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Translate.vc / Inglês → Turco / [ H ] / He was just leaving

He was just leaving tradutor Turco

99 parallel translation
No, he was just leaving.
Hayır, ayrılmak üzereydi.
He was just leaving. Weren't you, honey?
Değil mi tatlım?
- He was just leaving his hotel.
- Otelinden ayrılmak üzereydi.
Uh-huh. ... and he was just leaving.
O da zaten gidiyordu.
- He was just leaving, Mrs Bird. - Yes.
- Gitmesi gerekiyor, daha sonra.
He was just leaving.
O da gitmek üzereydi.
Take Mr. Armstrong's glass. He was just leaving.
Bay Armstrong'un bardağını al, kendisi gitmek üzere.
He was just leaving.
Zaten gitmek üzereydi.
- He's a salesman and he was just leaving.
- Satıcı. Zaten gidiyordu, değil mi?
That's your butler? - No, he's just a friend, he was just leaving
Hayır, sadece arkadaşım, o da zaten gidiyordu.
He was just leaving. Right, Blizz?
Zaten gidiyordu, değil mi Blizz?
- No, he was just leaving.
Uyumak istemiyor musun?
The pastor came to see us, and he was just leaving
Papaz bizi görmeye geldi ve şimdi gidiyor.
He was just leaving anyway.
Gitmiştir bile.
- This is Mike, my law clerk, and he was just leaving.
Bu Mike, benim hukuk danışmanım ve tam da gidiyordu.
He was just leaving.
O da tam gidiyordu.
He was just leaving, Mama.
O da gitmek üzereydi anne.
Anyway. he was just leaving.
Zaten gidiyordu.
Anyway, he was just leaving so he said he'd bring me.
Neyse ki gidiyordu, beni getireceğini söyledi.
- He was just leaving.
- Tam da gidiyordu.
He was just leaving.
O da şimdi gidiyordu.
It's okay, he was just leaving.
Sorun değil, zaten gidiyordu.
- He was just leaving.
Zaten gidiyordu.
He was just leaving.
Zaten gidiyordu.
He was just leaving.
O da zaten gidiyordu.
He was just leaving.
O da gidiyordu zaten.
And he was just leaving.
Şimdi çıkıyor.
- He was just leaving, right?
- O da şimdi gidiyordu değil mi?
Ah, he was just leaving.
Tam da çıkmak üzereydi.
But, uh, he was just leaving.
- Oh, güzel.
He was just leaving.
Gitmek üzereydi.
We'd been going together about a month or so... and then one afternoon, he came in and said he was leaving town... just like that.
Bir ay falan çıkmıştık ve sonra bir öğlen geldi ve kasabadan ayrıldığını söyledi aynen böyle oldu.
Just that he was leaving.
Sadece gidiyordu.
Yes, just now as he was leaving.
Oğlumu gördünüz mü?
I need to go back he's basically gotten sucked back into the life that he left uh little something for the road don't worry I didn't make it when you saw that he was leaving you see how it just it impacts her so much
O bebeği doğurduğumu nasıl hayal bile edemiyorsam, doğurmadığımı da hayal bile edemiyorum. Ryan'ın morali gerçekten çok bozuktu, çünkü doğacak bebeğe bakmak için Chino'ya dönmesi gerekiyordu. Geri dönmem gerek.
And just as he was leaving, he placed his hand... on my stomach...
Ve tam çıkarken, elini yavaşça, karnıma koydu ;
Let's just say, that my father will do the world a lot more good by leaving it than he ever did while he was here.
Teşekkür ederim. Hoşça kal.
He saw the Universe as a great puzzle, just as he saw the Book of Daniel as a great puzzle, and it was God leaving messages for human beings to puzzle out, and he puzzled out the way the solar system worked
Evreni, aynen Book of Daniel'da ( Eski Ahit'te bir bölüm ) söylendiği gibi büyük bir puzzle olarak gördü. Tanrı'nın insanların çözmesi için bıraktığı mesajlardı.
He was just saying that we'll be leaving in a couple of seconds, so put your seatbelt on, make sure they're tight.
Birkaç saniye içinde kalkacağız, o yüzden kemerlerinizi takın ve sıkı tutunun.
It was his decision, it's just now he's leaving.
Bu, onun kararıydı. Ve şimdi gidiyor...
I was just in here, and I was leaving, and he put his...
Ben demin şuradaydım ve gitmeye çalışıyordum ve o bana bu menajerim.
Did he just say he was leaving, as in quitting?
Gidiyorumu istifa ediyorum anlamında mı dedi?
It just got buried deeper... leaving him tormented about who he was until finally he put a bullet- -
Bu sadece acının daha derinlere inmesine ona içten içe kim olduğu hakkında işkence yapmasına neden oldu. En sonunda kafasına silahı...
He was actually, um, just leaving.
Mike da gidiyordu zaten.
He came to visit and as he was leaving, he picked up a guitar and he started just playing by the front door, like E major, and we just jammed on that one chord for about 20 minutes.
Ziyarete gelmişti ve giderken gitarımı aldı ve kapının önünde sanırım mi majör akorunu çalmaya başladı. O akor üzerinde yaklaşık 20 dakika falan takıldık.
Just as I was leaving with the fruit, he goes :
Tam meyveleri aldım, geliyorum...
The bit where he's leaving her Was just you goading him into an admission- - A real admission.
Eşinden ayrıldığını söylediği bölüm onu itiraf etmeye zorladığınız bölüm gerçek bir itirafa.
He was just leaving.
Gidiyordu zaten.
And just like that, he was blissfully f to his next heartbreak, leaving us to deal with the mess he left behind.
Düşününce bu bile sevimli olması için yeterli. Sanırım Sue haklıydı.
No. No, I was just leaving a message on Robert's phone which is ridiculous because he hasn't got his phone with him.
Sadece Robert'in telefonuna mesaj bırakıyordum bu da fazlasıyla saçma çünkü yanında telefon yok.
Bill divorced the other two just before their prenups expired, leaving them without a dime, and get this, he was about to do the same to Tonya.
Bill daha önceki iki eşinden evlilik anlaşması sona ermeden hemen önce ayrılmış ve kuruş nafaka ödememiş. Dinleyin, aynı şeyi Tonya'ya da yapmak üzereymiş.

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