They were here tradutor Russo
1,391 parallel translation
We knew they were here protecting someone, we didn't know who.
Мы знали, что они здесь были для защиты кого-то. Мы просто не знали кого.
They were here all along.
Они все время были здесь.
They would be up here arresting us by now if they were here.
Они арестовали бы нас сейчас, если бы они были здесь.
And they wanted us to know that they were here, you know?
И они хотели, чтобы мы знали, что они существовали, понимаете?
Original? They were here before the house.
Да она здесь была ещё раньше дома.
If only you had sent in to me when they were here, you could have seen for yourself.
Если бы Вы только пришли ко мне, когда они были здесь, Вы бы смогли с ней встретиться.
- Well, they were here.
Они были здесь.
They were here not too long ago, at least a dozen boys.
Они не могли далеко уйти, с ними 12 детей.
I think they were here when Sally bought the house.
Я думаю, они тут уже были, когда Салли купила дом.
They were here before your arrival.
Они бьlли и до вашего назначения.
I told you, they were here, they left, that's all I know.
Я говорил тебе, они были здесь потом ушли, это все что я знаю.
I called your office, they said you were here.
Я звонила тебе в офис, мне сказали, ты здесь.
children were living here while their parents worked. but after that night in april 1986, they never returned.
Но после той ночи в апреле 1986 г они больше никогда сюда не вернутся.
If they were going to make a move on me here.
Если бы они решили напасть на меня здесь.
How in the hell did they know we were here?
Как, черт возьми, они узнали, что мы здесь?
They couldn't walk out because they accepted the idea they were supposed to be in here.
Они не могли уйти, потому что они приняли идею, почему им следует быть здесь.
Yeah, I assumed that, but what were they doing here?
Да, я так и думал, но что они здесь делали?
I didn't know them as well freshman year, but obviously they - they were a little intimidating in the beginning, because they were so pretty and - they sort of took over as soon as they got here,
Я не был с ними знаком в младшей школе, они, скорее всего... Поначалу я их побаивался, потому что они были красотками и быстро завоевали популярность в школе.
The feds, they're here. We were set up.
Федералы... они здесь.
We have to find out who they were And what they were doing down here. And why thorne was trying to hide them.
Нужно выяснить, кто были люди и что они тут делали.
These are the real people, And they were all here before you.
И эти реальные люди они все были до вас
They are here because they were chosen through election.
Они здесь, потому что их выбрали на выборах.
If only that were true. Luke, they're here to talk about master chang.
Пап, ни одна из моих двух лучших подружек обо мне и не вспомнила за все выходные.
? If they were good kids, we wouldn't be sitting here having this conversation.
Если бы они были хорошими детьми, мы бы не сидели здесь и не вели бы такие разговоры.
They were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago.
Они должны были быть здесь 20 минут назад.
They were on their way to thailand when the boat Started taking water, so they stopped here to fix it.
Они шли в Тайланд, когда в корабле повилась течь, и они остановились на ремонт.
Well, you might, if you knew that the only reason you're here Is because they thought you were me.
Ну, ты захочешь, если узнаешь, что единственная причина, по которой ты здесь, это то, что они подумали, что ты это я.
First we need to get rid of these droids so they won't know we were here.
Сначала нужно избавиться от дроидов, чтобы они не поняли, что мы тут были.
A long time away, and not so far from here, the Cybermen were fought and they were beaten.
Когда-то и не так далеко отсюда с Киберлюдьми сражались, и их победили.
They both were in love there, why are these two marrying here?
Эти двое были влюблены там. Почему они женятся здесь?
People around here, they were always afraid of her.
Потому что люди вокруг боялись ее.
I just love how everyone defines a great plight around here. They define it by using negatives. Like you were on a great flight.
Мне интересно узнать как бы каждый из вас определил наше весьма затруднительное здесь положение, сравнив его с большим, долгим полётом.
I sure wish you were here when they were working at it, because the contractor screwed me.
Жаль, Ты Не Видела Процесс. Поставщики Меня Замучили
They functioned like a religious sect, numbers were sacred to them, gods that conformed the world. No, it's not here.
Они действовали, как религиозная секта, числа были для них священны, боги, которые соответствовали их миру.
See, at one point or another during the day they were walking around here, reading the map under these security cameras.
Знаете, он много раз, прохаживаясь по комнате, рассматривал мою карту точно под камерами.
They were all here.
Они все были тут.
In Thorverton, down the road here they were stationed in Morocco.
Тут рядом другая деревня. Они воевали в Марокко.
Well, we were up here working, and this big Labrador came along, and they ran off together.
О боже, мы тут работали, и вдруг прибежал большой лабрадор и собаки куда-то убежали вместе
They were left by the people who lived here before you.
Это оставили прежние жильцы.
I know. That's why I came here first thing this morning when they were loading it just to make sure I knew
Именно поэтому я пришла сюда в 4 : 30 утра, когда они всё устанавливали.
And if he were here right now he would say that they were realer than a nun's tits.
Если бы он тут был, сам бы тебе рассказал.
Most were... some good men and woman saved what they could... brought them here and hid them from our northern foes.
Большинство да, но добрые люди сохранили, что могли, принесли сюда и спрятали их от наших врагов с севера.
But at the builder's merchant here all they had were tiles like these.
Но все здесь торгуют таким же.
Until they brought me here the other day, I swear to you I did not know they were doing this to you guys.
Пока они не притащили сюда меня самого, я клянусь тебе, что не знал, что они здесь делают с твоими парнями.
See, I didn't know how to speak to your parents because I didn't come here with any sort of preconceptions as to who they were.
Слушай, я не знаю как правильно разговаривать в таком случаи, у меня нет никаких предубеждений, кем они были раньше.
We're better off here than where they were 2 years ago.
Нам уже легче начинать, чем то было 2 года назад.
For she who sheds her blood with me shall be my sister, were she ne'er so vile. And gentle girls in England now abed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their girlhood cheap whilst any speaks who fought with us...
Та, кто сегодня кровь со мной прольет, сестрой мне станет, как бы ни была низка, и проклянут свою судьбу девчонки, что в этот день не с нами, а в кровати, язык прикусят, лишь заговорит соратник наш в бою...
We think they were looking for a safe in here.
Думаю они искали сейф.
Said they were coming down here to work at Bingham's.
Сказали, что они прибыли сюда, чтобы работать в цирке Бингхема.
I mean, they said there were a bunch of rooms down here left over from prohibition.
Мне говорили что до закрытия Здесь было много комнат.
Orazio told me they were meeting in town and then coming here.
Орацио мне сказал, что они встречаются в городе, а потом придут сюда
they weren't there 24
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were not 22
they were gone 49
they weren't 91
they were 560
they were together 21
they were good 30
they were best friends 18
they were beautiful 18
they were right 58
they were not 22
they were gone 49