história de como a mulher o deixou.
But we did find his ex wife.
Mas encontrámos a ex-mulher dele.
Charles Burlingame, an ex-Navy F4 pilot who worked in the Pentagon, participates in this exercise before retiring to take a job at American Airlines, where, less than a year later, his Boeing 757 allegedly crashes into the building.
Charles Burlingame, ex-piloto da Navy e ao serviço do Pentágono, participou nos exercícios. A seguir, concorreu à American Airlines. O Boeing 757 por ele voado viria a despenhar-se cerca de um ano mais tarde contra o Pentágono.
His ex said he missed their court appointment, and now he and Anna are gone.
A ex dele diz que ele não apareceu ao encontro no tribunal. e agora ele e a Anna desapareceram.
The client found a note in his ex's pocketbook saying, "Go on at 8 : 00."
o cliente encontrou uma nota na agenda de sua ex : "Venha as 8 : 00".
Amy was his ex-fiancée.
A Amy foi a ex-noiva dele.
If Scott is that close to his ex-wife, and you don't find that incredibly threatening, I'm sure it's very nice.
Se o Scott é tão chegado à ex-mulher e tu não achas isso incrivelmente ameaçador, tenho a certeza de que é muito bom.
It must be millions. Neither of his exes remarried.
Nenhuma das ex voltou a casar.
Natalie, he killed his ex-girlfriend!
Natalie, ele matou a ex-namorada!
Or his ex, before Veronica.
Ou a sua ex, antes da Veronica.
Mackey gave his ex 65 grand in cash they can't account for.
O Mackey deu à mulher 65 mil dólares em dinheiro que não pode justificar.
Like his ex-girlfriend and his kid, for example.
Como a ex-namorada e a filha, por exemplo.
Mexican meth. Shusett didn't go to Ochoa's to kill his ex.
O Shusett não foi a casa do Ochoa matar a ex.
Then I get these text messages from my friend Kim telling me she saw him leaving his ex's place at dawn.
Depois recebi umas mensagens da minha amiga Kim a dizer que o viu a sair de casa da ex de madrugada.
Terrence broke into his ex-girlfriend's family home.
O Terrence forçou a entrada em casa da família da ex-namorada.
Well, we talked to his ex-Wife.
Bom, nós conversamos com sua ex-exposa.
We had a little disagreement over fooling around with his ex.
Tivemos uns desentendimentos sobre a ex dele.
I kind of fooled around with his ex.
Eu é que andei metida com a ex-namorada dele.
His ex-con buddies were always at the shop.
- Os ex-presos amigos dele... estavam sempre por perto.
He always thought that I was talking to his ex-wife behind his back.
Ele achava que eu ia falar com ex-mulher nas costas dele.
His ex-wife deposited it into her bank account.
A mulher dele depositou-os na conta bancária dela.
Your roomie swipes a playbook from his ex-girlfriend's meathead new boyfriend.
O teu companheiro de quarto rouba o livro de jogadas do novo namorado da ex.
Fighting with his ex, his son caught in the middle.
A discutir com a ex, o seu filho acabou por ser apanhado no meio.
Instead I had to compete with the memory of his ex girlfriend.
Em vez disso eu tive que lutar contra as lembranças da ex-namorada dele.
This guy got some lowlife to kidnap his ex-wife's show dog.
Um tipo contratou um vadio para roubar o cão de concursos da ex-mulher.
His ex worked on the force in the same department.
A ex dele trabalhou na polícia, no mesmo departamento.
After a thorough investigation, collin appears to be a loyal, committed partner, without a criminal record. And his friends and exes both speak very highly of him.
Depois de uma minuciosa investigação o Collin parece ser um namorado leal e de confiança, sem registo criminal os amigos e ex-namoradas falam muito bem dele.
Jill was his evil ex-fiancee.
Jill era a sua ex-noiva má.
He'd be just another ex-con struggling to get his GED.
Só seria outro ex-prisioneiro procurando fazer seu GID.
putting his reputation on the line against legendary ex-ex-ex-champion, Rocky Balboa.
O actual campeão de pesos-pesados, Mason "A Linha" Dixon põe a sua reputação em jogo contra o ex-ex-ex-campeão, Rocky Balboa.
Said her ex-husband forced his way into the house, threatened her.
Disse que o ex-marido entrou-lhe em casa e ameaçou-a.
Seeing your kid get hauled away by your ex and his new young lover.
Ver o filho a ser arrastado pelo ex e pelo seu novo amor.
Why do you invite over your ex-husband and his girlfriend all the time? [KNOCKING ON DOOR]
Porque estás sempre a convidar o teu ex-marido e a namorada?
My boyfriend just fled the country with his dead ex-girlfriend's baby.
O meu namorado acabou de fugir do país com o bebé da ex-namorada morta.
Her first love, Nick, she had his name tattooed on her ass after a week.
Com o Nick, o ex, fez uma tatuagem no rabo ao fim de uma semana.
Henry, of course, continued to look after his parolees.
O Henry, claro, continou a cuidar dos seus ex-presidiários.
Oh, you mean here in front of our son's school where I'm trying to make a good impression and not get kicked out in the first week because my ex is whoring around in the parking lot in his Chevy?
Queres dizer em frente à escola do nosso filho onde tento causar boa impressão e não ser escorraçada. por causa das cenas indecentes do meu ex no parque de estacionamento?
You think he did something to his ex-Wife?
Sou do tipo de bater no ex, vamos deixar um pouco do nosso ódio para a parceira do crime dele, a outra mulher.
- I called one of his former clerks.
- Liguei a um dos ex-escrivães dele.
He found his wife in bed with his second wife and downed an entire bottle of his bulimic daughter's Prozac.
Encontrou a mulher na cama com a ex-mulher e bebeu uma garrafa toda do Prozac da sua filha bulímica.
Jack Bauer, a former CTU agent, contacted Aaron and me. He's on his way here now.
O Jack Bauer, um ex-agente da UAT, contactou-me a mim e ao Aaron.
My ex moved out and left his dog.
O meu ex mudou-se e deixou-me o cão dele.
Well, his father said he hangs with a bunch of ex-cons at the garage.
O pai disse que ele saía sempre com os ex-presidiários da oficina.
If he's still hanging with ex-cons, he... - probably talks to his old cellmate. - Yeah.
Se ele saía com ex-presos, provavelmente ainda falava... com o antigo colega de cela.
And Carlos called his soon-to-be-ex-wife, Gabrielle, who was busy doing the same with hers.
E o Carlos ligou à futura ex-mulher, a Gabrielle, que estava ocupada a fazer o mesmo com o dela.
No, but my ex broke a gang member's jaw in a bar fight, six years ago in Atlanta, and that insignia was on his patch.
Não, mas o meu ex partiu os queixos ao um numa briga de bar, 6 anos atrás em atlanta, e aquela insignia estava num remendo dele.
Gibbs just found his fourth ex-wife.
Gibbs achou sua "futura ex-esposa".
He fared better than any of his ministers who were executed just days after the successful coup, for crimes that the MI6 and CIA had committed.
O ex-chefe da inteligência italiano fez esclarecimentos sobre as ações da Gladio.
With all that's going on, the police were only doing what they thought was best, as far as I'm concerned. [Alex ] Why do you think that he ran? [ Witness] Well, because his visa had run out, obviously.
Poucas horas depois dos atentados de 7 / 7 a rádio do exército israelense estava reportando que Benjamin Netanyahu, ex-primeiro-ministro de Israel, havia sido avisado para não deixar seu hotel naquela manhã para participar de uma reunião a menos de 30 metros de uma das estações.
The police had followed him from his home, they knew that he was a Latin-Brazilian working in England as an electrician.
Sr. Power era o ex-porta-voz da Scotland Yard. O Sr. Power contou ao canal Inglês ITN News sobre os exercícios.
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experience 101
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