Come and eat tradutor Russo
340 parallel translation
Well... Come and eat, everyone.
Что ж, заходите есть, все.
Ask Mr. Mason if he can come and eat with us maybe help me set up the trains. I can't do that either, honey. It's gonna be Grandma and Grandpa and Carl.
Спроси мистера Мейсона, может он придет к нам на обед и поможет мне собрать поезд я не могу этого сделать милый, к нам придут бабушка, дедушка и Карл
Wendy, come and eat your lunch.
Венди, спускайся и пообедай.
Come and eat before things get cold.
Идите есть, пока еда не остыла.
Come and eat.
Иди, покушай.
Come and eat, brother!
Брат, иди есть!
- Marcello, I went down for the mail... - Come and eat!
- Марчелло, я получила письмо.
Come and eat, Jeanne!
Жанна, обедать!
Salome, come and eat
Саломея, поешь со мною
- Just come and eat!
- Лучше сядь и поешь!
Come and eat.
Пошли есть.
Come and eat!
Давай поешь!
Come and eat something.
Иди, поешь чего-нибудь.
Come and eat.
Иди есть.
Come and eat!
Давайте есть.
Come and eat.
Пойди поешь!
Finish shining your shoes now And come and eat your dinner.
Хватит уже чистить свои туфли, садитесь за стол.
Come and eat.
Проходите к столу.
Come and eat now. Hand her to me.
Дай ее мне, а сам поешь.
- Come and eat something.
- Съешь чего-нибудь. - Да.
Come on! I only eat bugs when I'm really hungry, like when my mom sleeps in and forgets to pack my lunch.
Я ем насекомых только когда очень голодный, например, если мама спит и не собрала мне обед.
Now, Miss Scarlett. You come on and be good and eat just a little, honey.
А теперь, мисс Скарлетт, будьте умницей и поешьте немного.
They come from miles around just to eat in my field and laugh in my face.
Они пролетают много миль, чтобы полакомиться на моем поле и посмеяться надо мной.
Last night, come out and say they got chicken to eat.
Вчера сказал, что у них курица на ужин.
Now, will you please come in and eat something. Your father and brother have almost finished.
А сейчас иди поешь вместе со всеми.
Come and have something to eat.
Иди, поешь чего-нибудь.
It's much more convenient, you know. Because this way, people don't have to go all the way into the dining room to get food and come all the way back to eat it.
Но это намного удобнее, потому что гостям не приходится ходить в столовую за едой, возвращаться сюда и кушать.
Wind me up in the morning and I go to work. Wind me up again and I come home at night, eat dinner and go to bed.
Утром завели, и весь день ходилка-говорилка работает, вечером опять завели - еду домой, ем ужин и ложусь спать.
I eat, I come here... And there's no one! Nothing left.
Прихожу, поднимаюсь : и никого, и ничего.
The freedom to come and go, to think and act to eat and sleep according to your choice.
Иметь право сидеть или уйти, думать или делать, что хочется, есть и спать, когда хочется.
And then you come back and eat your own breakfast, hmm?
А потом возвращайся, будем завтракать.
Rocco, come and eat.
Рокко, идем, суп готов.
The beast may try and come, even though we gave him the head of our kill to eat.
Зверь может снова попытаться прийти, даже после того, как мы дали ему голову на съедение.
Come on Guido, let's go up and eat, i'm so hungry I can't stand it.
Все, Гвидо пошли перекусим, я так проголодалась, что съела бы слона.
It's the first time she's been able to come down and eat.
Сегодня первый раз, когда она смогла спуститься и поесть.
Come on women, by the time you finish old Adam be down here eat the bait, trap, fox, you and me.
Давай женщина, как только закончишь старик Адан будет уже здесь и съест наживку, лисиц, капкан, тебя и меня
And those truck drivers come in there to eat your greasy burgers and they kid you and you kid them back but they're stupid and dumb boys with their big old tattoos on them, and you don't like it.
Приходят дальнобойщики, шутят с тобой. Они тупые и мерзкие, жрут жирные гамбургеры, и тебе это не нравится.
Come and eat!
К столу!
Now come to my tepee and eat.
Пойдем в мой вигвам. Поедим.
Come here and eat, you little yob...
Давай, ешь, бродяга.
Now, you two boys, come on in and have something to eat. Food!
Мальчики, идите поешьте что-нибудь.
But you should eat regular meals and come down out of the clouds.
Вам нужно есть вовремя и перестать витать в облаках.
Nick, why not come in and have something to eat, and then you can take the car on... home.
Ник, почему бы тебе не зайти, немного перекусить ну а потом ты можешь ехать на машине... домой.
When I finish work, and I come home, all I wanna do is eat my dinner, enjoy my little wife and play with my boychick.
Когда я после работы иду домой, всё, о чём я думаю - это как бы пообедать, а потом наслаждаться обществом жены и играть с сыном.
You'll eat your meals there, and come back here to sleep.
Во всяком случае, у тебя будет что есть. А потом возвращаться и ночевать здесь.
Hurry up! Soon it'll get dark and a wolf will come - and eat your little sheep.
Поторопись, поспеши, скоро стемнеет, придет волк и сожрет твою овечку.
Come, eat and drink!
Заходите, ешьте и пейте!
Some insects not only eat plants, but in order to hide while doing so, they've come to look like plants, like leaves and sticks.
Некоторые насекомые не только едят растения, но и маскируются, став похожими на растения, на листья и ветки.
There's plenty of fuel and food to eat but torpedoes are difficult to come by.
Провизия - не проблема.
Come here and eat.
Садись и ешь.
Every so often, I pretend I'm democratic and I come to eat with our dear workers.
Сегодня я постараюсь быть демократичной и буду обедать с нашими дорогими рабочими.
come and find me 23
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and get me 180
come and see 180
come and look 40
come and play 16
come and see me 45
come and dance with me 16
come and say hello 16
come and get it 268
come and join us 55
come and get me 180
come and see 180
come and look 40
come and play 16
come and see me 45
come and dance with me 16
come and say hello 16
come and have a look 57
come and sit here 19
come and help me 44
come and take a look 24
come and see this 26
come and sit down 160
come and have a drink 24
come and help 21
come and have a look at this 21
come and dance 23
come and sit here 19
come and help me 44
come and take a look 24
come and see this 26
come and sit down 160
come and have a drink 24
come and help 21
come and have a look at this 21
come and dance 23
come and look at this 28
come and sit 29
come and 20
and eat 28
eating 184
eater 122
eaten 38
eaters 43
eat me 116
eat my shorts 18
come and sit 29
come and 20
and eat 28
eating 184
eater 122
eaten 38
eaters 43
eat me 116
eat my shorts 18
eat your heart out 25
eat a dick 20
eat shit 72
eat your food 42
eat your dinner 19
eat a lot 33
eat your breakfast 34
eating bacteria 17
eat something 105
eating contest 28
eat a dick 20
eat shit 72
eat your food 42
eat your dinner 19
eat a lot 33
eat your breakfast 34
eating bacteria 17
eat something 105
eating contest 28
eat it 402
eat more 18
eat that 46
eat this 131
eat well 20
eat now 18
eat buffet 21
eat some 19
eat slowly 16
eat up 250
eat more 18
eat that 46
eat this 131
eat well 20
eat now 18
eat buffet 21
eat some 19
eat slowly 16
eat up 250