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Translate.vc / Turco → Inglês / [ D ] / Dusunurum

Dusunurum tradutor Inglês

7 parallel translation
Ben bir seyler dusunurum.
I'll think of something.
suan bile asla olmamasi gerektigini dusunurum... kendimi kontrol etmeliydim.
It was now or never and I would have preferred never. It was out of control and I had to something.
Onu hep Shirley gibi dusunurum.
I think of her as Shirley to my Laverne.
- Bak, ben kendimden baskalarini da dusunurum.
- Look, I'm not self-obsessed.
Birkac gun, kafami toplar birseyler dusunurum, ve burdan giderim.
Couple of days, I'll get my head together, come up with a plan, and I'll be out of here.
Birak o konuyu ben dusunurum tamam mi?
You let me worry about that ok?
Beynimle dusunmem kalbimle dusunurum.
I don't think with my mind, but with my heart.

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