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Goturecegim tradutor Inglês

16 parallel translation
Onu okula goturecegim yarim saate donerim.
I'm gonna take him to school. I'll be back in half an hour.
Onun ailesine goturecegim
I will return it to his hometown.
Hey, seni, gecen hafta gittigim komedi kulubune goturecegim.
Hey, I'll take you to this comedy club I went last week.
Annemiz annemiz iyilestiginde seni onu gormeye goturecegim.
Mom's... When Mom's a little better, I'll take you to see her.
Seni bizzat goturecegim! simdi yuru!
I'll take you there myself!
Bir kez iyilestiginde seni tekrar plaja goturecegim.
Once you get better, I'll take you to the beach again.
Sizi oraya goturecegim. Her seferinde alti kisi.
Listen, I'm going to start taking people back, six at a time.
Sizi direk onu goturecegim.
I'll take you straight through.
Ama önce Stlnkvllle a ugramamız lazım, Sonra seni evine goturecegim.
We justneed to stop In Stlnkvllle, then I'll help you on your way.
Stinkville yolundan seni eve goturecegim yaziyor.
It says I'm to take you home by way ofStlnkvllle.
Bak seni Bolzovski'ye goturecegim.
Look, I take you to where Bozlovski is.
Seni oraya goturecegim dedim, Seni oraya goturecegim, yani...
I said I was gonna get you there, I'm gonna get you there, so...
Hadi- - bizi geri goturecegim ve biraz Addonc kici tekmeliyecegiz.
Come on- - I'm gonna have us flown back and we'll go kick some Addonc's ass.
Seni simdi Clockwork'a goturecegim, tamam mi?
I'm gonna take you down to clockwork right now, okay?
Aileme nasil ekmek goturecegim ben?
How am I supposed to feed my family, huh?
Will'i kaykay pistine goturecegim.
♪ wait by the light of the moon ♪ I'm gonna take Will to the skate park.

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