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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ C ] / Calisacagim

Calisacagim tradutor Inglês

53 parallel translation
Özür dilerim.Size baska bir masa bulmaya calisacagim.
Excuse me. I'll see if I can locate another table for you.
Sakin ol. rahatlamaya calisacagim
Take it easy, I'm trying to relax over here.
Benzin istasyonunda mi calisacagim yoksa cöpçü mü olacagim?
On gas station or garbage man?
bu yil ozel durumu olan cocuklar icin calisacagim.
This year working with children with special needs.
Kesinlikle yapmaya calisacagim.
I will definitely work on it.
O sirada ben de kimseyi oldurmemeye calisacagim.
And I will try not to kill anyone in the meantime.
Ve bende yüksek makamlardan izin almaya calisacagim.
And I will try to get the permission from higher authorities
"Ya haftada 40 saat Kentucky Fried Chicken'da calisacagim ya da Albay Sanders'a 10 dakika sakso cekecegim"
There's just a lot of lazy bitches who go, " Gee, I can work 40 hours a week at Kentucky Fried Chicken...
Endisenizi anliyorum, gercekten, ve mumkun oldugunca kisa surede sorunuzu cevaplamaya calisacagim, ama ondan once, size birsey sormaliyim, ve cevaplamadan once iyi dusunmenizi istiyorum.
I understand your anxiety, truly I do, and I will try to answer your question as soon as I possibly can, but before I can do that, I need to ask you something, and I need you to think carefully before you answer.
Bak, minimum icin calisacagim...
Look, I'll work for the minimum...
Pekala minimumdan da az icin calisacagim, Ben sadece gercekten...
All right, I'll work for less than the minimum, I just really...
Ihtimalleri azaltmaya calisacagim.
I'll see if I can narrow it down.
Insan gibi calisacagim.
I'll work like a man.
Birseyleri duzeltmeye calisacagim.
Try to straighten things out.
Yaninda calistigim aileyi evlerinde kalmam icin ikna etmeye calisacagim.
I'm just gonna get the family I work for to let me stay.
Iyi haberlerle ve çabuk dönmeye çalisacagim.
I'll be back soon with the best news I can.
Bir antlasma yapilmasi konusunda Yunanlilari ikna etmeye çalisacagim.
I'll try to convince the Greeks our power makes a treaty advisable.
Ona savasin bittigini kavratmaya çalisacagim.
I'll try to tell him the war is over.
sirket için çalisacagim.
I'm gonna go work for the company.
Her neyse. Savunmamiza yardimci olabilecek her seyin... isim, tarih ve yerlerin elimden geldigince dogru olmasina çalisacagim.
Anyhow, I'll be as accurate as I can with names, dates and places... anything that might help in our defence.
Ben de ilk kez bir asistanla çalisacagim.
It's my first time having an assistant.
- Ona ulasmaya çalisacagim.
- I will try to reach him. - MOIRA :
Seni tekrar tek parça haline getirmeye çalisacagim.
I'll try to put you back together again.
Sesi yükseltmeye çalisacagim.
I'll try to enhance it.
Kulağimi tikayip... - 12 ay çalişacağim sonra eve döneceğim.
I just wanna keep my head down... do my 12 months and I'm going home.
Ameliyatla tekrar birlestirmeye çalisacagim.
I'm gonna try and reconnect it in surgery.
Erica Hahn'in kardiyosunda daha çok çalisacagim ve en iyisi olacagim.
I'm gonna get on hard-core erica hahn cardio, and I'm gonna kick ass at it.
simdi derin bir nefes alip 30 saniyeden kisa sürede bütün bilim tarihinin en karisik ama bütün evreni destekleyen kavramini açiklamaya çalisacagim.
So I'm going to take a deep breath and in under 30 seconds try and explain to you one of the most complicated concepts in the whole of science but one that underpins the entire universe.
Yarin çalisacagim.
I have to work tomorrow.
Ben basörtüsü takmamaya çalisacagim.
I'm trying not to wear the veil.
Ama diger zamanlarda takmamaya çalisacagim.
But most of the time, I will try not to.
Hemen gelmeye çalisacagim.
Look, I'm gonna be there as soon as I can, okay?
Onlari oyalamaya çalisacagim. Haydi, çabuk!
I'll try to delay them.
Büyüdügüm zaman, o fabrikada çalisacagim.
When I grow up, I'll work in that factory.
süphelerini gidermeye çalisacagim.
I'll take care of it, I promise.
- süphelerini gidermeye çalisacagim.
- Calm down. I'll see what I can do.
Onlara kendim ulasmaya çalisacagim
I'm a try to reach out to them myself.
Peki Bud ve Toya ilede konusacagim. sizi bir araya getirmeye çalisacagim oturup konusmak için
So I'm gonna talk to with Bud and Toya, man, and see, man, we could try to get together, man, just sit down and talk, man.
Sizlerle birlikte çalisacagim için kendimi sansli bir kul olarak görüyorum.
I feel truly blessed, uh, to be working with all of you.
Eger onun yüzüne bakamiyorsam onun için nasil çalisacagim ki?
And if I can't look at him, how am I supposed to work for him?
Yerlesir yerlesmez aramaya çalisacagim.
I'll try to call as soon as we get settled.
Bu gece uyudugumda nasil büyüdügünü ve adimizi nasil devam ettirdigini hayal etmeye çalisacagim.
Tonight, I'll fall asleep as I try to imagine that you'll grow up and take over our name.
Tamam otel görevlisinin ne bildigini ögrenmeye çalisacagim.
All right. I'm gonna talk to the hotel clerk, see what he knows.
Sik bogaz etme beni, halletmeye çalisacagim.
I have to think about certain things.
Onu nasil asabilecegimizi bulmaya çalisacagim.
I'm going to try to figure out how to override it.
Bunu yapmaya çalişacagim.
No I will try to do that.
Bakim evinde çalisacagim bugün.
I will be helping out at the childcare today
Elimizden geldigince yardimci olmaya çalisacagim.
Anything we can do to help.
- Tamam kanka, çalisacagim.
- All right, bro, I'll work on it.
simdi kahramanlar onu bulmaya giderken, ben de iç savasin esigindeki bir sehri yatistirmaya çalisacagim.
Now the heroes are off to find her and I'm stuck here trying to placate a city on the brink of civil war.
- Olabildigince devirmeye çalisacagim.
All right? Okay, just to try and knock down as many as- -

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