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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ B ] / Bayan richards

Bayan richards tradutor Inglês

107 parallel translation
Bayan Richards?
Mrs. Richards?
- İyi akşamlar Bayan Richards.
- Good evening, Mrs. Richards.
- Merhaba Bayan Richards.
- Hello, Mrs. Richards.
- Bayan Richards?
- Mrs. Richards?
- Bayan Richards.
- Mrs. Richards.
- Bayan Richards!
- Mrs. Richards!
Bayan Richards!
Mrs. Richards!
Bayan Richards.
Mrs. Richards.
Bayan Richards, ne yapıyorsunuz?
Mrs. Richards, what are you doing?
Hayat bir armağandır, Bayan Richards.
Life is a gift, Mrs. Richards.
Bayan Richards...
Mrs. Richards...
Şunu bir dinleyin, Bayan Richards.
Please listen to this, Mrs. Richards.
Bekleyin öyleyse, Bayan Richards.
Well, wait then, Mrs. Richards.
Bekleyin, Bayan Richards.
Now, wait, Mrs. Richards.
Rica ediyorum, Bayan Richards.
Please, Mrs. Richards.
Uslu ol. Lütfen şunu dinleyin, Bayan Richards.
Please listen, Mrs. Richards.
Bunun kesin yardımı dokunacaktır, Bayan Richards.
Now, this will really help, Mrs. Richards. Please listen carefully.
Acele karar vererek bir şey yapmayın sakın, Bayan Richards.
Don't do anything rash, Mrs. Richards.
Her kötülükte bir hayır vardır derler, Bayan Richards.
Every cloud has a silver lining, Mrs. Richards.
Bayan Richards, bu Bay Thurston.
Mrs Richards, Mr Thurston.
Bay Thurston, Bayan Richards.
Mr Thurston, Mrs Richards.
Bay Thurston sizden önce geldi Bayan Richards.
Mr Thurston was here before you, Mrs Richards.
Manuel, Bayan Richards'ın rezervasyonuyla... ilgili olarak yardımcı olabilmen mümkün müdür acaba?
Manuel, could you lend Mrs Richards your assistance in connection with her reservation?
Yok birşey Bayan Richards.
It's all right, Mrs Richards.
Başınızın üstünde Bayan Richards.
They're on your head, Mrs Richards.
- Bayan Richards...
- Mrs Richards...
Bayan Richards!
Mrs Richards!
Bayan Richards.
Yes, dear? It's Mrs Richards.
Bayan Richards, sizi görmek ne hoş!
Mrs Richards, how very nice to see you!
Bayan Richards, durumu kocama açıkladım...
Mrs Richards, I've explained to my husband...
Bayan Richards'ın parası kayıp da.
Mrs Richards has lost some.
Bayan Richards, odaları arar aramaz...
Mrs Richards, we will, the moment we've searched... Right.
Pekala Bayan Richards.
All right, Mrs Richards.
Harika! Bayan Richards!
Oh, that's marvellous!
Eksik 10 £'u hemen arıyorum Bayan Richards.
I'll look for the missing £ 10 immediately, Mrs Richards.
Bayan Richards'a anlat.
Tell Mrs Richards.
Merhaba Bayan Richards.
Hello, Mrs Richards.
Polly, Bayan Richards'a şunu verir misin?
Polly, give Mrs Richards this, would you?
Bu da sizin güzel vazonuz Bayan Richards.
And this is your beautiful vase, Mrs Richards.
- Hiç annenizle bağlantı kurdunuz mu, Bayan Richards?
- Were you ever in contact with your mother, Mrs. Richards?
- Bayan Richards.
Hello? Miss Richards.
Ertesi yıl, Karen, Bayan Lloyd Richards oldu.
The following year Karen became Mrs. Lloyd Richards.
Bayan Lloyd Richards.
Mrs. Lloyd Richards.
Eminim ki Komutan Richards'ın... bir tercümana ihtiyacı yoktur, Bayan Davis.
I'm sure Commander Richards doesn't need an interpreter, Miss Davis.
Bekleyin, Bayan Richards.
Wait, Mrs. Richards.
Bayan..? Bayan Richards.
Bayan Alice Richards.
Mrs Richards. Mrs Alice Richards.
Bayan Richards?
Mrs Richards?
Bayan Richards adında bir misafiriniz var mı?
You got a Mrs Richards staying here?
Özür dilerim Bayan Richards.
Oh, I am sorry, Mrs Richards.
İlk Doktor Richards,... sonra Bayan Porter.
First Doctor Richards then Mrs. Porter.

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